NovemberIX Posted March 20, 2024 Share Posted March 20, 2024 (edited) I, NovemberIX, of the Knight House Garaipena take up your Challenges. I vow, before my brothers and sisters of the B&C to complete Challenge The First and submit it to the Liber before the deadline. I vow to support my fellow challengers to the best of my ability. May the Fires of Time curse me if I fail. Defiantly they walked. Summary Origin World: Lumen Alpha II-b Leader: The Grand Matriarch Surella Battlecry: ”Walk Defiant” Colors: Yellow and Blue Emblem: The Quartered Shield Novemberine Allegiance: Inquisitional Ordo Chronos Novemberine detachment (November IX) Current Strength: 1 Cerastus, 2 Dominus , 6 Quistoris, 10 Armiger Chassis Count Type Name Pilot 1 Castigator Aeternox Taris Alqmar 1 Castellan Quanta Aetil Piria 1 Valiant Septa Aetiro Threzet 1 Errant Temporia Junah Ihati 1 Gallant Tempris Seguna Koldeer 1 Paladin Cirino Ferrin Vha’rhi 1 Preceptor Milenus Suproxim Temis 2 Crusader Epochia Fadia, Ephochia Fellisa Lassys, Verao 2 Helverin Comet 2-2, Comet 2-3 Veril, Satra 4 Warglaive Gram 4-2, Gram 4-3 Lynx 6-2 Lynx 6-3 Rihirie, Kaddli, Velia, Reina 2 Moirax Grav Halo 3-2, Halo 3-3, Chye, Ambra, 2 Moirax L.Lock Vapor 5-2, Vapor 5-3 Belera, Sozette 2 Moirax Volkite Zenith 7-2, Zenith 7-3 Sienae, Tadami Introduction: The House Garaipeña is a small matriarchal knight house that has vowed allegiance to the November IX. No matter the road or the challenge, they would walk ever forward with them. They left their homeworld for the Novemberine ship, the Spite of Glatisant, to provide heavy mobile support to the IX. They often operate in concert with the Astartes of the November Warriors, the Sisters of The Frozen Flame, and the Forge Kantariss as part of an Inquisitional detachment. The Garaipeña have eschewed most of the pomp and courtly intrigue of other knight houses, relying instead on the ideals and reputation of proficient competency. Every pilot, no matter her personality, has spent 1000's of hours honing their abilities in combat and in regular testing sims. Even the youngest and greenest Pilots have earned the respect of their battlefield peers through intense cross training with the other fighting arms of the IX. As a whole, the Garaipeña have a close relationship with the Forges of Kantariss. The AdMech cohort provides support, repair and refit, intently guiding the Sacristans of House Garaipeña. Founding History: In early M38 the colony of Lumen αlpha II-B was a world in rebellion. The Planetary governor and head of the largest Knight House has been assassinated by his traitorous brother making a power grab. Loyalist knights had been surreptitiously directed off world or starved of resources so that when the turn happened they were caught wrong footed. But for a small backwater, much of the planet was falling under traitor control until the young outland noblewoman Aya Garaipeña was able to activate an ancient Castigator Knight that had been hidden and gene-locked for over 4 thousand years. Her sister abducted and much of the rest of her family killed, her fury at the atrocities, the betrayal of ties of honor seemingly caused the machine spirit or maybe the ghosts of the throne to overwrite the gene key. The first of the Thrice Blessed Grandest Matriarch’s miracles. Using the Castigator she took the fight to the heretic forces, relieving and rallying troops along the way. One such place was a minor satellite chapel of the order of the Frozen Flame. It was the sisters of this chapel that were further able to rally the disparate Loyalist PDF and loyalist militia. The battles that followed were fierce but exhibited the martial prowess of the pilot and her ability to lead mixed combat forces. With more support, the Grandest Matriarch directly began to target the traitor house with one goal, to deny them the ability to bring Knights to battle. With ground forces, they were now able to help defeat and overrun opposing knight facilities in daring raids of outlying outposts and forward operating bases. A major turn to the conflict occurred as the Order of the Frozen Flame were able to send an astropathic message to the November IX after the capture of a major communications facility, calling for reinforcement from the November Warriors. Space Marine support tilted the favor of combat towards the loyalist. Ultimately The Lady Garaipeña herself spearheaded the attack on the traitor leader, defeating him in single combat. Thereafter rescuing her sisters from captivity, she claimed a number of defeated foes knights as her own, establishing the House Garaipeña with her sisters at her side. Even as the fog of battle began to lift, the Grandest Matriarch wasn’t content to sit on her laurels. She swore her fealty to the force that helped liberate her world and rescue her family. The Novemberine, their Warriors and the Order of the Frozen Flame. As long as they had need, she and hers would walk with them. The benefits to pledging loyalty to the Inquisitors of the Novemberine were immediate, as the Forges Kantariss were already aligned with the IX, they quickly took to supplying and maintaining the Knights. The House in turn supported the Skitarii and Tech Priest in the field of battle. This support is what motivated the Fabricator-General to repair the earlier salvageable but damaged knight hulls. Significantly