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Deathwatch: Murderers in Black (IC Thread)

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The breakdown of Lord Kine was a worrying development, deeply. For a moment her hand stayed to the holstered bolt pistol, settling on the grip. No, that would deprive them of information they now desperately needed.


Approaching the Inquisitor she knelt next to him as he played with the sand.


“There there.” An attempt to comfort, or distract at least, as she relived the lord Inquisitor of his weapons, placing them behind her out of his reach.


That done she shuffled back slightly, then pointed at the sergeant of one of the storm trooper squads.


“Lord Kine is unwell, escort him back to his quarters aship and get the medicae to see to him.”


Order issued she looked to Jarl Skaayn, seeing if he approved.

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"While your zeal is admirable, perhaps we should use some logic here."


Moridyn stepped in front of Asterius, looking at the Black Shield.

'The pirate eldar are not known for the psychic games their craftworld kin are, so possession is unlikely. They are torturers and sadists, so breaking someone's spirit is much more likely. Brother Amaras should be able to assist in determining if the Inquisitor is damaged beyond repair. To remove him without extracting any information would be a dangerous move- what were the eldar doing here, what happened at Coralageon, what was released? We need to know these things."

Edited by Lord_Ikka
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'Brother Moridyn speaks true upon the Xenos filth,' Azadth added, quietly. 'They plague the Glimmering Shoals, break and reave as they wont, and cruelty is their opiate. It is unfathomable they should leave a...witness-' he broke off momentarily, searching for the right word - 'or...pawn they could otherwise torture at leisure.'


He breathed in, out. Considered banishing the bitter hollow in his voice, but instead thickened it.


'Sky-Khan grant my prayer, that one day we shall kill them all, and build a monument of defeat from their wretched bones.'


Edited by Mazer Rackham
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Another weak mind, another reason to burn this cell of the ordo xenos to the ground and begin anew.


But the ambush in the cave did not sit well with him, it reeked of deception within deception and the fixed tripod mounts matched no weapon recorded of the xenos.


"Sedate him lest his authority and the codes he carries yet carry weight. The ordo will demand proof of his failure that they might properly condemn those who fell with him."

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“Correlageon…” Zidemi muttered. “Again, that name rears its ugly head.”


He looked across at Asterius, as he tepidly holstered his pistol. Though he appreciated his restraint, Zidemi too fought back the urge to immolate the compromised human.


“I fear we may be paying the price for the Inquisitor’s sins.”

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'My mother always used to say "old sins cast long shadows",' Azadth said, wistfully.


He came back to himself, realised where he was and his company, shrugged off the spectre threatening him. Too late. He could smell the smoke, hear the fire of the Longhouse.


Run, boy! Go to the next village, get help! I love you!


She'd said that too.


He looked down at Alda Ulfurbur, currently patting the superior Inquisitor's shoulder. Azadth closed his eyes, banishing the sight of his sister, Anoushka, tightened into a foetal ball of seared flesh. Once more, Azadth drew away, repelling the memory. Perhaps he ran too long, too much. Except there was no Throne-damned help in the next village, was there? The bastards were busy burning down his thanks to a bloody tribal squabble.


He threw the Mk VI helmet down into the dust in utter disgust. He looked around at the assembled Astartes, suddenly feeling very young, despite the bravura he wore along with his Mantisae Panoply. Fifty summers he'd served the Sky-Khan. Today, everything felt like yesterday.


'To hell with this accursed place,' he said, spat a gobbet of acidic phlegm in disdain. Collecting his helmet, Azadth shook the dust off, that the world might keep its taint to itself, and shoved the Stormtroopers out of the way on his path to the pick-up craft, gear jostling and bouncing gently around him.


Edited by Mazer Rackham
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The Black Templar stared down at the Inquisitor Lord, his mind clearly broken by some revelation that he had been responsible for the slaughter of the previous Kill-Team, in much the same way Gerhardt had been used to cut down the compromised Black Guard librarian. He shuddered again at the memory, of having been so easily controlled and manipulated, even if he had ultimately saved the Bulwark from a warp breach. It was a mystery which they had not yet investigated to his liking.


Never again. He knew what must be done; the weakness would be excised from him, permanently.


At the Red Scorpion's instruction to sedate the Lord Inquisitor, Gerhardt grimly smiled to himself and growled over the vox, +With pleasure, brother.+


Gerhardt moved suddenly and decisively, before the stormtroopers Adept Ulfurbur had summoned could react or cry foul. Taking a few swift steps like an enormous predatory creature, he loomed large over the cowering, broken man, and cracked him across one temple with the pommel of his langes messer, rendering the old man unconscious and leaving the faint imprint of an inverted, leering skull on the side of his head. A great weal and terrible bruise started to rise almost immediately from the point of contact, turning a hideous shade of purple.


+Bind and gag him, Adept Ulfurbur. He will live.+


An eye for an eye, Inquisitor Kine.


Gerhardt turned and stared down the Inquisition troops, all but daring them to move against him, then made for the thunderhawk, trailing behind the Mantis Warrior, who, per usual, seemed to have the right of it. Drachenhauer rested upon his right pauldron, and he believed he could sense the fell blade’s approval, that he was once again on the path of the righteous. His penance had been most salutary thus far. The Emperor smiled upon him this day.


No pity, no remorse.


He nodded to Azadth as he stomped up the ramp and took his place in his crash harness, his work on this wretched world complete for now. He set his thoughts to the new clues they had uncovered, looking forward to the opportunity to lock blades with and slay eldari scum.


No fear.

Edited by Necronaut
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