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Moridyn aimed at one of the smaller creatures as yet unengaged by his comrades. 


Half Action- Aim at JC(F)

Half Action- Standard Attack 

Target - 47 + 10 (range) + 10 (Aim) = 67

Roll - 48

Result - Hit, right arm. Damage - 5 + 12 = 17 at Pen 10

Round 1 Summary Cont.


[x] Moridyn: Plasma Gun shot at JC(F)
Dodge failed, 9 Wounds suffered.


[x] Juvenile Chilopoda D
Charge Vafri, WS30 +10(Charge) = 40, Roll: 19, Hit!
Dodge Attempt?


[x] Juvenile Chilopoda I
Run (up to 36m) North into the closest tunnel. Removed from map.


[ ] Alda: ???



Alda Bulbosaur 


She knew she was in trouble as soon as the insectoids erupted from the ground. Knowledge confirmed seconds later as one of them spoke over the team comms, but she had not time to  react as she was slammed into the ground from behind. She saw just enough to know it was one of the einherjar. Trying to get up and seek cover, so as to let him fight without concerns for her safety, she did not get even to her knees when she was once more propelled along, this time into the midst of the team Lucifer.


“Thank you. ” she whispered.


Now on her feet she scrambled for cover.


Full action move. Up to 8 m generally northwards to find cover.

[x] Alda: Full Move 8m north into cover


[x] Juvenile Chilopoda C
Run (up to 36m) NNW into the closest tunnel. Removed from map.



Several of the smaller arthropods have fled the cavern... but they are known to be careful and cunning predators. Who knows if you have seen the last of them?



[ ] Zidemi: ???



Edited by Lysimachus



Keen to test his theory, Zidemi drew his Flamer and stepped forward over the juvenile carcass he had just disposed of.


“Rebreathers on!” he shouted, as he braced his weapon. In a broad sweep, he enveloped the remaining creatures in burning promethium.

Free Action: Zidemi will Quick Draw his Flamer.

Half-Move: Zidemi will move 3m E.

Standard Attack: Zidemi will shoot his Flamer, centred on Chilopoda F (at 30 degree cone, it should also catch E and AC)


<sorry, I cannot work out how to put spoiler tags in now>

Ranged Attack > no test for Zidemi (targets instead take Ag tests)

Assuming Hits and Failed Dodges:

Damage on E > d10 +9 = 2 +9 = 11, Pen 4 (Type E, Body)

Damage on F > d10 +9 = 5 +9 = 14, Pen 4 (Type E, Body)

Damage on AC > d10 +9 = 3 +9 = 12, Pen 4 (Type E, Body)

Characters who take damage need to also test for catching fire at -20 Ag (Cleanse and Purify).

Astartes Flamers inflict d10+4 Damage (ignoring armour) for catching on fire.

Edited by Mike Zulu

Round 1 Summary Cont.


[x] Zidemi: Flamer at JC(F), JC(E) and AC
Lol, all Ag Tests failed!
Hit on E:
11 - TB8 - AV3(7 - Pen4) = 0 Wounds suffered.
Hit on F:
14 - TB8 - AV3(7 - Pen4) = 3 Wounds suffered.
Ag Test to avoid catching fire: failed! JC(F) is now On Fire
Hit on AC:
12 - TB18 - AV6(10 - Pen4) = 0 Wounds suffered.


[x] JC(F): WP Test to act normally while on fire, failed! Runs around in circles.
I'll do the Fire Damage roll now instead of at the top of Round 2 so I don't forget. d10 = 7 +4 = 11
11 - TB8 = 3 Wounds (now on 15 suffered in total).


[x] JC(A): Engaged with Asterius. Multiple Arms Trait allows Multiple Attacks Full Action, 2 Attacks
WS30, rolls: 74, 08. 1 Hit
Dodge/Parry Attempt?


