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Incensed by the eldar’s deflection of his mechadendrite, Zidemi quickly drew his knife. Though his Servo-Arm was resetting, he could still land a brutal strike now that the xeno had over-extended itself.


Ready: Zidemi will un-Quick Draw his Bolter and Quick Draw his Combat Knife

All-Out Attack: Zidemi will attack Felarch with his Combat Knife


All-out Attack (Combat Knife): 54(WS) + 20(All-Out) = 74 required

Roll d100: 71 = 1 Hit


Hit 1: 1d10+SB = 7 + 8 = 15 Damage, Pen 2R (Right Arm)

Round 2 Summary Cont:


[x] Zidemi: AoA vs Felarch, Hit, 15 Dam at Pen2
15 - TB4 -AV3(5 - Pen2) = 8 Wounds suffered.


[x] Alda: SAB at Corsairs B, Miss!


Through the veils of swirling mist, you might observe the Aeldari witch clutching his staff with wicked purpose. He points it towards the three Astartes surrounding his leader. For a moment, indecision twists his alien features, as though he is debating the risks versus the benefits of choosing such a target. Perhaps, given the duplicitous nature of his race, he even considers the personal benefits were the Felarch to be caught up in his psychic assault…


After a moment the witch snarls, denied, and looks about for a different target. His eyes narrow as they alight upon the Black Templar, standing over the fallen halves of the Aeldari assassin. The staff drops, its tip pointing directly at Gerhardt. Then a gout, a torrent, of eldritch energy spouts forth, boiling and hissing and twisting the air with the energies of the Warp.

[x] Wayseeker:
Half: Sustain Conceal on self + Corsairs B
Half: Avenger at Gerhardt, PR test passed.
No Hit roll, autohits. Reaction used.
Dam as per Heavy Flamer, 1d10+12 Pen PR5 x2 = 10
7+12 = 19 - TB10 - AV0(9 - Pen10) = 9 Wounds suffered.


[x] Corsairs A: All Out Attack vs Asterius:
WS42 +20(AoA) = 62, Roll: 42, Hit on (42=24) Left Arm
Hordes cannot be Dodged
Dam 1d10+5 +1d10(Horde Size) Pen2
6+5+3 = 14 - TB10 - AV6(8 - Pen2) = 0 Wounds suffered.


[ ] Omoc: ???


[ ] Vafri: ???



Edited by Lysimachus



The air crackled with witchfire, a singular source amongst the throng hidden by a cloud of illusion but not well enough. Omoc turned his weapon upon this threat alone.


(11 magnitude)


Full auto vs the Wayseeker.

+20 full auto offset by -20 illusion

Target 61 (BS51+10 range)


Roll: 29 = 4 hits


2/1 = 14, Pen 5

8/7 = 20, Pen 6

2/6 = 18, Pen 5

0/5 = Righteous Fury +4 = 26, Pen 5


+1 hit from size, +1 hit from explosive, +1 from armour bonus, +d5(4) from devastator bonus



Total magnitude damage = 11

Edited by A.T.
Posted (edited)

Round 2 Summary Cont:


[x] Omoc: FAB at Corsairs B, 11 Mag Dam suffered.



[x] Vafri: All Out Attack vs Felarch
WS51 +10(MC) +20(AoA) = 81, Roll: 29, Hit on (20=02) Head
All Reactions Used.
Dam 1d10+5 +SB10 R Pen3 Tearing
10!3 +5+10 +6(RF) = 31
31 - TB4 - AV2(5 - Pen3) = 16 Wounds and 9 Rending Crit Dam to Head suffered: The target's head is torn off and sails through the air to land 2d10(7)m away. The Felarch dies immediately.


OOC: Blimey, after I remembered the servo-arm can only be used once per Round, I didn't think that was going to happen this Turn! I'm not going to add any narrative for it, I'll leave it to the players and maybe if @Urauloth is around he might feel inspired to write something for it?



