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Moridyn drew his shotgun with his left hand after flicking the plasmagun's power selector to maximum. Targeting reticles flickered over the various Xenos. He decided. The shot against the smaller, on fire wyrm would be tough, as Gerhardt was charging at it, but it was still possible. 





Free Action - Quick Draw shotgun

Full Action - Two Weapon Attack (FAB from shotgun at JC (F), SAB from plasmagun at AC)

1st Attack (Shotgun)

Target - 47 - 10 (2W) - 20 (target in melee) + 10 (range) + 20 (FAB) = 47

Roll - 37

Result = Hit right leg, 1 DoS (extra hit, right leg). Damage 1st Hit - 7 + 9 + 16 at Pen 4, Damage 2nd Hit - 4 + 9 = 13 at Pen 4


2nd Attack (Plasmagun)

Target - 47 + 10 (range) + 10 (size) + 10 (SAB) = 77

Roll - 56

Result = Hit body. 2 DoS (extra hit, body). Damage 1st Hit - 4 + 8 + 12 = 24 at Pen 12, Damage 2nd Hit - 6 + 9 + 12 = 27 at Pen 12.


Edited by Lord_Ikka
Posted (edited)

Round 2 Summary Cont.


[x] Moridyn: TWW:B allows attacks with both guns.
Attack 1 with Shotgun at JC(F)
2 Hits
1. 16 - TB8 - AV3(7 - Pen4) = 5 Wounds (now on 26 suffered in total).
2. 13 - TB8 - AV3(7 - Pen4) = 2 Wounds (now on 28 suffered in total).
Attack 2 with Plasma Gun at AC
1. 24 - TB21 - AV0(10 - Pen12) = 3 Wounds (now on 62 suffered in total).
2. 27 - TB21 - AV0(10 - Pen12) = 6 Wounds (now on 68 suffered in total).


[x] JC(D): Multiple Attacks at Vafri
2 Attacks WS30, rolls: 56, 78
Both Miss!

The Chilopoda that fled into the tunnel on the cavern floor suddenly reappears from another tunnel on the upper level. It races out, its predatory alien senses causing it to aim for the softest, most fleshy target.


[x] JC(I):
Charge at Alda
WS30 +10(Charge) = 40, roll: 15, Hit on (15=51) Body

Alda's Dodge Failed
Dam 1d10+8 R Pen3 Toxic
2+8 = 10
10 - TB2 - AV1(4 - Pen3) = 7 Wounds suffered.
Toxic Test:
T25 - 5×7=35 = -10, Autofail
Toxic damage d10 = 3 Wounds, 10 Wounds suffered in total.


[x] Alda: Bolt Pistol at JC(I)
Very near miss, no Damage caused.




Edited by Lysimachus



She had just reached cover when one of the juvenile critters all but drooped on her from above. She had heard it before she saw it, but that was not enough to avid it colliding with her at full force.


Gulping to recover her breath Alda’s brought her bolt pistol to bear. One breath, two, steady. She squeezed the trigger.   




Dodge. AG:41 D100: 87


Half Action Aim, Half Action Standard Attack Bolt Pistol

BS:31 + 10(Aim)=41

D100: 42 – Miss... Unless I am missing some other bonus to hit when using a pistol in melee.  

Edit: as per OCC GM direction: Damage 1d10: 6 + 5 = 11 at Pen 3 (4-1)

Edited by Trokair



Ichor sprayed from the teeth of the sword as it bit through carapace and into flesh. The wound was dire, but his opponent still came at him. These beasts were tough. It might take more than bladework to put this thing down.


"Bolts and grenades" said the Mantis Warrior. A good idea, but the scuttling creature was too close for him to bring Gylthir's muzzle to bear on it. Dropping the boltgun onto its shoulder strap, he yanked the pistol from his belt holster and fired point blank. He wasn't sure if the monster reacted to the threat or if it just got lucky with its wild flailing, but a chitinous limb clipped the weapon and threw the shot off, and the shell burst harmlessly in the rock.


It would be bladework after all, then.


Bolter Assault:
Bolt pistol attack: 82, miss

OOC: Previous post edited with Actions up to Alda.


[x]JC(C): Charges Azadth (as it didn't know he'd already made his Dodge roll!)

Dodge Success!


[ ] Zidemi: ???