[x] AC: Full Move 8m NW


[x] JC(E): Charge Asterius
WS30 +10(Charge) +10(Outnumbered) = 50, roll: 31, Hit on (31=13 Right Arm)
Reaction used.
Dam 1d10+8 R Pen 3 Toxic
16 - TB10 - AV5(8 - Pen3) = 1 Wound suffered.
Toxic Test now required at -5 (but you also get +10 from Biomonitor and can reroll a fail due to Oolitic Kidney)


[ ] Vafri: ???


[ ] Gerhardt: ???



OOC: Sorry, that was a bit of a long one. I'll try to add a bit of fluff later, but for now at least the crunch is sorted! Just a note that everyone is still in Solo Mode and no Squad Mode abilities have been activated in this Round?


Edit: Also, @Urauloth Vafri needs to roll his Dodge vs JC(D) which Charged and Hit him, but I haven't rolled Damage yet?



Edited by Lysimachus



OOC: In case it helps everyone know where things are, this is the updated map up to Vafri and Gerhardt's Actions.





Asterius' foe attacked him, but his quickness saved him.


Alas as he dodged out of the way another of the brood bit him on the right wrist, through the weak mesh of his gauntlet.




AGL 60 +0 (Dodge) = 60. Result: 34, Pass 2DoS

TGH 50 -5 (1 Wound) +10 (Bio Monitor) = 55. Result: 99, Fail 4DoF.

Oolitic Kidney re-roll: 49, Pass




Asterius gave thanks to his gene-wrought body as he shrugged off the effects of the alien toxin.







One of the smaller creatures rushed across the cavern towards him. It was fast on its multitude of legs, and it closed the gap before he could draw down on it and fire. For all its speed, its lunge at him was clumsy, and he sidestepped the attack, drawing his sword as he did so.


"Let us be rid of these overgrown worms, brothers," he shouted to the pack. "Cut them down!"


The roar of the chainblade motor echoed from the cavern vaults as the weapon came to life, and he aimed a backhand blow at the beast.



Dodge: 33, success

Free action to equip sword iirc?

Enter Squad Mode
Use Furious Charge
FC attack: WS 46 +10 (MC)
D100: 46 = hit
Damage roll: (tearing) 2, 10
Righteous Fury check:  18 = hit, extra damage roll: 1

Edited by Urauloth

Round 1 Summary Cont.


[x] Vafri:

Use Leader ability to automatically enter Squad Mode. Call for Furious Charge at a cost of 3-1=2CP. 4CP remaining.

Any (Astartes) PCs may now also automatically enter Squad Mode and may then join the Furious Charge Squad Mode, making a Charge Action (Move and a single Standard Melee Attack with +10 to Hit).


Note that if you are already in Engagement Range, you can just use the Attack. If you want to use the Move too, you can, but leaving combat would obviously trigger Opportunity Attacks.


Those who join Squad Mode can act in whatever order, so feel free to post your Actions whenever you are free to do so!


Furious Charge Actions:


(x) Vafri: Standard Attack vs JC(D)
Dam 26 Pen3
26 - TB8 - AV4(7 - Pen3) = 14 Wounds suffered


(x) Skaayn: Joins Squad Mode. Standard Attack vs JC(H)
WS58, roll: 51, Hit
Dam1d10+6 +SB10 Pen6
2+6+10 = 18
18 - TB8 - AV1(7 - Pen6) = 9 Wounds suffered (now on 37 in total). JC(H) dies.


( ) ???
( ) ???
( ) ???





Edited by Lysimachus



The Wolf's call and sudden action of the Kill Team flummoxed the alien for a second, as it reacted to the new stimulus as a pack or brood animal does, instinctively assessing threat values and possibility of withdrawal.


It did neither, so the Mantis Warrior moved.


His palm closed on the hilt of the Khukurai, his true weapon, the Warrior's Proof, and as it slid into the meagre light with silken menace, the smile of the half-axe, half sword gleamed in a lethal smirk.


