Lysimachus Posted March 21 Author Share Posted March 21 Scene 28. Choices It is a somber, pensive group that climbs back up the stairs. Left behind, laid in state and wrapped in Alda's makeshift funeral shroud, is the headless corpse of what appears to be the real Aarval Skaayn - if so, a true Hero of the Watch and of the Imperium. He has waited in this place too long already, but at least he now does so with some dignity. Beside him is the body of your squadmate, Amaras. He lies in a state of suspended animation, hopefully healing… but in this matter all you can do has been done. Other issues must now take your attention. Many questions have been answered… but surely just as many raised. Perhaps most important of all, if the other ‘Skaayn’ is indeed really the shadowy figure known as Orochi, and he wants something from Alucar IV, how can you possibly get there in time to stop him? You climb on towards Prince Kal’li-nath's audience chamber and the waiting Wayseeker. The Aeldari Lord's stateroom is everything you would expect it to be - extravagant, sumptuous, imposing, and utterly alien. On the highest level of the palace, arched openings on both sides of the chamber look out over the roofs and gardens, and further out across the jungle itself. The gentle breeze that passes through the palace is pleasantly cool. The moon's sky is just beginning to darken towards dusk, and both the reddish sun and the great blue gas giant shine brightly. The xenos psyker looks up from where he lounges atop a grand throne at the far end. Undoubtedly such insolence would earn a harsh punishment from his master, if he knew of it, but Prince Kal’li-nath is not here. Omoc stands silently to one side, still standing guard over the twice-hated creature, still unaware of the terrible things you have discovered below. The witch seems more at ease, continuing to recover with remarkable speed, and his tone suggests a certain level of amusement at your folly and predicament. “So…,” Tarvathel drawls, “have you mon-keigh worked it all out yet?” Trokair, Necronaut, Urauloth and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted March 21 Share Posted March 21 Asterius: Somehow he had calm down and locked the red mists away behind the doors in his mind, however the doors were still constantly battered and shaken. He had been the last to make the ascent to see the Xenos Witch. “So…,” Tarvathel drawled, “have you mon-keigh worked it all out yet?” "We aren't Orks you know!" Lysimachus, Necronaut, Trokair and 1 other 3 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted March 21 Share Posted March 21 Omoc Sharp eyes caught the trinkets and trophies, a practice that had never been favoured amongst the scorpions for even the smallest trace of taint could spread over time. But something else had changed. Necronaut, Mazer Rackham and Lysimachus 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Necronaut Posted March 21 Share Posted March 21 (edited) Gerhardt Gerhardt’s eyes narrowed behind the mask of his ancient crusader helm as he entered the ice-lacen chamber and took in the sight of the headless corpse. "What in the name of the Emperor…?!" Suddenly Azadth’s warning started to make more sense. The tattoo of the raptor in profile emblazoned prominently upon the corpse’s shoulder spoke volumes. He turned and scowled at the Inquisitorial Adept’s request, viewing her and her ilk with renewed suspicion given their circumstances and the layers of deceit which had just been laid bare with the discovery of, presumably, Watch-Captain Skaayn’s remains. But, they still had a duty – nay, obligation – to recover their murdered oath-brother’s gene-seed, if it had indeed been preserved in this icy tomb. He nodded in grudging acquiescence and knelt and carefully laid his wounded burden down adjacent to the headless body of the Raptor captain. "Do what you must, Adept. His legacy is in your hands." +++ Gerhardt was greatly displeased to have been forced to leave Amaras’s unconscious form behind in the xenos larder, for it was highly dishonourable to leave a wounded brother behind in his view, but he could not fault the cold logic of it. Sergeant Vafri and Azadth, unfortunately, were in the right. Still, he held his tongue; they would return in time to collect the Charnel Guard and the deceased Watch-Captain’s remains. As the kill-team entered the sumptuous audience hall, he nodded to Omoc, who had maintained a vigil of his own over the eldari psyker. Good. He did not relish the thought of joining forces with the alien, but clearly there was naught for them to do given the depths of treachery perpetrated by this Orochi character. Brother Omoc clearly had the good sense to keep a watchful eye on their captive. He