Realising the implications of the re-emerging creatures, Zidemi sought to dispatch the Chilopoda before him before more appeared.


His concentration wavering, his bolt pistol strayed wide of the squirming creature and the round missed. He then followed up with a shoulder charge, but had misjudged the Chilopoda's dexterity...


Standard Attack (Ranged): Zidemi will attack Chilopoda A with his Bolt Pistol.

Knock-Down: Zidemi will attempt to Knock-Down Chilopoda A.



Ranged Attack in Melee → 45 (BS) +0 = 45 required
Roll d100: 83 = Miss

Knock-Down (Opposed S) → 53 (S) +0 = 53 required
Roll d100: 86 = Fail, 3DoF

Edited by Mike Zulu
Posted (edited)

Round 2 Summary Cont.


[x] Zidemi: Standard Attack, Miss
Knockdown: Opposed Str, Zidemi: 3DoF
JC(A): Str 40, roll: 87, 4DoF
Somehow Zidemi wins and knocks JC(A) Prone!


[x] JC(F): Wp Test to act normally, Pass!
Multiple Attacks at Gerhardt
2 Attacks WS30, rolls: 92, 25
1 Hit on (25=52) Body
Dodge Attempt?


JC(F) Fire Damage (doing this at the end of its turn again so I don't forget): 1d10+4 = 9 Wounds (now on 37 suffered in total). JC(F) dies.


[x]JC(A): Stand Up
Standard Attack at Zidemi, Miss!


[x] Adult Chilopoda: Multiple Attacks at Asterius
2 Attacks WS50, rolls: 41, 20
Both Hit, 1 on (41=14) Arm and 1 on (20=02) Head
Dodge Attempt? (Your choice on which one to Dodge!)

Hit on Head Dodged, Hit on Arm lands:
Dam 1d10+14 R Pen5 Toxic
5+14 = 19
19 - TB10 - AV3(8 - Pen5) = 6 Wounds
Toxic Test:
T50 - 60(-10*×6) +10(Biomonitor) = 0, Autofail.
1d10+3* Toxic Damage = 2+3 = 5 Wounds (now on 12 suffered in total, at 11/23).


* OOC: Players should note that the venom of the Adult Chilopoda is both more potent and produced in much greater amounts than its offspring, represented by the higher negative T modifier and increased Damage.


[ ] Vafri: ???


[ ] Gerhardt: ???



Edited by Lysimachus



The creature continued to flail its claw-limbs at him, but while it succeeded in making it impossible for him to aim at it, it couldn't land a blow on him in return. Haemolymph from its wounds spattered his armour. Was it weakening? Sensing a chance to go for the kill, Váfri dropped his guard and swung his blade in a savage forehand strike.



Full action: All-out Attack
WS 46 +10 (MC) +20 (AOA)
D100: 57 = hit
Damage roll: (tearing) 10, 9

Righteous Fury: 9

Edited by Urauloth



... Yet, the Chilopoda still fell prone in a knotted pile of chitin.


With fluid speed, it uncoiled and rotated itself before standing upright on its many limbs. It then sliced the air between itself and the Astartes with its forcipules, in an almost desparate rather than calculated move.


Zidemi wanted to be rid of it. Seeing the opening, his Servo-Arm swung unto the creature at high-power...

Reaction: Zidemi will make a Standard Attack with his Servo-Arm against Chilopoda A.




Melee Attack → 54 (WS) +0 = 54 required
Roll d100: 28 = Hit, Right Leg(s)
Damage → 2d10 + 14 = 9 +10 +10(RF) +2(RF) + 14 = 45 Dam, Pen 10, Type I

Edited by Mike Zulu



Twice he was attacked by his Xenos Foe. He took a grievous bite to his right arm, but managed to dodge the second attack by twisting head to his left and missing the gnashing jaws.




AGL 60 = 60. Result: 10, Pass 5DoS





Posted (edited)

Round 2 Summary Cont.


[x] Vafri: All Out Attack at JC(D)
Dodge Attempt, Failed!
10+5 +SB10 +9(RF) = 34
34 - TB8 - AV4(7 - Pen3) = 22 Wounds (now on 45 suffered in total). JC(D) dies.


(x) Zidemi's Reaction: Attack JC(A) with Servo-Arm
Hit, Dodge used
45 - TB8 - AV0(7 - Pen10) = 37 Wounds (now on 65(!) suffered in total). JC(A) is splattered over the cavern floor.