With a wordless, bloodchilling cry, he cut.


Actions on:

Free Action: Join Squad Mode

Free Action: Pull murder-stick

SQDM: Standard Attack on Chipolata G (?). 

WS 38 + 0 

D100: 004, PASS 3 DoS.

Hit 1 (Body) Dam: 7 + 8 (SB) + 4 = 19

Weapon at Pen 3, but Razor Sharp activates = Pen 6




A nest of xenos had been discovered, but not of those who had cut down the previous incarnation of Kill-Team Lucifer. They disgusted him nevertheless, with their chitinous, worm-like bodies and wriggling legs. The squad spilled into the cavernous chamber and immediately opened fire upon the invertebrate scum, hideous malformed things which could not have been shaped by any sane or rational process or god. Watch-Captain Skaayn's order to engage was scarcely necessary -- any encounter with the alien by the Deathwatch was as good as a death sentence 


At Brother Vafrí’s command, blades were produced and the Kill-Team went to work on the juveniles, reaping a bloody toll. Flames and sooty, black smoke belched from the promethium-fed torch mounted to the top of his power pack as the Black Templar ran and lept from a nearby ledge, landing with a sickening crunch atop the nearest wounded broodling, as he plunged Drachenhauer deep into its wriggling body.


+You have larger quarry to fell, Brother Azadth!+


His blade rose and fell again with brutal finality as he continued to hack away at the bleeding invertebrate, seeking to put an end to the revolting creature.




Cohesion Test to join Squad Mode (per OOC)

D10: 2; Gerhardt joins Squad Mode

SQDM: Furious Charge + Standard Attack vs JC (G)
WS46 + 10 (charge) + 20 (Double-Team) = 84
D100: 74; 1 DoS

Power Sword damage: 1d10+6E, Pen6
1 2 (D10 w/ reroll) + 6 + 10 (SB) = 18 damage, Pen6

Regular Actions:
Standard Attack vs JC (G)
WS46 + 20 (Double-Team) = 64
D100: 14; 5 DoS

Power Sword damage: 1d10+6E, Pen6
6 (D10) + 6 + 10 (SB) = 22 damage, Pen6


Edited by Necronaut
Changed action to remain in combat vs. JC (G) in the hope of freeing up Azadth's actions for next turn



OOC: I was going to change target due to Necronaut's ninja post, but given the order I imagine Zidemi would strike first and then Gerhardt would follow up (likely killing it)...


Heeding the leader's call, Zidemi turned his attention to Asterius, who had found himself flanked by two of the hatchlings.

As his Servo-Arm cogitators were still reseting, he instead drew his blade and made his strike.


Free Action: Zidemi will enter Squad Mode.
Free Action: Zidemi will Quick Draw his Combat Knife.

Charge-Move: Zidemi will move S directly towards Chilopoda E.

Standard Attack (Melee): Zidemi will attack Chilopoda E with his Combat Knife.


<sorry, I cannot work out how to put spoiler tags in now>

Melee Attack → 54 (WS) +0 = 54 required

Roll d100: 50 +0 = Hit, Head

Damage → d10 +8 (SB) = 10 +9(RF) +8 = 27, Pen 2 (Type R)

Edited by Mike Zulu
too slow

Furious Charge Summary Cont.


(x) Azadth:
JC(G) Dodge Fail!
19 - TB8 - AV1(7 - Pen6) = 10 Wounds suffered.


(x) Gerhardt
Dam vs JC(G)
18 - TB8 - AV1(7 - Pen6) = 9 Wounds (now on 19 suffered in total).


(x) Zidemi:
Dam vs JC(E)
27 - TB8 - AV5(7 - Pen2) = 14 Wounds suffered.


(x) Asterius:

Dam vs JC(E)

32 - TB8 - AV4(7 - Pen3) = 20 Wounds (now on 34 suffered in total).

JC(E) dies.

