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Deathwatch: Murderers in Black (IC Thread)

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He regarded the Scorpion, included Asterius in the roaming look. 'If we could find this...Bazaar, it would not be difficult to leave an Imperial transponder for a visit later, with appropriate ordnance.'


Edited by Mazer Rackham
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"We cannot go to this Bazaar as we are. As members of the Deathwatch we will be shunned and avoided, if not outright attacked on sight. If we were to have some of our members remove our heraldry, to sham as if we were renegades, then we may be able to infiltrate as a party of mercenaries."


He looked at Alda.


"You are of the Inquisition. Does your training lead to investigation- for we will need someone not Astartes to be our voice."

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Huskarl Aykawa information was unexpected, and perhaps more helpful than he thought, at least in regards to a few personal questions that had been on her mind. For the mission itself it was clear, they had to visit this Bazaar.


“My training did indeed cover some aspects of investigation, and I can be the liaising voice for the team in such a mission if that is what the Ordo and Lucifer require.”


As the Blackshiled spoke a thought occurred to her.


“As for your armour, you may not need to dishonour it in such a way. If you can bear to be without it for a while. Dressed in surplus and captured gear, I am sure there will be some abord that we can use for this, a few of you may well pass as mortal gene-hanced body guards or mercenaries.”  

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All of this talk of xenos mercenaries and Heresy and other perfidy disgusted the Black Templar to no end, and he comforted himself with the knowledge that the recidivist colony was put to the sword. This Bazaar that Aykawa now described was another hive of scum and villainy in sore need of the cleansing flame of Emperor's Light. He rose, thinking to excuse himself and see to his prayers, when Brother Moridyn suggested they infiltrate this renegade holdfast.


Yes, yes, a journey into the belly of the beast, a penitent trip through the underworld. That is what his psyche, his spirit required to prove he was pure of heart. And what a test it would be. His hearts beat a fraction faster at the thought of testing his purity in the Emperor's Eyes, the mania of devotion filling his own.


"I second Brother Moridyn’s suggestion, Watch-Captain. Let us descend into this nest of vipers to root out the corruption that threatens the sanctity of our mission. Let us track the Heresy to its source, and as Brother Azadth has suggested, return later with appropriate ordinance to scour this moon clean. Are you sure you are no son of Rogal Dorn, Mantis Warrior?" 

Edited by Necronaut
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Omocs eyes narrow, "and what purpose would see us there? Once its location is known what reason to not burn it to ash before the scum might scatter? Your masters fate is sealed for allowing himself to be compromised and the cause of those who turned him is irrelevant. Kill them all and give no quarter."


What better answer to curiosity than to burn every path, what better vengeance for the fallen than slaughter. Eternal vigilance was worthless without action in equal measure.

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He could hardly believe what he was hearing. Pretending to be oathbreakers to creep into a nest of Eldar sellswords? Going into enemy territory without their armour? Perhaps some contagious madness had followed them back from Dorghra - surely these couldn't be serious suggestions? His oaths to the Watch had already seen the proud heraldry of the Vlka Fenryka eclipsed from the bulk of his armour. Surrendering what remained was unthinkable.


At the same time, he was unsurprised to hear of an Inquisitor consorting with alien cutthroats in dark corners of the galaxy. It was just more confirmation of his already dismal impression of their office and the types that peopled it.


Omoc's blunt statement broke up his sour mood somewhat.


"Now that's a good attitude, brother Omoc. Unfortunately, we need to know if any other filth are waiting with knives for our backs. We're blind without some kind of information. Answers first, then ordnance, eh?"


Having finished carving the talisman, he stowed it in a pouch and returned his knife to its sheath. He cast his gaze around to take in the others.


"Anyone who imagines me skulking in the shadows without my plate, though, is madder than the Fire Breather."

Edited by Urauloth
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Gerhardt grinned savagely, a twinkle of mischief in his eye, “Aye, Brother-Sergeant, but think of the challenge, the danger! Bombing the scum from orbit, while morally satisfying, lacks a certain visceral quality, not to mention it would prevent us from seeking proper vengeance for our fallen brethren, from finding and killing the rest of the filth! Surely a Space Wolf is not afraid of such a quest?”


For whatever they might find in the Bazaar were likely only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. There were always more xenos to slay. More, more, more…

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"As much as it might be satisfying to destroy the Bazaar or honorable to not change your colors, our duty is clear. We must gain information to act. To destroy a possible source of information before finding the origin of the attacks on us is foolish. Only two Astartes need to accompany the adept, the rest can be held back as a strike team to assist if needed. Those held back need not change their armor, while those with the investigation should either have no particular armor heraldry or disguise themselves as the adept suggested."


The Star Phantom looked around at his companions. 

"I will volunteer to join Alda- duty to the Imperium comes before honor or petty pride."

Edited by Lord_Ikka
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Skaayn listens as each of you speaks, nods occasionally. Finally he grunts and taps his silver shoulder pad.


“No need for anyone to dishonour their wargear, or go into battle unarmoured. I'd have thought that the Supremacy has a few spare, unmarked plates that some of you could… borrow. Your Chapter and Watch pauldrons will hang in places of honour in the Armoury until you are ready to take them up again, and once you remove those icons, plain black is about as anonymous as it gets?”


He shakes his head.


“My usual methodology is to be subtle, but in this case I'd prefer to burn the place to the ground. Filthy Xenos. But if these Eldar are mercenaries, we need to know who was paying them.”


“However, whichever approach you choose, it will have to be made without me. Someone needs to return to Alucar and make contact with the closest Watch-Fortress, let them know what has happened, and it's probably best if it's someone carrying some rank. I'll take Kine back as well and see if the specialists there can help him.”


