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Who should be the leader of my Iron Warriors?

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I have this force axe HH Praetor I decided to paint up as Iron Warriors.  I was gonna use him as a 2nd Master of Executions but now that it’s done I can’t decide if he should be the leader of the war band or the Terminator Lord I always intended to be.  What do y’all think?


HH guy….



Terminator Lord….




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5 minutes ago, terminator ultra said:

based on hair alone, the first guy.

but if you want to know what I really think:

the warband is so chaotic that it takes the both of them to control the warriors. they hate each other, but know that just one of them can't control the army on there own. does that work at all?

In my head I was thinking they were the only two OG heresy age dudes left.  They hate the gods and refuse to call them such.  They are obviously corrupted but don’t see it.  Only demons they use are captured slaves.


Based on Doc reminding me the terminator is lordiest lord, he can be the leader and he puts the axe guy to any marine he deems becomes “corrupted.”  Axe guy is WAY to quick to take the axe to the help so termie lord is constantly clashing with him.

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In my Crusade fluff all the Characters has beefs with each other, the champions wants to claw their way up, The Master of Possession, and Dark Apostle hates the Lord, but they also hates each other as they have different views of the gods. The Master of Possession works closely with the Warpsmith, as they create daemon engines, but the Master of possession broke every rule in the Lord had given him, when he created a unit of possessed out of a chosen squad. The Master of Possession is always in the front line. The lord plays the various characters against each other, the only one he really trust is the Master of Execution, which could be a bad idea, and he really don't trust the gods.


I am waiting for the codex to drop to see if the various characters might start to fight each other as they could in the 9th, or if my lord goes daemon or spawn.


And I vote the Terminator Lord as your warlord.



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