[x]Corsairs C:
FAB at Moridyn/Zidemi/Vafri
BS42 +20(FAB) +10(Short Range) = 72, Roll: 46, Hit with 2DoS, 3 Hits, Allocate 1 Hit to each PC, Hordes cannot be Dodged.
Dam 1d10+4 +1d10(Horde Size) R; Pen 6
Moridyn: Hit on (46=64) Body
2+4+7 = 13 - TB8 - AV4(10 - Pen6) = 1 Wound suffered.
Zidemi: Hit on Body
7+4+6 = 17 - TB9 - AV5(11 - Pen6) = 3 Wounds suffered.
Vafri: Hit on Arm
1+4+8 = 13 - TB8 - AV3(9 - Pen6) = 2 Wounds suffered.



[x] Corsairs B: Wp Test for losing more than 25% from 1 attack, at -10 for being less than 25% of starting strength.

Wp40 -10 = 30, Roll: 55, Fail. Corsairs B break and flee (and will play no more part in this fight).



[ ] Moridyn: ???




Edited by Lysimachus



Moridyn shudders as the xenos fire riddles his body, shredding the makeshift armour and driving monomolecular discs deep into his transhuman flesh.




Due to Moridyn having only AV5 everywhere, the previous attack actually does 5 Wounds, bringing him to 0 Wounds total. He will spend a Fate Point to regain 6 Wounds (bringing him to 6/20 Wounds and 2/3 Fate Points). I think all of his turn will be used up hobbling to cover, if he is able.


**OOC - Don't really know if he takes Crit damage or not since he only went to 0 Wounds and didn't technically lose any Wounds beyond his total.

He grits his teeth and returns their fire with his own, letting the shotgun dispense the Emperor's wrath.


Action - FAB at Corsairs C

Target - 47 + 20 (FAB) + 30 (Pointblank) + 10 (Horde) = 107

Roll - 50

Result = Hit, 5 DoS. Extra Hits = 7 (5 for FAB, 2 for Scatter)

Total damage = 8 Mag damage (minimum damage from each hit is 11 at Pen 4, which should go through targets' TB+AV to do damage)


Edited by Lord_Ikka
Posted (edited)

Round 3:




Cohesion: 3
‘Saga of the Wolf-King’ Oath: reduces all CP costs by 1 to a minimum of 1.
Available Squad Modes: Bolter Assault, Fire for Effect, Furious Charge

NB. Remember that if you wish to use any Squad Modes, you need to have enough CP to pay the cost of that Mode, plus have at least 1CP remaining ‘in the bank’ or you will all immediately drop to Solo Mode.

Initiative Order / Status:
[ ] Fatedealer (FD) | Ag10 + 9 = 19! | WOUNDS 02/??
[ ] Azadth (K) | (SOLO) | Ag7 +10 = 17 | WOUNDS 22/22 | FATE 2/3
[ ] Starstorm Duellist (D) | Ag10 +5 = 15 | WOUNDS??/??
[ ] Asterius (A) | (SQUAD) | Ag6 +9 = 15 | WOUNDS 21/23 | FATE 3/4
[ ] Gerhardt (G) | (SQUAD) | Ag4 +10 = 14 | WOUNDS 10/24 | FATE 1/3
[ ] Zidemi (Z) | (SQUAD) | Ag4 +10 = 14 | WOUNDS 10/22 | FATE 1/3
[ ] Alda (U) | Ag4 +2(Paranoia) +2(Murphy's Law) +6 = 14 | WOUNDS 20/20 | FATE 2/2
[ ] Wayseeker (W) | Ag10 +3 = 13 | WOUNDS??/?? | FATE?/?
[ ] Corsair Squad (A) | Ag8 +5 = 13 | MAG 15/??
[ ] Omoc (O) | (SQUAD) | Ag5 +7 = 12 | WOUNDS 20/20 | FATE 4/4
[ ] Vafri (V) (Leader) | (SQUAD) | Ag4 +8 = 12 | WOUNDS 07/19 | FATE 2/3
[ ] Corsair Squad (C) | Ag8 +3 = 11 | MAG 20/??
[ ] Moridyn (M) | (SQUAD) | Ag3 +4 = 7 | WOUNDS 04/20 | FATE 3/3


Round 3 Summary:


[x] Fatedealer: Awareness Test to spot Azadth: Failed!