turned to the eldar witch and cooly replied, "You will address us with something approaching respect, alien, or you and I can further your education as to your position in the pecking order." Edited March 23 by Necronaut Urauloth, Trokair, Mazer Rackham and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted March 21 Author Share Posted March 21 (edited) Tarvathel sniffs haughtily at Asterius. “Barely better.” Then he nods airily back at Gerhardt. “You could, Astartes. You could indeed. However, then you would have no option but to get back aboard that ugly, slow, wallowing barge of a ship. How many months will it take for you to return home? I do not know, but I am almost certain it will be more than enough time for Orochi to take whatever it is he wants from your world…” He smiles, smugly. “Our ships and our methods of travel are vastly superior to yours. I can transport you back to… ‘Alucar…’ far more quickly - in a matter of only days. My Lord Prince asks no price for this generosity. He simply wishes to make Orochi suffer for his treachery. You will be the instrument of his vengeance.” Edited March 21 by Lysimachus Machine God, Trokair, Urauloth and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mike Zulu Posted March 22 Share Posted March 22 Zidemi: "He simply wishes to make Orochi suffer for his treachery," the corsair said in a smug tone. "You will be the instrument of his vengeance.” Zidemi was losing patience, tired of being strung along by these eldar. Though the empirical evidence pointed to an imposter in their ranks, he did not believe the xeno's were being charitable or simply vengeful. There was something to be gained by taking down Skaayn/Orochi. His ill-temper was felt by the machine spirit in his power armour. His servo-arm twitched; he stood firm, but it would not have gone unnoticed by his brethren. "Firstly, Tarvathel," Zidemi began, uncertain yet uncaring of the pronounciation of the xeno's name. "What exactly is this treachery you keep speaking of? Is it not the modus operandi of your ilk? What could this Orochi have done to aggrieve you so?" Zidemi will await a response before quickly moving to the next question in an impatient manner... "Secondly: let us assume you return us to 'Alucar'." Zidemi deliberately dropped the numeric from the name. "How would you bypass its defences? How would you deliver us to the surface?" Trokair, Mazer Rackham, Urauloth and 2 others 4 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mazer Rackham Posted March 22 Share Posted March 22 Azadth: He'd once asked one of those rare and venerated members of the Techmarines how the appendages were controlled. The ancient and noble artisan looked him up and down. 'By will, brother. The deep will.' This, Azadth understood. Whatever technomagical geometry was implanated in those austere brethren - and Zidemi was not so, which Azadth found to be disarming - the simple language representing the unthinking or unconscious mind was not lost. The twitch of the servo arm was akin to a frown, or perhaps an arched brow, as he read the whole Marine, and not just the movement. He stilled to loose readiness, not wishing to attract immediate attention, using his flesh eyes to look behind his visor without craning his head, although he got the distinct impression Tarvathel's own rapidly insufferable bonce would be crushed like a jarra fruit in the servo-arm. Necronaut, Lysimachus, Mike Zulu and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted March 22 Author Share Posted March 22 (edited) The Eldar frowns at the Salamander, then nods thoughtfully. “I think there is a saying among your race… something about ‘honour amongst thieves’? My Lord Prince believes in honour. He had… agreements… in place with Orochi. The snake broke those agreements, directed you here, I suspect in the hope that we would eliminate each other for him. Not to mention that his assassin came looking to silence my Lord more permanently, perhaps to ensure that such a battle took place? Orochi's betrayal deserves retribution, hence my Prince's offer to you. As to your other question, do you really think your kind were the first to set foot upon Alucar?” He sneers, and gestures to the skies where the first evening stars have appeared. “We named them differently, but all of these stars once belonged to the Nath’rai’che’an air’gid. We left that world millennia before your empire was even born, after the Fuil-baisteach… for reasons of our own. However, there is still a path that will take my ship to that star, and a gateway that will reach the surface. Neither has been opened since the day we chose to leave it behind, but the creations of the Aeldari were built to last. I assure you, we can see you safely on