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Deathwatch: Murderers in Black (IC Thread)

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He retired to one-hundred metres as Agha Skaayn had decreed, but it left him looking right at a bend in the tunnel, with little room for riposte if something came. He knelt, gently prising a filet of masonry from the wall, gouging with the tip of the weapon until he'd excavated a small pile of grains. He smoothed it with fingers and a thumb, abrading the sharp edges off, to make it appear natural, before drawing a frag grenade and laying carefully on the ground.


Stripping a thread of wire from the drop harness spool, he connected it to the grenade fuse cap. He jammed the grenade in the cubby hole, and leashed the wire with a small rock-hook he fished from a pouch containing his climbing gear kit. He tensioned it carefully, then squeezed the grenade spoon once, arming it for one second delay. He took the gloop from the adult Chilopoda and carefully smothered the wire, before scattering the rock dust over it. It was damn near invisible to the naked human eye.


The frag grenade was more of a warning device than a real trap, since the lower yield explosive wouldn't collapse the tunnel and barely scratch one of the beasts, but it would certainly rattle its teeth.


Azadth carefully pulled the pin, stowing for later use if required, before carefully falling back five metres.


+All callsigns, Azadth. Explosive ambuscade laid.+ He sent an index ping to the relay network for the Kill Team.


Then he settled back, waiting.



Conceal test for bomb:

AG: 65

D100: 18, PASS Plus 4 DoS

(Will require an Opposed Search/Awareness Test to find it...)


Navigation Tests (if required):

Int: 48 + 20 (Flares) = 68

D100: 16, PASS, Plus...yeah.

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