The Aeldari sniper looks furtively around the tree limbs, searching for the hulking giant that just passed him, unable to comprehend how something so large could disappear so thoroughly. It pauses, frozen, for a moment longer, but something - training, experience, or some xenos sixth sense - seems to tell it that it is being watched.


The Ranger bursts into sudden action - changing from utter stillness to moving faster than most creatures could even see - in a fraction of a second. Away from the Corsair palace. It darts and zigzags through the trees, and quickly vanishes out of sight.


Full Action: Run (up to 36m), Ag test passed.

Outmaneuvered and exposed, the Fatedealer has chosen discretion over valour, and will play no further part in this fight.


[ ] Azadth: ???

OOC: Azadth can attempt to shoot the fleeing coward if you wish, though there would be negative mods due to his speed and the thick terrain. Alternatively, you are now free to also target enemies on the Map, just like we did vs the Orks. Given the higher elevation of the riverbank, it can be assumed Azadth can see over the wall into the compound.


Edited by Lysimachus



Eschewing his boltgun for his Stalker marksman rifle, he watched the lithe alien flee with some satisfaction. The Jungle had given him a chance at the Aeldar's life, but he would not take it. No, the patient hunter would not take the risky prey. Let it be by the law of the Green. They would meet again - he could sense the fates aligning - otherwise why would such paths cross? He kept his peace, muttered a short prayer of thanks to the Khan-father and Sky Lord, before the crackle and pop of internal squad comms broke through the heady miasma of the hunt.


The team were having a little trouble.


He swivelled in position, the mere act of changing his kneeling leg from one to the other, and the Stalker lifted to target.


Actions On:


Half Action: Half Aim

Half Action: Called Shot Head, Starstorm Duellist (Stalker Bolts - shots cannot be detected).

BS: 46 + 10 (Elevation), +10 (Bolt Master) +10 (Aim) +10 (Accurate) - 20 (Called Shot) = 66

D100: 24, PASS, plus 4 DoS, (+2D10 Damage, Accurate)

Dam: 1D10 (2D10 Tearing) + (2D10 Accurate) = (1, 4, 0, 7 discard lowest roll of 1) = 21 + (RF Auto Confirm) 6 = 27 +9 (Dam) +2 (BoltM)

Total Damge: 38 Wounds at Pen 4, Location Head.


Swift As The Wind:

AG 65: D100 85! LOL. Must be comfortable in the Jungle...


Instinct burned him to move, but not trusting to chance, knowing the Aeldar penchant for devious traps, even as they fled or stalked, Azadth remained still to preserve his Concealment.




His foes were still to his front but a glance rewarded him with the sight of xenos running from the fray.


Perhaps they could stop the cavalry?



+++Bolter Assault+++ he exhorted for the last push!





(Free Action) Spend a Fate Point to enter Squad Mode without a Cohesion Test, Bolter Assault: 2 CP


Bolter Assault


Bolt Pistol versus Corsairs A

Bolt Pistol with Kraken Rounds: 1D10+9, Pen 8, X, Tearing

BS50 = 50. Result: 28, Pass 2DoS

Damage: (1, 5) 5 +9  = 14 Damage

X Damage: (3, 7) 7 +9 = 16 Damage


Normal Actions


Multiple Attacks versus Corsairs A

Swift Attack, TWWM & TWWB, Ambidextrous

Chainsword: 1D10+3 R, Pen 3, Balanced, Tearing, Flesh Render

#1: WS55 -10 = 45. Result: 18, Pass 2DoS

Damage: (3 7, 3) 7 +3 13(SB) = 23 Damage

#2: WS55 -10 = 45. Result: 90 Fail 4DoF

#3: BS50 -10 = 40. Result: 58 Fail 1DoF






No the dance would go on forever and the nails would ever scratch away in his mind.