[ ] Gerhardt: ???

We need 1 Dodge roll from JC(F)'s attack, but then it dies from Fire Damage so you're free to act as you wish afterwards! :biggrin:






Edited by Lysimachus



The Black Templar continued to bear down upon the burning chilopoda broodling, but it quickly became apparent the loathsome creature would soon breathe its last. Gerhardt contemptuously started assessing the other surrounding threats, when the thing he had just disregarded lashed out and struck him in its death throes. He grunted, barely registering the blow, and then threw himself at a newly emerged juvenile xenos with a burst of jet exhaust from his jump-pack and a gutteral roar.


No personal glory would he seek this day as part of his penance. He felt he owed the Mantis Warrior a debt of gratitude from when he was incarcerated and languishing away in that black Inquisition cell beneath the Bulwark, and one that he was eager to repay in blood and zeal.



Parry Test

WS52 + 10 (balanced) = 62

D100: 93; miss with 3 DoF

Toughness Test vs Toxic
T50 + 10 (bio-monitor) - ??? = 60 - ???
D100: 01 (likely no additional toxic damage can be taken even if JC(F) rolls maximum damage; minimum 4 DoS per my rough calculations)

Charge Attack vs JC(C) (continuing to assist Azadth, eschewing personal glory)
WS52 + 10 (charge) + 20 (double-team) = 82
D100: 78; hit with 0 DoS

Power Sword/Drachenhauer damage: 1d10+6E, Pen 6, Balanced 
7 (d10) + 6E + 10 (SB) = 23E damage, Pen 6

Edited by Necronaut

Round 2 Summary Cont.


[x] Gerhardt:
Dodge from earlier failed.
Dam 1d10+8 Pen3
7+8 = 15
15 - TB10 - AV6(9 - Pen3) = 0 Wounds suffered.


Charge JC(C)
Hit, Dodge Failed
23 - TB8 - AV1(7 - Pen6) = 14 Wounds suffered.


Round 2 Ends.


Stand by for Round 3


Round 3:





Cohesion: 2
‘Saga of the Wolf-King’ Oath: reduces all CP costs by 1 to a minimum of 1.
Available Squad Modes: Bolter Assault, Fire for Effect, Furious Charge


NB. Remember that if you wish to use any Squad Modes, you need to have enough CP to pay the cost of that Mode, plus have at least 1CP remaining ‘in the bank’ or you will all immediately drop to Solo Mode.


Initiative Order/ Status:

[ ] Azadth | (SQUAD) | Ag7 +9 = 16 | WOUNDS 19/22 | FATE 2/3
[ ] Asterius | (SQUAD) | Ag6 +8 = 14 | WOUNDS 11/23 | FATE 4/4
[ ] Skaayn | (SQUAD) | Ag5+1 +7 = 13 | WOUNDS 21/21 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Omoc | (SQUAD) | Ag5 +8 = 13 | WOUNDS 20/20 | FATE 4/4
[ ] Moridyn | (SQUAD) | Ag3 +8 = 11 | WOUNDS 20/20 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Juvenile Chilopoda I | Ag4 +6 = 10 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 00/??
[ ] Alda | Ag4 +2(Paranoia) +3 = 9 | WOUNDS 10/20 | FATE 2/2
[ ] Juvenile Chilopoda C | Ag4 +5 = 9 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 14/??
[ ] Zidemi | (SQUAD) | Ag4 +4  = 8 | WOUNDS 22/22 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Adult Chilopoda | Ag3 +5 = 8 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 68/??
[ ] Vafri (Leader) | (SQUAD) | Ag4(48) +1 = 5 | WOUNDS 19/19 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Gerhardt | (SQUAD) | Ag4(46) +1 = 5 | WOUNDS 24/24 | FATE 2/3


Round 3:


[ ] Azadth: ???


[ ] Asterius: ???




He was pleased to see the Knight, of course, for what finer thing was fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with a man he respected?


Yet he was also keenly aware this was not the first time the swordsman had lent his arm. As the thunder and fury closed down, and the lightning blade partially skewered the beast, Azadth offered his compliments.


+Ayo Templar!+ he exhorted.


There was no castigation from the Knight for his predicament, but he was still embarrassed. The wild blood fired, then, and his free hand wedded to the curved cleaver's hilt, drawing cutting the air with a keening slice until it found hardened chitin and bloody, tough meat.


