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So, not the traditional answer but...

Once upon a time I had the great Idea to make wooden pauldrons of different chapters and they would be used as bookends.

The issue is, I can't detail paint for crap.


and yes, I still cringe looking at that photo

Not quite cringe as I was quite proud of them at the time but here are my 2nd edition Blood Angels leaders compared to their 8th edition successors.





Not my first miniatures painted (for 40k those were the original plastic Imperial Guard - yep....guard even before Marines for me - circa 1989 or so) but first ones I still have photos of. 



  • 3 weeks later...

Literally my first miniatures. My brother bought me... 3 boxes of 16 identical plastic guardians with lasguns. I was 9. Good times. 


Note that these were 'touched up' a couple times between first painting and the time I left home, but they've just been chilling in my bits for 20+ years now.


Heck - I still use some of the Scorp's buddies who got a strip and repaint at a certain point.




Here's a WIP from my desk for the same army:




Still a ways to go, but on the whole I am satisfied with the journey from there to here...






The Good Doctor.

So my first minis are actually WHFB Orc Warbosses (and I plan on getting the re-released kit and trying again!), but this is a comparison between a Kroot I painted circa 2008 and one I stripped and repainted in 2022.




If you are wondering why the first guy has such a thick paint job, it’s because I was using Testors enamel paints from Hobby Lobby :facepalm:.


YouTube painting tutorials are a godsend

Pretty sure this model came from the 2nd edition starter box, and that I was about 7 when I painted it up.


Also pretty sure I'm still about the same skill level :biggrin:




That looks good to me mate.


My first painted models were Centurions. I dud a pretty poor job. But getting miniatures painted for the first time is still a win. 

I guess the fine gentlemen are circa 1993-4. They look pretty miserable by today's standards but it's nice to be able to remember where you came from. It's also nice to show to novice painters so they don't get disheartened with their first efforts.  Everybody has to start somewhere.




By comparison: 




To anyone that needs to hear this, power through the cringe models and you will get better quickly. With Youtube tutorials existing nowadays you will grow as a painter far faster than I did. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

I know the pic is a bit jank, but here is the only surviving pic of my 3rd Ed. Army (my 2nd army ever), LotD, lost to the bowels of eBay...



next up is my 1st model I painted in a B&C Challenge, the 2012 LPC, a 3rd party Lion El Jonson,




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