Bolter Assault


Psychic flames engulfed the Templar and he howled in inchoate fury and pain as the warp-spawned energies seared his flesh and combusted the tattered remains of the oaths of moment affixed to his armour. The wax of the purity seals holding them in place flash-liquefied and ran in crimson rivulets down his armour plates like blood. He turned toward the source of this fresh affront, the smoke rising from his charred war-plate matching the towering inferno of utter rage that he carried in his breast, and wordlessly raised Eisenfaust as the call to bring down the final hammer-blow was given by Brother Asterius, loosing a bolt at the xenos witch. He bellowed an incoherent warcry and charged at the Wayfinder, his sword crackling with fell might as he closed the distance between them.



Agility Test vs On Fire

D100: 39; 0 DoS - not on fire (whew!)

Bolter Assault:
Free Action: Standard Attack: BS47 + 0 (Standard Attack) + 10 (Short Range) = 57 
D100: 48; 0 DoS
Hit Location: Leg (84)

Bolter Damage: 1d10 + 9X, Pen 4, Tearing
10 (d10; RF) + 9 (RF) + 9X = 28X damage, Pen 4

Free Action: Charge towards Wayseeker; likely unable to get into engagement at this distance given the grid scale



Edited by Necronaut
Posted (edited)

Round 3 Summary:


[x] Azadth: Aim + Standard Shot vs Starstorm Duellist
Hit, Cannot Dodge
Starstorm Duellist dies.


The Eldar pistolier is raising his tank-busting fusion weapon towards the injured Star Phantom, only a scant few metres away. For a moment, it looks grim for the shot- and plasma gunner, but suddenly the xenos is catapulted sideways, hurled from his feet. He does not rise again. A quick examination would reveal a neat hole in one side of its tall helm. On the other side, the head armour has exploded outwards with the force of the bolt shell that has detonated within.


[x] Asterius: Multiple Attacks vs Corsairs A, 2 MAG Dam suffered.


Call for Bolter Assault:
(x) Asterius: Bolt Pistol at Corsairs A, 2 Mag Dam suffered
(x) Gerhardt: Bolter Shot at Wayseeker, Dodge Successful (I think, with your Jump Pack, you should definitely be able to get into Engagement with your x2 Charge Move?)
(x) Vafri: Bolter Shot at Corsairs A, 2 Mag Dam suffered
(-) Moridyn: Move forward, not attacking
(x) Omoc: Move forward. Frag G at Corsairs C, Dodge failed, 6 Mag Dam suffered. Corsairs C destroyed.
(x) Zidemi: Move forward, Bolt Pistol at Wayseeker, miss.

Bolter Assault Ends.



[x] Alda: Attempt to Command Gerhardt, failed!


[ ] Gerhardt: ???


[ ] Zidemi: ???




Edited by Lysimachus



The outer guard was quickly routed but might be the first of many. Moving up quickly hurled another frag grenade into the scattered remnants of one of the xenos groups while his eyes scoured the building beyond for fresh threats.


Bolter assault - Advance forward in open space, throw a frag at squad C on the way


Roll to hit: 49 - hit

6 hits total (blast 4, +1 explosive, +1 armour)

Damage: 8 11 9 3 13 18



The Brutal efficiency of the einherjar was, as always, terrifying. Regardless of Uruks or Eldar, they ended an engagement before she had fully acclimatised to its beginning. Reading about it had been one thing during her time at the Bulwark in preparation, seeing it another. However she had noticed that while some retain cool diciplin throughout others were akin to the Berserkir of the old tales. No doubt adding to their effectiveness as shock troops, but not always the most tactical minded, focused on the melee of the moment and not the question of tomorrow.