“I'll leave you the Needle and the Supremacy, though - Captain Pelgar and the Swift Resolution can give us one more ride before we send them on their way. That should give you options for a quiet or a bold insertion… though you'll struggle to do both. The Needle is a perfect spy-ship, without any markings or identifiers, but it doesn't carry the guns for orbital bombardment or Exterminatus. The Supremacy obviously does, but you'll have the Xenos scattering as soon as you enter their system.”


He grins.


“Much harder to cover up your Watch iconography when it's a hundred feet high.”



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"No need for anyone to dishonour their wargear, or go into battle unarmoured. I'd have thought that the Supremacy has a few spare, unmarked plates that some of you could borrow." Skaayn said. 



"But to wear plates from other suits on our armour would be to further offend the Machine Spirits of our warplate! I can hear the glitches and feedback screech even now, just thinking about it." 






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Zidemi had been quiet during the meeting aboard the Supremacy, his thoughts consumed by the last words of Inquisitor Kine. The answers are at Dorghra Seven. He shall he freed. It seemed not follow from what they found; what the ambush the "answer"? And if so to what? If it was merely petty revenge for some slight that Kine committed, it was a disproportionate effort on the Eldars' part and incomprehensively shortsighted on Kine's...


Putting the Inquisitor's ramblings aside, he paid attention to the discussion at hand. The plan to infiltrate the Bazaar was logically sound and incredibly distasteful... and not untoward for the likes of the Inquisition. Moridyn had first offered to accompany the agent to the Bazaar


"I would offer to assist you, Brother Moridyn, although I am uncertain how convincing I would be as a... renegade. In demeanour and in appearance." Zidemi smiled as he pointed to his distinctive luminescent eyes. "I would defer to your judgement on this, Agent Ulfurbur."




"But to wear plates from other suits on our armour would be to further offend the Machine Spirits of our warplate!" Asterius exclaimed at the suggestion of exchanging armour. "I can hear the glitches and feedback screech even now, just thinking about it."


Zidemi winced at the prospect, his thoughts turning to his many implants and their integration with his power armour. "There are rites I could perform to subdue the angst, Brother Asterius. The Machine Spirit can have long memories for such grievances."

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Scene 18. To the Edge


The small Imperial flotilla breaks up as it approaches Dorghra's Mandeville Point.


The Swift Resolution will carry Aarval Skaayn and Leopold Kine on the two week journey back to Alucar IV. Bekkar Haalec joins them, and will be sent on immediately to the closest Watch-Fortress to carry a report and warning in person.


 However, the Needle and the Supremacy of Man are instead to make for the destination identified by Interrogator Aykawa, heading even further out into the thinning density of stars at the galaxy's edge.


These stars, and the worlds that spin around them, are at the very limit of the Astronomicon's reach. By the time you reach your target approximately ten days later, that mighty beacon of blazing psionic light - already small and faint at Alucar - will have become a tiny pinprick barely visible to the psychic sight of your Navigators.


When your ships enter the warp, the Needle takes the lead and carries Kill-Team Lucifer, Adept Ulfurbur and Interrogator Aykawa directly towards the Bazaar. Commander Ibrym has instructions to take a slightly slower, more circuitous route, and bring the Supremacy as close as possible to the moon without being detected.


As you travel, Aykawa reveals what he knows about the unnamed system that hosts the Bazaar, though he has never seen it firsthand. A red supergiant star, that will likely destroy the entire system in a supernova within the next few million years, sits at the centre. Several planetary masses orbit around it, among them a blue-green gas giant with half a dozen moons.


According to what the Interrogator learned from his former master, the moon on which the Bazaar is located has an atmosphere, a hot, dry climate and is largely covered by rocky deserts. The exceptions to this are the small polar seas, each body of water surrounded by a temperate ring of lush jungle. The Bazaar itself, the moon’s only real urban area, is located near the shore of the southern sea, a sprawling conglomeration of the architecture of scores of different species.


By Inquisitor Le Haime’s account, there are also a handful of private enclaves - each something between pleasure palace and fortress - belonging to particularly powerful outcast lords. However, even these are built relatively close to the mercantile city-state, as only a fool would risk being too far from the hub of power and intrigue.




OOC: So, travelling again! I guess if you have any further thoughts about what has been revealed at Dorghra, you can express them now? Or how do you feel about the Kill-Team being left to make its own choices now that Skaayn has returned to Alucar? Also, how are you going to prepare for the mission at the Bazaar?


@Trokair Maybe we can have some narrative of Alda's plans for how she is intending to disguise herself - plus a Disguise test, of course! Given that you have several days and the resources aboard the ship, this will be Routine +20.


Likewise, any Astartes that are planning to be bodyguards can attempt to modify their wargear as they wish, and can request Zidemi to make some Tech-Use tests to make sure the Machine Spirits are accepting of these changes!


Finally, while the Req amount and Renown level aren't changing, if you think there is something that will be more useful for the next mission rather than what you have taken, feel free to swap items around if you wish?



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"Agent Ulfurbur, if you want a menacing and stoic bodyguard I could do that" Asterius offered. 


"All Hail the Inquisition, their word is just, their words are Law!" Asterius knelt down in front of the Adept. 


"I am hopeful that the application of your Inquisitor Rosette to the censor apparatus, an edict or geas from one of your official standing would still device. 


"That I might be able to remove the Black to the Bronze, save for a robust black Saltaire across the Skull and Horns," pleaded Asterius, his helm down staring at the floor. 





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