(-) Omoc: Not joining Furious Charge

( ) Moridyn: ???


Furious Charge Ends


Return to Vafri's regular Actions: ???


[x] Gerhardt:
Dam vs JC(G)
22 - TB8 - AV1(7 - Pen6) = 13 Wounds (now on 32 suffered in total)

JC(G) dies.



Round 1 Ends.



Edited by Lysimachus



"Let us be rid of these overgrown worms, brothers," Watch Sergeant Vafri shouted. "Cut them down!"



Asterius attacked the worm that had bitten him.





Attack Vs Juvenile E

WS 55 +10 (Furious Charge) = 65. Result: 15, Pass 5DoS. 15 = 51 (Body). 1d10+3 Pen 3

Damage: (10, 5) 10 +6 (RF) +3 +13 = 32 Damage






OOC: Ok, its Friday update time, so for simplicity and to get us moving on to Round 2, I'm assuming Moridyn follows Omoc's example and auto switches to Squad Mode, but doesn't join the Furious Assault. And I also assume Vafri’s regular Actions will be to whack JC(D) again, so:


Half: Aim
Half: Standard Attack with Chainsword at JC(D)
WS46 +10(MC) +10(Aim) = 66, Roll: 29, Hit
Dam 1d10+5 +SB10 Pen3
6+5+10 = 21
21 - TB8 - AV4(7 - Pen3) = 9 Wounds (now on 23 suffered in total).


Round 1 Ends.




Round 2:





Cohesion: 4

‘Saga of the Wolf-King’ Oath: reduces all CP costs by 1 to a minimum of 1.
Available Squad Modes: Bolter Assault, Fire for Effect, Furious Charge

NB. Remember that if you wish to use any Squad Modes, you need to have enough CP to pay the cost of that Mode, plus have at least 1CP remaining ‘in the bank’ or you will all immediately drop to Solo Mode.



Initiative Order/ Status:

[ ] Azadth | (SQUAD) | Ag7 +9 = 16 | WOUNDS 19/22 | FATE 2/3
[ ] Asterius | (SQUAD) | Ag6 +8 = 14 | WOUNDS 22/23 | FATE 4/4
[ ] Skaayn | (SQUAD) | Ag5+1 +7 = 13 | WOUNDS 21/21 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Omoc | (SQUAD) | Ag5 +8 = 13 | WOUNDS 20/20 | FATE 4/4
[ ] Moridyn | (SQUAD) | Ag3 +8 = 11 | WOUNDS 20/20 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Juvenile Chilopoda D | Ag4 +6 = 10 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 23/??
[ ] Juvenile Chilopoda I | Ag4 +6 = 10 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 00/??
[ ] Alda | Ag4 +2(Paranoia) +3 = 9 | WOUNDS 20/20 | FATE 2/2
[ ] Juvenile Chilopoda C | Ag4 +5 = 9 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 00/??
[ ] Zidemi | (SQUAD) | Ag4 +4  = 8 | WOUNDS 22/22 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Juvenile Chilopoda F | Ag4 +4 = 8 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 15/?? | ON FIRE
[ ] Juvenile Chilopoda A | Ag4 +4 = 8 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 22/??
[ ] Adult Chilopoda | Ag3 +5 = 8 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 16/??
[ ] Vafri (Leader) | (SQUAD) | Ag4(48) +1 = 5 | WOUNDS 19/19 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Gerhardt | (SQUAD) | Ag4(46) +1 = 5  | WOUNDS 24/24 | FATE 2/3



Round 2 Summary.


[ ] Azadth: ???


[ ] Asterius: ???





Sheathing his blade, Azadth bumped the butt of the Khukurai against his blank Mk VI plastron in warrior applause.


Now, for a healthy balance of calculation and violence.


+Fire and movement, bolts and grenades!+


Then he was moving.