“My Lords, capturing one of the Eldar for questioning would be advisable. Any records we might recover from their palace are like to be in Xenos script. It would take a lot of time to attempt a translation, and most likely require tomes locked in the vault of the Ordo Xenos back at the Bulwark, or even further afield.”


Even as she spoke Alda spotted the Templar close in on one of the remaining foes. Excessive religious fervour and zeal where not far from rage and with it the battle trance of a Berserkir.


“Gerhardt!” Alda shouted, there was no time for anything longer.



Full Action, Command

Fel: 37

D100: 96, Fail, 5DoF




The song was sung and the dance had led to errors. Perhaps there was something amiss?



“My Lords, capturing one of the Eldar for questioning would be advisable."



The little voice of the Adept.



Drowned by the song of conditioning, of rote learning, such was the Imperium's way.



++To be be Hunted. That is the Mark of the Xenos. To be Purged. That is the Fate of the Xenos. To be Cleansed. For that is the Fate of All Xenos. Suffer not the alien to live.++








Edited by Machine God


Zidemi chuckled at the clinical decapitation of the eldar leader at the touch of the Space Wolf’s roaring chainsword. 

“Quite decisive, Sergeant,” he said, nodding to Vafri.


Keeping his knife in hand and drawing his bolt pistol with the other, Zidemi proceeded to engage the eldar psyker…

Charge (BA): Zidemi will move directly ton within ~4m of the Wayseeker.

Standard Attack (BA): Zidemi will attack Wayseeker with his Bolt Pistol



Standard Attack (Bolt Pistol): 45(BS) + 10(Short Range) - 20(Target in Melee) = 35 required

Roll d100: 65 = Miss


… but Gerhardt’s aerial intercession forced him to adjust his aim, causing the bolt round to go wide of the target



“Gerhardt!” Alda’s shout drew Zidemi’s attention. He had tuned out her instructions initially; his focus consumed by the melee.


Her idea to capture of the eldar was… logical in principle. But an alien psyker was too dangerous to keep alive, and, by virtue of its kind, untrustworthy in general. He doubted the value of interrogating the xeno should it survive the zealous onslaught.

Unwilling to object or to stand between the Black Templar and the “witch”, Zidemi simply looked back to Vafri.


(On @Urauloth’s behalf)



Váfri scowled, realising the agent was correct. They were still on the hunt, and they needed a new lead.


A good kill, denied.


“Gerhardt!” he called over vox, as the Black Templar converged on the target. “Stay your blade! Capture the xeno!”



A kill marker still lingered in the Scoprions auger as he turned his gaze towards Azadth, one of the xenos had been allowed to slip the net. "Vengeance is not sated brother, or is the task beneath you?"



Azadth weathered the Scorpion's barbed ire, replied with cool smoothness.


+Would you have me desert you, Omoc? Which sin can you suffer? An alien on borrowed time, or the Star Phantom a smouldering corpse?+


He paused a breath to sight up on another Aeldar.



Omoc swung his heavy bolter around to sweep the jungle where the teams shared augers and comms last indicated the sniper. Only one of the xenos had shown fangs while its kin were scythed down in its wake.


Their lines had been breached too easily in their indiscipline and now were exposed if the xenos had any backbone at all. A risk to one no excuse for such failing.



The pleas of Alda to capture the remaining xenos all but fell on deaf ears as Gerhardt barrelled towards the hapless psyker, hell-bent upon ending its miserable existence. But it was Sergeant Váfri’s growling baritone over the vox that caught his attention as he descended upon the witch.


Capture?! Had they all gone mad?! He had the WITCH dead to rights!


