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Knight Drop Pod Rules

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Whipped up some home made rules for knight drop pods for legions imperialis. 


Point cost is a shot in the dark, they're based off the dreadnought drop pods which are 7pts a model. Like the dreadnought pods, these aren't assault transports so no charge order out of them. I also included the ability to purchase palisade shield pods for each knight pod. 




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Nice idea. You say they "may transport knights" but did you mean  to write "only knights"? You haven't explained the X either, which I assume is the number of knights it can carry. Apologies if that's covered in the core rules, I haven't bothered to read my copy of the rulebook.

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7 hours ago, Cactus said:

Nice idea. You say they "may transport knights" but did you mean  to write "only knights"? You haven't explained the X either, which I assume is the number of knights it can carry. Apologies if that's covered in the core rules, I haven't bothered to read my copy of the rulebook.


It's all there under knight transport (x), its not common to have special rules in a unit listing itself but because its a new one I had to make up it's all there. 

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I haven't found Knights to be that good in LI, I don't think this would hurt.


My Acastus got wrecked by similar points in Baneblades yesterday for example. 

Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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11 hours ago, Black Cohort said:

The rules seem cool, but I wonder if it is a balance issue to give knights drop pods?


The cost of just a stock questoris is 180pts. One can field 6 leviathan dreadnoughts in 6 drop pods for 180pts. I feel its more knights that are over costed. 

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On 3/11/2024 at 1:03 AM, Crablezworth said:


It's all there under knight transport (x), its not common to have special rules in a unit listing itself but because its a new one I had to make up it's all there. 

Of course it is! I think this might be when I finally concede that I should be using reading glasses! :teehee:

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