expanding the strength the house could bring to bear. This growth in strength allowed the newly founded house to gain even greater glories on the field of battle, with the Sisters Garaipeña eagerly prosecuting the will of their Inquisitional Lords. Slowly the house began to grow as thoughts turned to lineage and future duties. Eventually even the Grandest Matriarch held from battle and brought new life into the world. And so it has been for 80 generations. Training: One of the benefits of being part of the November IX is the esoteric technical support of both the Forges Kantariss and the Comberth Stronghold League. This is best exemplified in the training of Pilots. Bringing a knight to a walk requires immense use of resources, labor, logistical support, and most simply space to operate. The shipboard life of the Novemberine means that operation space is at a premium. It is to fill this need that a series of “simulation bodies'’ that connect Knight Machine Spirit to training pods were constructed within the Spite of Glatisant. Pilots spend their days engaged in simulated war games against a variety of opponents in changing battlefield conditions. A pilot isn’t considered battle ready till they’ve logged at least 20,000 hours. Rookie pilots begin their journey in Armigers under the guide of the Arms Master. Acting as scouting and screening units, Armiger pilots fight to earn the honor of piloting the main Knight Armors. Only once they have participated in a series of campaigns are they allowed to test their connection with the Quistoris Knights and begin to practice in their simulation bodies. Those with the highest synchronization are noted and become part of a short list of backup pilots. Cross training begins with rotations with the Farbanti 765th Lighting Riders, pilot candidates participate in an abbreviated bootcamp style training where they will learn the basics of Astra Militarum close quarters combat, essential survival skills, and LasRifle sharpshooting. Some candidates have been known to take extended training in such fields as artillery and the always popular demolitions. Pilots and Pilot Candidates regularly take PT with the Imperial Navy voidsmen, sometimes even participating in anti-boarding drills. Once pilots are assigned to an Armiger they’ll occasionally be tasked to embed with detachments from the other martial arms. They regularly accompany the Skitarii of Kantariss and the Sisters of the Frozen flame in operations, and by request for Militarum, who value their speed and expanded sensor capabilities. It is rare for Armiger pilots to operate directly with the November Warriors, as their combat deployments are already heavily supported by the prodigious amount of walkers from the marines own armament. When they do deploy, it is as part of a wider House based strategy, and thus within normal combat organization. Outside of the martial aspect of training Pilots are also expected to perform a traditional ritual dance. The dance itself is a rigid test of physical ability and endurance. It is meant to appeal to the machine spirit of the Knight Armor by retelling the stories of historical battles. Mystical in nature, none outside of the core family have ever been privy to the full nature of the ritual. Traditions: The Garaipeña forgo the court rituals of most other Knight houses, finding the airs and strictures of nobles to be stultifying and counter to their ideals. This doesn’t mean there aren’t long held practices and traditions within the house. Because of the Genetic Locks on the Thrones Mechanicum of the house, the Grand Matriarch is responsible for arranging marriages to sustain the pool of suitable pilots. The cold calculus of matroclinal genetics is tempered by the hard earned lessons of previous Matriarchs. Matches are made using a stringent matrix of genetic profiling starting in late childhood so as to acclimate Pilot and partner and engender a productive connection between the two. The partner of the pilot takes the title of manciple, in charge of their affairs, strategic support during combat and overseeing sacristans during repairs and refits. In addition to their regular duties, most manciples hold a Navy rank, they are expected to monitor and support the logistics necessary for an expedition. Usually this is as Loadmaster on the planetary landing craft of the navy, but some have chosen to operate within the command structures of the Guard or the Forge to support their pilot. Forge Kantariss integrated several unique archaeotech systems into the Knights control systems, Embedded Neural Synaptic Interfaces and the Native Biosignal Interlock allow only the daughters of Garaipena to connect, synchronize, and thus pilot their warmachines. ENSI utilizes a spinal port, and a pair of A10 centered interface headset clips as part of its control system, allowing the pilot to perform complex maneuvers that would be difficult with just the physical control system. The NBI acts as a first stage genelock through ENSI by matching the specific Garaipeña genome sequence of the pilot. Pilots are encouraged to commit to some form of artistic endeavor outside of their training hours. Traditionally music and poetry were the first introduced arts to young pilots, but the pilots have wildly varied interests. Piria is known for her glass work some of which graces