The Black Templar snarled as his post-human mind processed the order, weighing it against his holy remit to set about the alien wherever they were to be found, his own desire to purge the presence of psychic taint, and his own honour as a crusading Son of Dorn. 


As the gap closed to mere meters the alien looked up at him, almost as if the psyker had foreseen its own doom by his hand.


Truly, this was madness. It was his kill by right! No quarter for the alien! No quarter for heresy! NO MERCY FOR THE WITCH!


And yet, could his honour take another blow by disobeying a direct order from a commanding officer? Would he shame the name of his chapter by executing the Will of the Emperor in favour of the operational needs of the Ordo Xenos?! Is this what it meant to be a member of the Deathwatch?


At the last possible moment Gerhardt released his weapons, letting them dangle by the steel manacles that bound them to his wrists and howled a cry of unbridled fury and torment at justice denied.




He landed on the aeldari psyker with the force of a bulk lander, and set about throttling the alien with one powered gauntlet, raining blows of demented frustration upon his foe with the other.




Charge Attack vs Wayfinder: WS52 + 10 (Charge) + 10 (Hatred) = 72

D100: 40; 3 DoS


Willpower Test to follow order (for fun!): WP55

D100: 15; 4 DoS


Gerhardt initiates grapple vs Wayfinder

Opposed Strength test to throw down opponent: S69
D100: 38; 3 DoS + 2 (Unnatural Strength) = 5 DoS total

Edited by Necronaut
Posted (edited)




The Aeldari witch fails to avoid the Templar's flying fists and is hurled, senseless, to the ground. All eyes are upon him, and the heaving shoulders of the rage-maddened Templar struggling to hold himself back.


“I would also advise not killing my kinsman, mon-keigh.”


The voice that calls out suddenly from above in flawless Low Gothic does so in a clear, precise, aristocratic tone. It sounds somewhere between sardonic amusement and boredom, but nevertheless has such a commanding nature that it must be heard.


A tall figure appears on the highest central balcony of the palace, far up between the two lion's head water spouts. He is clad in the manner of the Corsairs, armoured with a highly individualised mixture of curving silver plates and mesh, decorated and adorned with furs and all manner of xenos jewellery. A long cape of deepest, richest purple wraps over one shoulder. In one hand he carries a long, slender spear with a casual familiarity that speaks of vast experience and skill. He wears no helm, and his face has all the sculpted elegance of his kind. His black hair is worn in a great mohawk that increases his already impressive height by almost an additional foot. His eyes are ancient and utterly cold, and he looks down at you with a sneering, haughty curl to his lip. Such arrogant assurance can surely only belong to Prince Kal'li-nath Slaughterspear of the Silver Serpents.


The Lord of the Anrathe raises a fist and a host of Corsairs suddenly appear along the edge of the palace rooftop garden, looking down onto the battered Kill-Team's position like a firing line. Among them are warriors carrying heavy weapons with mobile tripods - likely the very same weapons that killed Sgt Traxaes and his squad. Also with them are several small grav platforms, each one mounted with some form of energy generator. Autosenses or Auspex might detect the faint, almost transparent shapes of a series of overlapping power fields emanating from the platforms, protecting the gunline.


From beyond Azadth's position, there is the whine of powerful anti-grav engines. A pair of large shadows race across the canopy, pausing just long enough for you to identify them as Venom transports… and to drop a pair of squads into the jungle. Suddenly the Mantis Warrior is outnumbered more than ten-to-one.


The Prince smiles.


“That said, please understand that I don't particularly care if you do kill him… but I suspect that you will want… even need… him alive? He is one of my Wayseekers. They guide our craft through the Webway, enabling us to travel across the stars with a speed far beyond that attainable by any other race of this galaxy.”


The smile widens, into something wild; utterly alien and not quite sane.


“I think, if you are to have the barest hope of defeating your real enemy, you are going to need that speed.”






Edited by Lysimachus



In the dance he heard Sergeant Vafri's command to Gerhardt, yet he stayed in the song.