Alucar IV.” “There are certain… conditions… of course. Once aboard my ship, you will remain in quarters assigned by me for the duration of the journey. You will make no acts of aggression towards myself or my crew. You will make no attempts to learn about the theory or workings of Aeldari technology.” He smiles. “Oh, and one other point. Such cooperation will make us… not friends, certainly… but allies, yes? As such, all that is in the past will be forgotten. The Silver Serpents will not attack or interfere with the Deathwatch, the Deathwatch will not attack or interfere with the Silver Serpents… nor attempt to take vengeance for Dorghra or Correllageon. I believe that you Astartes understand the value and importance of honour and oath-keeping, just as my Lord does, so he will have your sworn word on behalf of your organisation.” “You have two of your hours to make your choice, collect whatever equipment you require from your ship, and return here. At that time I intend to board my vessel and take my leave.” Edited March 22 by Lysimachus Mazer Rackham, Mike Zulu, Trokair and 2 others 4 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted March 23 Share Posted March 23 Omoc Gauntlet tightened upon trigger as gaze turned across each of the kill team before resting on Alda, "the Inquisition presumes too much to make such alliances in the name of the Astartes. Whatever prize you speak of on Alucar, whatever enemy you seek, better the world burn and we hunt a thousand years for vengeance than serve a day at the bidding of the xenos." "If it is an oath they wish let it be one of extermination." Necronaut, Mazer Rackham, Lysimachus and 2 others 4 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted Wednesday at 12:17 AM Share Posted Wednesday at 12:17 AM Alda With the gaze of the Scorpion upon her his last words felt as much directed at her as they had been at the Eldar. She could not blame him for that, or any of the other einherjar if they felt likewise. They had all been called to the noble service of the Deathwatch, to fight the Alien, to shield humanity from the Xenos. Here they stood, with their enemy appearing all to human, and the Eldar offering a truce of sorts. The Imperium was a place of contradiction and strange merging of fundamentals that should by right be each other’s antithesis. She had seen this time and time again, first in the Administratum, then the Inquisition, and now, well and now here. The idea was Harley to her liking, and if she erred her life would be forfeit, either immediately, at the hands of either the einherjar or the Eldar, or down the line, that unknown time whenever a true bearer of the rosette finally made it their business to decide all of this. Her service was to him on Terra first, and while she could never know his intent, she had to trust that going forward, to thwart the instigator of recent events, for they had been well planed and time and resource intensive, would in the end be the better course of action for humanity. “He is right, we cannot swear for either institution. Nor should we.” “We can Not place our trust in your or your Prince’s words, but nor does it appear can we trust some of our own. The balance of circumstance leans towards your claim Eldar, though I cannot speak for the others, whether they agree or not, and as such I will go with you, to see this through.” “I do not speak for them,” her she indicated the Kill Team with a sweep of her arm, “ Cannot speak for them, nor do I have the grace to speak for my Lord, My Order or anyone other than myself.” “If your words are true, and have been true and will be true, then I, for myself and myself alone, will bear you and yours no ill will. One does not blame the tool for the action of the wielder, and perhaps we all have been wielded against our duty, against our honour and against our will.” “However, if your words are proven false, or merely incomplete to the detriment of those to who I am sworn, then you can trust me, I will bear you ill.” Mazer Rackham, Mike Zulu, Necronaut and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Necronaut Posted Wednesday at 03:30 AM Share Posted Wednesday at 03:30 AM (edited) Gerhardt +You speak true, brother,+ he rumbled over the squad vox. +Perhaps Alucar should be put to the torch and the Inquisition left to twist in the wind, but I think we may be losing sight of the larger picture. If this Orochi exists, then I believe it may be the Great Enemy knocking at our door.