Actions On:


Free Action: Instigate Bolter Assault (2 CP, 2 Remain)

Charge Move: Map ref 20 across 2 down (Back against the wall on the ridge, directly map north of Mother Chipolata).

Free Action: Draw Stalker

Target: Adult Creepy-crawlie

Standard Attack: Bolter (Stalker Variant) (Hellfire loaded)

BS: 46 + 10 (Range) + 30 (Size) = 96

D100: 50 PASS, Plus 4 DoS

Hit 1 (Head): 1D10 (2D10 Tearing) +9 = 18 (RF on 9/10) + 9 (RF on 9/10) + 9 (RF on 9/10) + 7 (Bah!)

Total Damage: 43 Pen 4 (Hellfire ignores Nat Arm)

Hellfire Ammo 23/24


Normal Actions:


Free Action: Leave Squad Mode, Return to Solo

Half Action: Half Aim

Target: Adult Chupa-thingy

Half Action: Called Shot (Head) (Hellfire loaded)

BS 46 + 10 (BM) +10 (Aim) + 10 (Accurate) + 30 (Size) - 20 (Called) = 86

D100: 017 PASS, Plus 7 DoS

Hit 1 (Head): 1 D10 (2D10 Tearing) + 9 + 2 (BM) + 2D10 (Accurate) = 30 (no RF, booo!)

Total Damage: 30, Pen 4 (Hellfire ignores Nat Arm)

Hellfire Ammo: 22/24


Solo Mode: Swift As The Wind

AG: 65

D100: 034 PASS

Half-Move to the right, up to 7m, keeping close to the wall, stopping short of any bug holes.


Dodge if you need it:

Ag: 65

D100: 057, PASS, no DoS.


Edited by Mazer Rackham
Round Count and Target ID

Round 2 Summary Cont.


[x] Azadth: Initiate Bolter Assault.


Bolter Assault Actions:


(x) Azadth: Charge Move and Bolter Shot at AC
AC Dodge Attempt: 15, Pass! (I think it's literally the first Dodge they've made!)


(x) Skaayn: Bolter Shot at AC
BS52 +10(MC) +10(Laser Tracer) +10(Short Range) +30(Massive) = 112, Roll: 84, Hit!
Dam 1d10 Tearing +9 +2(MC) Pen10(4 + PerB 6)
(4,9) +9 +2 = 20
20 -TB18 - AV0(10 - Pen10) = 2 Wounds (now on 18 suffered in total).


(x) Omoc: Bolt Pistol at JC(F), Miss

(-) Moridyn: Not taking part

(x) Gerhardt: Bolt Pistol at JC(F)

On fire, cannot Dodge

14 - TB8 - AV0(7 - Pen8) = 6 Wounds (now on 21 suffered in total).


(x) Asterius: Bolt Pistol at JC(A)

Dodge attempt: Success!

(x) Zidemi:

Bolt Pistol at JC(A)

Dodge Used

17 - TB8 -AV3(7 - Pen4) = 6 Wounds (now on 28 suffered in total).


(x) Vafri: Bolt Pistol at JC(D), Miss!


OOC: I'll edit Bolter Assault Actions into this post. Obviously those last 3 who are already in Engagement Range will only be able to fire their Bolt Pistols in Melee as part of the Bolter Assault (but that could be sufficient to finish their opponents so worth a go!) Feel free to post your Bolter Assault Actions in whatever order you wish!



Return to Azadth's regular Actions:
Aim + Bolter Shot at AC.
Dodge Used.
Dam 30 Ignores Natural AV
30 - TB18 = 12 Wounds (now on 30 suffered in total).


[x] Asterius: ???




Edited by Lysimachus



Moridyn will not act during the Bolter Assault (not equipped with bolt weapons and not sure that a grenade would be appropriate in this particular situation).



So none would step up to claim the head of the larger creature. It was a surprise that neither Gerhardt nor the Wolf had engaged, why the hesitancy?