Actions on:

Free Action: Solo Mode Feat Of Strength (SB x 3)

Free Action: Draw death-axe-knife

Half Action: Half Aim

Half Action: Called Shot (Xenos Face)

WS: 48 + 10 (Gang-up)  + 10 (Aim) - 20 (CS) = 48

D100: 11, PASS, 4 DoS

Hit (Head): 1D10 + 11 (SB 3 x 3 +2) + 4 (Dam) = 25 (RF) + 8 = 33

Razor Sharp Activates (Pen 6)




Despite the ways of his berserker forebears he attributed no shame to his training and his action.




(Full Action) Disengage




Assisted by his jet-pack he twisted and jumped back on wings of flame to the battle line. He landed next to Aarval Skaayn.



++By the Codex!++





Posted (edited)

Round 3 Summary:


[x] Azadth: Aim + Attack JC(C)
Dodge Attempt, Failed
33 - TB8 - AV1(7 - Pen6) = 24 Wounds (now on 38 suffered in total). JC(C) dies.


[x] Asterius: Disengage Move to beside Skaayn.



As the Assault Marine drops lightly back to the cavern floor, the Watch-Captain nods approvingly.


“You're learning,” he grunts. “Now, let's finish this.”


He raises his boltgun again, pointed towards the mother beast… and pauses, attention caught by the sound of a struggle behind him. He turns his head slightly, his peripheral vision picking out Ulfurbur barely fending off another hatchling. Perhaps he is remembering his warning to the injured Adept about having to watch out for herself. Then he grimaces and changes target.


[x] Skaayn:
Select Hellfire Ammo
Aim and Standard Shot at JC(I)
BS52 +10(MC) +10(Laser Tracer) +20(Accurate Aim) +30(Point Blank) -20(Engaged in Melee) = 102, roll: 43, 5DoS
Dodge Attempt Failed
Dam 1d10 Tearing +9 +2(MC) +2d10(Accurate) Ignores Natural Armour
(3,9!) +9 +2 +4 +1 +7(RF) = 32
32 - TB8 = 24 Wounds.


[ ] Omoc: ???


[ ] Moridyn: ???



Edited by Lysimachus



The idea of removing fire from the large wyrm to save the adept was bitter to Moridyn. Still, the Watch-Captain had done so... He turned to the close engagement while voxing his teammate. He extended his shotgun, the plasmagun still whining with the maximum-strength discharge, and unleashed a full burst at the beast.


"Omoc, hit the beast again. I will assist the mortal."


Full Action - FAB (shotgun) at JC(I)

Target - 47 + 20 (FAB) + 30 (point-blank range) - 20 (melee) = 77

Roll - 26

Result = Hit, body. Extra Hits (5 DoS = 4 hits for FAB (max 5 hits total for RoF), 2 for Scatter = 7 hits total)

Damage (All at Pen 4)

Hit 1 (body) - 7 + 12 = 19

Hit 2 (body) - 4 + 12 = 16

Hit 3 (arm) - 10 (RF roll = 83, fail) + 12 = 22

Hit 4 (head) - 5 + 12 = 17

Hit 5 (arm) - 7 + 12 = 19

Hit 6 (body) - 5 + 12 = 17

Hit 7 (body) - 1 + 12 = 13



"So be it". The mortal was a liability but one that may yet expose the truth of what happened to the librarian. A more sophisticated foe might ignore her in favour of the true threat the astartes posed but to animals such as these she was simply the easiest target.


Half aim, half fire as usual


Roll to hit: 51 - hit

Damage: 9,6,7,3,4 +10 = 39, Pen 10

Round 3 Summary Cont.


[x] Omoc: Lascannon at AC
39 - TB21 = 18 Wounds (now on 86 suffered in total).


[x] Moridyn: Shotgun at JC(I).
JC(I) dies.


[ ] Alda: ???


[ ] Zidemi: ???





Bracing for another attack by the critter Alda was unprepared for and buffeted by the serial explosion and ammunition impacts. The training of the einherjar however proved true and she was left unharmed despite the proximity.


Getting to her feet she ascended the situation, and studying the surroundings, weary of another ambush.



Awareness test to see if there are any other approaching enemies.