+ He believed he felt Drachenhauer thrum in resonance with his proclamation, seemingly confirming he was on the right path. The Emperor was with him. Gerhardt then growled at the alien, “You offer us salvation, and yet all I can hear are the bars of another cage being dropped around us. Perhaps you wish to lure us onto your ship to quietly dispose of us. Perhaps this Orochi is a fabrication of your master’s diseased mind, and is a mere pretext, a ruse to eliminate a threat to your master’s ambitions. Perhaps there is nothing of value on Alucar, and this is all an elaborate ploy, and we are to be mere pawns in your master's game.” Gerhardt paced in front of the loose line of fellow gene-hanced warriors, weighing his next words. “Your master clearly lacks the might or wherewithal to eliminate this Orochi himself, if he exists, or else he would not have to resort to using a proxy. And then there is the matter of what is supposedly hidden on Alucar. Perhaps my oath-brother is right, that we should let the world burn, that we might spite you and your kind for your arrogance and condescension, for a power one cannot control is no power at all, and we do not rush about at the beck and call of aliens. Your prevarications end now, witch. You will speak plainly and forthrightly, and explain who this Orochi is and what he seeks, to my satisfaction, or so help me, Emperor, I will drag it out of you one pound of flesh at a time!” Cocking his helm slightly, Gerhardt sub-vocalized to the rest of the kill-team over the squad vox, +Damn the Inquisition and their folly!+ Intimidate Test: S69 D100: 60; 0 DoS + 4 (unnatural strength) = 4 DoS? Edited Wednesday at 04:26 AM by Necronaut Mike Zulu, Urauloth, Mazer Rackham and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mike Zulu Posted Wednesday at 09:38 AM Share Posted Wednesday at 09:38 AM Zidemi: More vaguity and more favours asked. The xeno had more to gain from this arrangement than they did, and was certainly coy about it. Omoc and Gerhardt had broken their silence, making clear their impatience and intolerance toward the Eldar. Alda had attempted more diplomatic discourse; such was well within the purview of the Inquisition's agents, but not the Astartes. "You will speak plainly and forthrightly, and explain who this Orochi is and what he seeks, to my satisfaction," Gerhardt had bellowed, "Or so help me, Emperor, I will drag it out of you one pound of flesh at a time!” Zidemi remained silent, allowing the weight of Gerhardt's words to sink in. He crossed his arms and tilted his helm down toward toward the alien, making clear his approval of his battle-brother's threat. "+Damn the Inqusition and their folly!+" Lysimachus, Trokair, Mazer Rackham and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted Wednesday at 12:48 PM Author Share Posted Wednesday at 12:48 PM (edited) As Omoc and Alda speak, Tarvathel rolls his eyes and nods, as though their responses were exactly what he had expected. When Gerhardt steps forward and begins to pace and rage, the Wayseeker's eyes narrow. Not in fear, exactly, but… Caution? Enmity? “Foolishness,” he replies coldly. “If my Lord wished to destroy you, he would have done so with overwhelming fire from that terrace,” he points outwards, “while you stood in the gardens below.” His fingers drum thoughtfully for a moment against the shaft of his staff. Finally, he sighs. “Very well. More answers… if it will help you make a mallaithe decision, then perhaps I can be gone from this place.” “I do not know Orochi’s true identity. I doubt whether that name has passed anyone's lips in millennia. He is Astartes like you, but much, much older. The first time he visited one of our Bazaars, he was clad in blue-steel and wore an emerald badge depicting a many headed serpent. I do not believe he gives allegiance to this ‘Legion’ any longer… though such things are hard to be sure about, even for my kind. He certainly has not worn their colours or insignia in more than a millennia, preferring to keep his armour unmarked and anonymous.” “The last time he came here, he arrived with your colleague as a prisoner and spent many months interrogating him. When Orochi left, his servants were carrying his armour, and he was wearing the black and silver plate of your fallen brother. I do not know who Orochi is currently working for, or exactly what they want from Alucar… but I can make a few guesses, based on what I know of the history of that world.” “As I said, long before your Emperor even dreamed of your ‘Imperium’, Alucar belonged to the Aeldari. Long before the birth of She Who Thirsts, long before the Asuryani and their precious Paths. The Aeldar lived as we wished, free! There was a shrine, deep beneath the surface, dedicated to Kaela Mensha Khaine, the Aeldari God of war and bloody-handed slaughter... I will say no more of those days, except that a time came where we chose to leave it behind and sealed it off.” “However, at some point in the long centuries that followed, it