He snapped off a shot from his bolt pistol against one of the smaller creatures but had little interest in such a merge foe. Its larger kin had proven resilient and more worthy of the devastators attention as he leveled his lascannon once more


Bonus action - bolt pistol shot at F

Roll to hit: 87 - miss


Omocs action when initiative rolls around, assuming the large creature is still standing

Aim, fire lascannon (adult)


Roll to hit: 61 - hit

Damage: = 34, Pen 10 (including adjustments for proven 3)



With contemptuous ease he fired his bolt pistol at his foe.  Zedimi could finish it off, if his shot didn't do the job.


He had a bigger dance partner in mind as he charged.




(Bolter Assault)

Bolt Pistol Vs Juvenile A

BS 50 = 50. Result: 43, Pass.

Damage: (6, 1) 6 +9 = 15 Damage, Pen 4


Normal Action

(Full Action) Charge Vs Adult Greebly.

WS 55 = 55. Result: 17, Pass 3DoS

Damage: (6, 8, 7) 8 +3 +13 = 24 Damage, Pen 3










As an act of disdain, Asterius snapped off a bolt pistol round at the xeno before leaping off toward its gargantuan parent. 


Zidemi could not help but smirk, unsurprised by his battle-brother's actions by this point. He drew his own pistol and aimed at the creature's softer underbelly...


Free Action: Zidemi will un-Quick Draw his Flamer and Quick Draw his Bolt Pistol.

Standard Attack (Ranged): Zidemi will attack Chilopoda A with his Bolt Pistol.



Ranged Attack in Melee → 45 (BS) +0 = 45 required
Roll d100: 34 = Hit, 1DoS (Torso)
Damage → d10 +9 = (8,5) +9 = 17, Pen 4 (Type X)


Edited by Mike Zulu
Thanks Machine God



As the Mantis Warrior opened fire upon the adult xenos and sped away, Gerhardt raised Eisenfaust in turn and loosed an armour penetrating round at the next closest broodling as he bore down upon the loathsome creature, his res helm lenses burning with zealous hatred.


SQDM: Bolter Assault (Standard Attack) vs JC (F)

BS47 + 10 (Short Range) = 57

D100: 13; 4 DoS


Bolter Damage (Kraken): 1d10+9X, Pen8, Tearing

5 (D10, Tearing) + 9 = 14 damage, Pen 8


Charge vs JC (F)

[x]Asterius: Charge AC
Dodge Used
24 - TB18 - AV7(10 - Pen3) = 0 Wounds.


[x] Skaayn:
Half: Aim at AC
Half: Standard Shot at AC
BS52 +10(MC) +10(Laser Tracer) +20(Accurate Aim) +10(Short Range) +30(Massive) -20(Engaged in Melee) = 112, Roll: 35, Hit with 7DoS
Dam 1d10 Tearing +9 +2(MC) +2d10(Accurate) Pen10(4 + PerB 6)
(2,8) +9 +2 +5 +7 = 31
31 - TB18 - AV0(10 - Pen10) = 13 Wounds (now at 43 suffered in total).


[x] Omoc: Aim + Lascannon Shot at AC
Hit, Dodge Used
34 - TB18 - AV0(10 - Pen10) = 16 Wounds (now at 59 suffered in total).



The fierce arthropod does not even seem to notice the blow of Asterius’ chain blade bouncing from its natural armour.


Those standing beside Skaayn might notice him roll his eyes at the Black Shield's impetuous charge, but besides this he is utterly calm and controlled. He draws and fires his boltgun in one smooth, effortless motion, aiming just high enough to avoid the Assault trooper. The Red Scorpion imitates his shot, firing his lascannon above his squadmate's head.


As the powerful weapons begin to strike home, puncturing through the thick chitin, the creature hisses with pain and sudden, wild fury, and raises its claws to attack.



Adult Chilopoda becomes Frenzied.


[ ] Moridyn: ???


Edited by Lysimachus

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