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Ultramarines company makeup (Primaris/Legacy Marines)

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On 6/17/2024 at 6:59 PM, beefeb said:

I generally run whatever i feel like for my Ultramarines, and i have mostly primaris.  I sold off most of my firstborn as with the new scales, they just look so laughable its embarassing.  That being said, I do use tactical squads and devastators still...I field them from the Mk6 HH kits and they look much better alongside the Primaris and fit well.  From a gaming perspective, Ive noticed it really catches out people expecting primaris forces when i put down a tactical squad which includes a special and heavy weapon...keeps people on their toes!

Potentially having to deal with six extra lascannon shots (not that anyone tends to field six tactical squads, but hey ho) each of which is protected by up to 19 T4 3+ wounds (9 x 2 wound marines in the rest of the squad and one wound off the two wound guy left standing holding the lascannon) is probably something most people wouldn't budget for! Also six extra plasma guns. ;)
Oh, and do three devastator squads with 4 lascannons each... People will have a bad time! :P
Still makes me sad boltguns aren't rapid fire tho. :(

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1 hour ago, roryokane said:

Potentially having to deal with six extra lascannon shots (not that anyone tends to field six tactical squads, but hey ho) each of which is protected by up to 19 T4 3+ wounds (9 x 2 wound marines in the rest of the squad and one wound off the two wound guy left standing holding the lascannon) is probably something most people wouldn't budget for! Also six extra plasma guns. ;)
Oh, and do three devastator squads with 4 lascannons each... People will have a bad time! :P
Still makes me sad boltguns aren't rapid fire tho. :(

Did you know you can still squeeze a whole firstborn battle company into a 2000 point game? :devil:

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