is my understanding that foolish mortals came to Alucar and uncovered the shrine. Drawn to it, perhaps. Servants of Sha'eil. They worshipped at Khaine's feet... or something akin to Him... in their own crude, Mon-keigh fashion. For hundreds of years, even a thousand, blood was poured out there like water. Various warlords made Alucar their home, a place from which to carry out their crusades of slaughter, making names for themselves among these stars.” “Their reign ended when your Inquisition came to Alucar. Oh, that was at some point in what you would call the.... Thirty-Fourth...? Millenium. Again, as we understood the matter, their warriors, the silver giants, wiped out the entire populace and obliterated the shrine and all that the blood drinkers had built around it. Then they built their own fortress from which to claim dominion over these stars, as it has remained for millennia until this day. It would seem that they obliterated all knowledge of Alucar's past, too...? Tarvathel shrugs, as though all these centuries of the matters of mortals are barely worth his attention. “I do not know that Orochi is working for the filthy servants of Sha'eil. I do not know that he searches for something that remains of their worship of bloody-handed Khaine… but that would be my best guess.” OOC: And you can thank/blame @Necronaut for this bit. It wasn't originally part of the plan, but I think in the first week of the game he pointed out something I'd done (totally unintentionally) and I was inspired to add it into the story! Edited Wednesday at 12:50 PM by Lysimachus Urauloth, Trokair, Mazer Rackham and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted Wednesday at 01:10 PM Share Posted Wednesday at 01:10 PM Alda Spoiler Forbidden Lore: Xenos, Black Library, Hersey (jointly or severally as appropriate) Test –Dose Alda have any knowledge on who/what/where/etc on Sha'eil Int: 48 d100: 35, Pass 1 DoS Forbidden Lore: Heresy, Scholastic Lore: Legend, Heraldry (jointly or severally as appropriate) Test – Can Alda Identify the alpha Legionnaire colours/icon Int: 48 d100: 73, Fail, 2DoF Mazer Rackham and Necronaut 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mazer Rackham Posted Wednesday at 04:30 PM Share Posted Wednesday at 04:30 PM (edited) Azadth: The faux-fatigue ramblings of the Aeldari were becoming tiresome, the humours of his brethren waxing and waning towards cutting throats. It was wearing hard on his nerves. The vaulted ceilings and arched buttresses were distant, buying him some space, but the spices of his blood rebelled at this...inaction. Chai-dai, Thangkas, quiet rumination soothed the savage breast - action, defiance, the slip of shadow across the throat fired the heart. This? This was torture. Inaction. Not even the caves were as bad as this. He needed the sky, needed the glow of sun and dappled green. Jaghatai's Gift vibrated within at these imposed cages of civilisation, his warplate itched, and even the greatest of his brothers were just noise. Azadth was a patient man, or he liked to think so. Always in poise, but this bickering and posturing were too much, and despite trying to tame the beast within by chains of soothing mantras, it sensed his weakness, and for a soul-blistering moment, it took over. +Shut up, Aeldar! For Throne's sake, just stop talking!+ The Mantis Warrior's vox distortion rebounded in the vaults and alcoves. He doubted such chastisement frequented the halls often. +I do not give a puckered, hairy Cong-Khi arse for your tricks or wizardry. I have seen the cruel red ruin of your cousins elsewhere, far from this hearth, who visited their sport upon human flesh. I bore witness to your mirror-gates shimmering in the dark of the jungle on Julut. The sound of songpipes carving gibbets into being for writhing, skinned victims on Eridanus Two.+ His voice lowered, baritone sliding into a deep bass growl of the Jagu'Aira spirit haunting his chest, and his vision drastically narrowed to a black tunnel focused on the brunt of his ire. Musk thrilled his senses, filled his mouth with dangerous venomous drool. +My existence is the destruction of the Dark Ones, the Kalimatakan. Lead me to them, present their neck and get out my way! If you try to betray me, I will kill you. I will take your head, and wear it on my belt!+ He towered over the warlock. +Just shut up and get on with it, you alien bastard! You speak of savages? Here I am! Ayo!+ The wild cry rang about, a hunters call to execute the ambush in the Green and Sand. How the Khukurai was in his hand, or how he now stood only three feet from the Wayfinder, he knew not. He could feel something screaming to stop, but the ultimatum came out with such a powerful, natural need it was frightening. +Get on with it, for your prince, my Hetman-Khan or the bloody devil...but do it - or die here. With me.