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So I should probably go and get started no my second vow...


Given that I just committed to paint a bunch of the 7th Rhûnish Dragoons for the Call to Arms I should get some done this summer, just maybe not in the month and spare change that I have here.


So let’s say aim for 10 Guardsmen... or thereabout from those in the below picture.




23 minutes ago, Trokair said:

I, Trokair, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 15 Guardsmen, 10 Rough Riders and 2 Field Ordnance Batteries  for 33 pts for the Glory of Imperial Guard and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.


Start Picture, undercoated in Leadbelcher.





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I've had a minor setback with primer, it was so hot out that I ended up with an incredibly grainy finish. Without much recourse I've just had to push through and hope that with all the metallic I'll be putting on it, it'll end up looking ok. For now I've gotten all the skeletons metallic paint done, next up are doing armor panels in yellow (and blue). For now though, I leave y'all with an update picture. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

I’d love to post a picture of the current near completion of my knights , but unfortunately a hurricane has had other ideas, restricting both power and bandwidth. As such  I may have to request a short extension while the city slowly recovers and electricity is restored over the next few days. 

edit: got enough of a connection now I can post an actual photo, still no power though.


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Hope everything gets sorted @NovemberIX, some good progress there. I'm not too far off (thanks to mods allowing my shifted start/end dates). My progress may be hampered by a there-and-back to the USA this weekend. 

I have also realised that I haven't actually made a vow for this challenge! So...


I, Rusted Boltgun, take up your Challenges. I vow, before my brothers and sisters of the B&C to complete Challenge Number Two and submit it to the Liber before the (amended, thank you!) deadline. I vow to support my fellow challengers to the best of my ability. May the Emperor curse me if I fail.



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@NovemberIX sorry to hear that, hope you are coping ok!


It seems to me it would be a bit unfair to allow 1 extension and not others, especially given that Challenge 2 has often been the hardest for everyone to complete!


So, I'm happy to allow the same deal as Rusted Boltgun to anyone who needs it, that Challenge 2 can end 10 days later on the 27th July. However, Challenge 3 will still end on its original planned date, so you'll have less time to arrange and play your BatRep. That sound fair enough to everyone?


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1 hour ago, Lysimachus said:

@NovemberIX sorry to hear that, hope you are coping ok!


It seems to me it would be a bit unfair to allow 1 extension and not others, especially given that Challenge 2 has often been the hardest for everyone to complete!


So, I'm happy to allow the same deal as Rusted Boltgun to anyone who needs it, that Challenge 2 can end 10 days later on the 27th July. However, Challenge 3 will still end on its original planned date, so you'll have less time to arrange and play your BatRep. That sound fair enough to everyone?



I may need to take you up on that, behind on my painting, entierly though my own fault.

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I’ll appreciatively take it, it seems power won’t be restored till sometime after the 17th, and with temps in the 100’s I’ve since headed to cooler pastures. I’ve also gotta get my game lined up, but that should prove a straight forward task.

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I, like the rest, am glad for the extension.  I shouldn't have needed it but I've been letting myself procrastinate just a little.  I do have two HQ choices painted, being a Phobos Lt and a chaplain in Terminator Armour but I've been attempting to batch paint the rest and between getting overwhelmed by so much colour and at the same time my own rustiness of skills meaning I am disappointed by my end results and just my usual procrastination I am a few days off finishing the rest.  


I am, however, making progress and I'll hopefully get an update up with pictures soon.


As a question on the battle report challenge, do we need to use only the models from this challenge or can we use others as well?  whilst I have changed my list a commitment a little to be more of a usable force Its still not entirely... fluffy?


Oh and just to have some pictures:  This is where I started-



And this is the guys I've finished:




At least the chaplain from here will likely end up as one of the characters for the later challenge too.

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The Fists of Light have a Combat Patrol


The finer details on the Apothecary are beyond me at this point - the straps that run across the tabard and the syringe poking out of its pocket - so I'm calling this done.




Sergeant Echt and his Heavy Intercessors. 




You can't see it in the photo but I modded the Sergeant to have the same drum magazine in case we go back to identifying specific armaments in future.


The Scout Kill Team






All have been assembled, painted and based. Decals will be added at some point but I really need a break!


Ave Imperator!

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I'm loving the progress posted, the marines are looking good!


I finished basing yesterday, and I'm a few details away from being done. Mostly a bit of gluing last bits, a bit of shading here and there, and the heraldry stripes across the carapace.


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I can officially report the the house Garaipeña has met their challenge. Better pictures will follow, but stick a fork in me, I. Am. DONE. I've learned a few new things, come to understand some new limitations, and generally have gotten where I want to. I'll admit to two short comings, The Cerastus only has a white stripe (fully shaded, but still) and the three leg banners. At this point I haven't the foggiest idea of what to do for their designs, rather than do something I'm not happy with, I'd rather wait till after their first battle, see what inspires me and give it another shot. For now though, I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the view of the full house Garaipeña.




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