Per 48 +20 (Awareness +20)   = 68

D100: 42, Pass, 2 DoS

Edited by Trokair


Zidem was non-plussed by the blood and innards covering his helm and armour, spilt by the creature he had just eviscerated.


He wiped the grime from his eye lenses to restore his vision, and began to re-position towards the Kill-Team. Seeing the fusillade laid against the monstrous Chilopoda, Zidemi intended to contribute. He holstered his pistol and drew a krak grenade, lining up the throw against the multi-legged terror…



… the grenade was ineffective, only further incensing the wounded Chilopoda. It was bearing down on the rest of the Kill-Team.


”Keeping firing, brothers!” Zidemi cried out. “It is nearly finished!”


Ready: Zidemi will un-Quick Draw his Bolt Pistol and Quick Draw a Krak Grenade.

Half-Move: Zidemi will move 4m NW.

Squad Mode Ability: Zidemi will call Fire for Effect.

Reaction: Zidemi will throw his Krak Grenade at the Adult Chilopoda.



Ranged Attack → 45 (BS) +30 (Massive) = 75 required

Roll d100: 01 = Pass, 7DoS → Hit, Head

Damage = 3 +3 +8 +4 = 18, Pen 6, Type X

Edited by Mike Zulu
Posted (edited)

Round 3 Summary:



[x] Alda: Awareness Test Success.


You can hear from behind you that the sounds of the rearguard engaging more juvenile Chilopoda in the tunnel have suddenly quietened. It appears that those creatures that still live have chosen to flee rather than face the wrath of Lucifer.


[x] Zidemi: Krak at AC
18 - TB21 - AV4(10 - Pen6) = 0 Wounds (still on 86 suffered in total).


The monstrous wrym hisses at the attack, rearing up as the anti-vehicle grenade explodes in its face. Your various attacks have heavily wounded it, bolts and blasts and beams tearing through xenoform armour and flesh, and it staggers for a moment, seeming disoriented.


It lets out a plaintive chittering, that is not answered, then a truly enraged hiss. Can it tell that all its offspring have been destroyed? Does it care? Whether it does or not, it is now certainly angry, determined to crush these tiny interlopers onto its world.




OOC: It will be the AC's turn next, at which point it will Charge Skaayn and those around him (and both of your heavier weapon troopers will then be in engagement range and unable to fire). I'm just throwing it out there, but is there anything else Zidemi wants to do in his turn before that can happen?



Edit: OK, based on my stupidity in not realising Fire for Effect had an Action cost, I'm allowing it this time as a Free Action. Anyone can use this Round's Reaction to fire a Standard Ranged Attack with any weapon. Omoc/Moridyn, put the beast out of its misery!



Edited by Lysimachus



These creatures were beginning to exert an unacceptable toll on the kill teams ammo supplies, even the lascannon had done little but burn cleanly though the beast leaving it fatally wounded but not immediately so.


But the endurance of all things had limits.


Reaction standard shot - fire for effect.

Roll to hit: 58 vs BS 51 +10 size, +10 range = hit

Damage: 87411 +10 proven(3) = 35 damage, Pen 10


So many damage dice, so few righteous fury rolls.

Fire for Effect:

(x) Omoc: Lascannon shot, Hit!
35 - TB21 - AV0(10 - Pen10) = 14 Wounds (now on 90 (+10 Critical!) suffered in total). AC dies.







Xenoform armour and inhuman flesh can only stand for so long against the might of the Imperium's finest warriors. A full-grown Chilopoda may be the apex predator here on Dorghra VII, but there was never any doubt of the outcome. The last searing beam of energy rips through its body like it was nothing. The beast crumples and falls to lie still amongst the smaller bodies of its own young.


In the sudden silence, the Raptor returns his weapons to their sheaths and then looks around the cavern as though nothing has happened. Ever the calm professional, he begins to give orders.


“Lucifer, secure this space! Let's see if we can get these lights working! That hardline vox, too! Apothecary, care for the wounded! Someone, clean up these carcasses! Then maybe we can start to find out what the hell happened the first time the Deathwatch entered these caves…”




OOC: We can do the wind-down and clean-up of the fight, then when we get to the new Friday update we can start looking into investigating the Hub cavern and trying to figure out exactly what happened to the other KT. If there are any particular lines of investigation you want to follow, feel free to mention them in your posts too and we can work from that on Friday?


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