+ Edited Wednesday at 05:39 PM by Mazer Rackham Spelling. Mike Zulu, Urauloth, Lysimachus and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted Wednesday at 07:07 PM Author Share Posted Wednesday at 07:07 PM The Wayseeker recoils from the curving blade, sliding off the throne and bringing his staff suddenly into a guard position. All hints of languidity are gone, instead he is a felid at bay, body sprung full of tension and ready for violence. “Then make your choice, Astartes,” he hisses loudly. “Come with me, and have a hope of preventing your true enemy from achieving his goal… or strike me down and fail utterly. If bloodshed is your wish, it will not only be Tarvathel's that is spilt!” OOC: Well, I think that's as much as you're going to get out of him. Still feel free to post as you wish, but to get ready for Friday's update, could everyone maybe just give a vote of ‘yea’ or ‘nay’ on going with the Eldar, so I can see which way the majority want to go? Urauloth, Mazer Rackham, Necronaut and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted Thursday at 08:58 AM Share Posted Thursday at 08:58 AM Moridyn Moridyn took hold of the angry Mantis' arm, an iron grip gently applied. "Calm brother. This xenos is not the architect of our turmoil." Looking at the others in the kill-team, "What it may be is a way to strike at those that betrayed our brothers. For if it speaks true, then killing a single xenos is nothing compared to foiling a scheme of the sons of the Hydra." "Our traitorous cousins are a greater threat than any xenos abomination, for they can worm their way into our institutions and corrupt the souls of humanity. I for one, will agree to go with the Aeldari to determine the truth of this matter." Urauloth, Mike Zulu, Necronaut and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mike Zulu Posted Thursday at 01:07 PM Share Posted Thursday at 01:07 PM Zidemi: Zidemi shook his head in frustration. "I sense we are making far too many assumptions, brothers. We assume that Skaayn has not already achieved his goal. We assume we will be able to act without impedence upon arrival on Alucar IV. And what of our failure to return to the Supremacy? Will we be reported dead or missing? How are we to persuade others that we are the same Squad Lucifer, and not the same breed of imposters we will accuse Skaayn of being?" "Finally" Zidemi stared down the alien, whom had raised his staff defensively. "We are assuming this eldar is sincere in his offer." He continued. "We are being offered expediency at the expense of authority. An authority that Skaayn still possesses. An authority we may well need in the event Skaayn has already accomplished his goal. There are other Inquisitors and Watch Stations we can beseech." He paused thoughtfully, before continuing. "I will not break rank with Squad Lucifer, whatever the majority choice... but my vote is to return to the Supremacy." Mazer Rackham, Trokair and Lysimachus 2 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mazer Rackham Posted Thursday at 01:55 PM Share Posted Thursday at 01:55 PM Azadth: An exemplar of Endymion and Ootheca, Azadth's blood was no so diluted from the Chogoran mien. Presented with a different avenue to follow, the distraction drew him out of the tunnel. +Brother Zidemi has a point. However, consider the Naga has taken control of Alucar defences? Arriving in the Supremacy could buy us nothing.+ He looked down at the Star Phantoms' restraining hand, and rolled his own to rebuff it as courteously as it was applied. He sheathed the knife-machete. No harm was done, so no apologies were offered. +Perhaps an infiltration team to cheat him then, using Aeldar magicks - their portals can open a door through solid rock.+ He turned his back to the Aeldar, but not Moridyn. +You speak truth, but come to the Glimmering Shoals one day, brother. I will show you the evil wrought by the alien.+ He sniffed, and it carried down the vox. +I must cleanse my humours. The gardens will make a fine tonic.+ As Azadth approached the door, his shadow danced in the daylight from outside, and vanished as he crossed the threshold. +Remember Tarvathel, civility is but the thinnest mask above all hearts.