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Badass Characters

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Who's your most badass home brew Character or the top three if you got multiple? What makes them so badass?


Tyr Freysvn- Sire of the Dire Wolves, he was a legionaire of the Space Wolves up until 40 years prior to the Battle of Prospero, when he and a group were exiled for being uncontrollable in battle... Was a Wolf Lord of the group ( Feral Wolves), over 10k years he gradually lost most of his body, yet refused to die, atm he is being interviewed by the inquisitors, for why he's survived lacking one arm, half his right leg, his facial cheeks,an eye and  his intestines. Survives due to his faith in humanity.


Veteran Sergeant Tenacion- the sole survivor of his Company, over the course of a Terran year he was reduced to 15% of his body mass, losing his sight, his legs, everything from the sternum down, an arm, a 1/3 of his face, 2 lungs, a heart, and his throat being ripped...



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Captain Atarax of the Iron Heralds who was so useless through the entirety of a 6-person Crusade that when he was taken off the field for the 10th time I just had him turned into a Dreadnought. Turns out sniper captains weren't super useful in 9th, but hey, he put in decent work as a Doredeo Dread! He got a real glow-up, I'll have to put him to work again in 10th, even if only as a Legends model.

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