Something has changed!



He looked up and saw the Eldar Prince and entourage high up on the battlements.


“I would also advise not killing my kinsman, mon-keigh.”






WILL30 = 30. Result: 05 Pass 2DoS




He holstered his bolt pistol and carefully he stepped away, with his sword he saluted his xenos foes and he de-activated his chainsword which he mag-locked to his side. Using his jump pack he returned to Squad Lucifer.





Edited by Machine God



The Aeldar numbers grew. He wondered how Omoc felt about that.


Still, a whole hunter force in the jungle was a tribute. Large numbers and technology were scant advantage in the Green. He could tie even these agile raiders up for weeks with numerous traps, diversions, animal lures, spoofing and psychological techniques.


There were a hundred ways to fight a guerrilla war, and Azadth knew them all.


Yet the hand of destiny was once more revealed. He allowed his weapons to swing by their slings, before promptly maglocking them down, and standing up. The nearest Aeldar, a female by her physique, flinched as he slowly broke cover, pushing aside bracken and sloughing partially dried mud. They looked at each other for a long time, Azadth's hands empty, open by his side. She'd been three seconds off bumping into him.


No doubt their augurs must have placed his general location - another piece of information for the long wars against these aliens. He revised his escape and evasion estimate to days. Irrelevant. He would kill many of them, make them afraid of the leaves and grass, the bark and bend of the trees. Each whisper a knife in the dark, a bolt in the back.


Instead of slaughter, he affected a small, respectful bow over the female Corsair, before scooping something from the mossy clods at the root of the nearest tree.


+You may escort me to your lord, now,+ he told her, pulling a large palm frond, and stuffing it with the moss. He tucked his discovery into the vegetation package, turned on his heel and began the steady walk towards the Kill Team, and this Prince, as though he had every right to be there. In truth was it not ordained?


Yes, it was so.


He wanted to meet this Silver-shod Pirate, take a measure of him. His name rolled around in Azadth's head - Kali'nath. It was not just a moniker, and never had been, it was the collusion of concept, a fabrication of fortune.


How close it was to the direst of trials, the blackest moment, that of Kalimatakata. Coincidence didn't enter into it.


The Day of The Dark one.


Did he not always know it would come?


Edited by Mazer Rackham



Gerhardt stood over the limp, unconscious form of the witch at his feet and snatched his weapons back up while placing an enormous boot over the aeldar’s throat. Did the alien commander actually intend to parley with them? And what manner of honourless dog would so willingly sell out one of his own kinsmen?! The thought of mincing words with this haughty pirate prince offended him mightily, but speak he did, jabbing his sword toward the enemy leader for effect.


+Our real enemy? Our real enemy?! Does this palaver serve any purpose save to buy you a few more moments of life, or do you intend to talk us to death, alien?!+



Had they walked into a trap, callously baited with the lives of the Princes’s warriors, or had the Eldar they encounter been a valiant vanguard, buying time for the rest of the palace to muster and respond. The answer would say much as to the true nature of the Eldar Prince, more so than the person he displayed.


However, regardless of how the situation had arisen, the Kill Team was in a perilous position. For a moment Alda thought that some of the einherjar would engage regardless, unfazed by the odds or tactical disadvantage they now held.


Perhaps the restraint of the Eldar let the einherjar to see reason. For they could have surly pinned them down and done serious injury with their overlapping fire arcs of the heavy weapons. Weapons they all knew had already spoken for their predecessors.


There had been the instinct to seek cover, hide, and perhaps if their capturers had been humans she could have succeeded in slipping away in the initial moments while all eyes were on the einherjar.  Something told her that it would death to try so here, now.


Instead she stood calmly, belying the inner terror that she was about to make a lethal mistake, and looked up at the Eldar.


“You speak of a another enemy, as if you and yours had not already done great harm. Speak plainly then, without allusion or duplicity if time is truly so short.”       

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