+ So says Master Thangka, anyway. Now, Chai. Mike Zulu, Necronaut, Trokair and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urauloth Posted Thursday at 07:19 PM Share Posted Thursday at 07:19 PM (edited) Váfri He had made a sort of angry peace with the idea that one of the many curs the Inquisition filled its ranks with had betrayed them, but if the alien's words were true, then treachery of an altogether greater scale was driving the knife at their backs. If this 'Orochi' was a traitor from the time when the Wolf King still led the Rout, then stopping whatever vile scheme he had in motion was the only thing that mattered. If they had to take ship aboard a Xenos vessel to do it, then so be it. Eldar corsairs were detestable, but he would not allow a servant of the Great Enemy to succeed simply because he couldn't endure a distasteful method by which a march might be stolen on him. Lucifer had exacted a price in blood from these Eldar, and it would have to suffice. They would make the truce-pact the Xenos demanded. Azadth pre-empted him in expressing these sentiments - rather more directly than Váfri had come to expect from the subtle Mantis Warrior, which he approved of - and left him with little to say except to give his word as pack leader and make the decision official. "Aye, Eldar, we will take passage on your ship. Consider each of us sworn not to raise a hand against the other without good cause. We do not want to know how your witch-machines work, we will bear no secrets of yours away with us. Understand that this pact is made in dire times, under the shadow of a great darkness. You do not need to hear again that betrayal will leave the stars awash in blood." Edited 19 hours ago by Urauloth Lysimachus, Machine God, Trokair and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted Thursday at 08:37 PM Share Posted Thursday at 08:37 PM Asterius: "As Senior Member of Squad Lucifer, I'm going with the Eldar - the quick way!" Necronaut, Mazer Rackham, Mike Zulu and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted Friday at 07:49 AM Author Share Posted Friday at 07:49 AM Scene 29. More Choices With a majority reached in favour of joining the Corsair vessel, Tarvathel nods, as though the matter were never in doubt. He bows gracefully, his calm manner restored as quickly as it vanished. “Then we shall depart from here in two hours. If you wish to contact your vessel before we leave, perhaps to replenish your munitions or other supplies, I believe it has arrived in orbit.” The Wayseeker bows again, then moves away. After a few moments, you hear Commander Ibrym's soft voice over your squad vox. +++My Lords Astartes, this is the Supremacy of Man. We are now directly above the renegade city. The Needle has moved to guard our flank. Most of the other vessels that were in orbit around the gas giant have fled, though we have crippled or destroyed a few that strayed too close to this moon. Minimal damage caused to our ships. The Eldar fleet is gone too, except for one escort-sized vessel. Annoying little fly won't come close enough for me to swat it.+++ You can hear the irritation in Ibrym's tone, but the experienced sailor dismisses it quickly and continues with a note of expectancy. +++What are your orders, my Lords?+++ OOC: This is your opportunity to request Ibyrm/Vora to ferry down any gear from the Supremacy that you wish to take with you, and therefore to rejig your chosen items for Requisition. Your Renown is still at Respected, but I will increase your Req amount to 30 per Player Character (or 240 total for the team of 8). Alternatively, for the sake of maintaining secrecy about your plans, you may choose not to answer Ibrym's hail. That is obviously ok too, but it does mean you'll be stuck with whatever gear you're currently carrying! Feel free to discuss in the OOC. If you do decide to contact the Supremacy, please amend the Req sheet with your new choices and use your IC posts to describe what you request from the ships Armoury? Mike Zulu, Trokair and Mazer Rackham 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted Friday at 10:10 AM Share Posted Friday at 10:10 AM (edited) Asterius: "Eldar, much is heard about your mystical technologies. Is this place shielded from orbital scans?" Asterius asked. "If we are to maintain the subterfuge, it would be for naught if our transponders were being picked up by the Supremacy of Man." Edited Friday at 10:11 AM by Machine God Tidy-up Lysimachus, Mazer Rackham, Urauloth and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted Friday at 03:12 PM Author Share Posted Friday at 03:12 PM Tarvathel appears faintly amused. "We value our privacy, and the construction of this palace prevents us being spied upon. If you wish to vanish into aether without a word to your comrades, that is easily achieved." Mike Zulu, Urauloth, Machine God and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted 19 hours ago Share Posted 19 hours ago Asterius: "The we should leave forthwith!" Mike Zulu, Lysimachus, Mazer Rackham and 1 other 3 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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