the Chapel of the Frozen flame, Threzet practices Vexillography, Ihati binds books, and Temis meticulously maintains an archeotech vox player that is often used during cohesion exercises. Overseen by the matriarchs of the house, each pilot performs a historical “Gowan” dance that they must meticulously practice. All movements are rigidly predefined, range of movement, degrees of turn, force of step, so far as to define the exact placement of fingers at any given moment. Pilots don representative costumes and headpieces to portray the machine spirit of their Knight Armors. Accompanied by blindfolded musicians the pilots perform hours long dramatized reenactments of glorious battles past on a stage set among the Knight Armours to appease the Machine Spirit and honor the Ghosts of the Throne. The piloting hierarchy is one of inevitable changes. As pilots age and decide to begin the next generation, seats open up, allowing young hopefuls from the ranks of the Armiger Pilots to graduate to the Quistoris Chassis, and those who have earned honors and seniority the chance to pilot the house’s Dominus or Cerastus knights. The Armiger pilots being the youngest and least experienced dorm together to build their teamwork and a deeper understanding of each other's natures, in the hope that someday they’ll be supporting each other as the main battle force. Beliefs: The immediate Garaipeña family of pilots are known to take a regular mass with the Sisters of Order of the Frozen Flame. An arrangement rooted in the liberation of their homeworld and the Thrice-Blessed Matriarch. The household as a whole also studies the scripture of the Omnissiah, in this way they hold faith in the God Emperor as the Omnissiah, believing it is the will of the God-Emperor that guides the machine spirits of their equipment and Knight Armor. Like most Knight houses, there is a form of ancestor worship due to the imprinting of the throne mechanicum. Besides the Traditional dances, some of the ways this is expressed is through offerings made to ancestral pilots of the armors, lighting of prayer candles, and “pious craftwork” such as needlepoint, painting or even scrimshaw depending on the pilot. Relationships within the IX Ordo Chronos: They’ve pledged allegiance to the Ordo Chronos as part of their vow to the Warriors and the Sisters of the Frozen Flame. The Ordo affords the house a wide latitude in autonomy, only involving themselves in matters of overall theater strategy. The Grand Matriarch of the house is known to counsel the Inquisitor during their regular afternoon tea sessions. November Warriors: Where the Warriors go, so does the House Garaipeña. As the saviors of Lumen, the battle brothers of the Warriors hold special esteem among the whole of the house. When the Quistoris walk it is most often to support the aims of the marines. If ever a Knight goes down, it is the marines who will fight the hardest to secure the zone and help exfil the pilot. Among the warriors, Lt. Farsa Kas has built a solid tactical relationship with Ihati of Temporiah Junah; they have expanded the limits of Knight/Infantry combined operations tactics. Order of the Frozen Flame: A relationship built on mutual support and respect dating back to the liberation of Lumen. The Sisters of the Frozen flame feel a kindred sense of duty and martial ambition from the Daughters Garaipeña, such that the sisters perform regular and special pre-battle mass for the pilots of the house. Combat operations are regularly supported by Armiger hunting packs and Dominus heavy support. Forge Kantariss: The House has benefitted from their relationship of mutual aid greatly, it was the Forge that repaired and refit the salvaged hulls from the liberation of Lumen. Kantariss also developed and installed the pilot interface systems of the knights that geneconnect to the Pilots. The Skitarii cohorts have benefited from the extra firesupport and have at times acted as ground forces for House operations. 765th Lightning Riders: By hosting the initial bootcamp training, and then regular survival course recertification the 765th maintains a professional and cordial relationship. Because of the extended training opportunities with specialist squads, some pilots have become mascots of sorts. During joint pilot recovery operation, it’s usually the Lightning Riders along with Aegir Search and Rescue teams who will exfil the pilot, while the Warriors hold the area, and Kantariss units work to recover the hull. Aegir Fleet: Despite the Juvenant extended ages of most pilots, the more grizzled members of the Navy Voidsmen treat the residents of the Armiger dorm like younger siblings. This usually stems from the regular PT cross training that Armiger pilots participate in. As the IX’s Naval asset, the Aegir fleet is responsible for the transport and landing of Knights to the theater of battle. Most manciples hold a Navy rank and act as the load master for their specific knight and dropship as part of their duties to the house. Comberth Stronghold League: As those of Comberth rarely commit to massed martial actions, it is rare to see coordinated operations between the two groups.The nature of their relationship is shrouded in the secretive nature of the CSL, while direct interaction is often minimal, it is known that the league has provided technologies and support used only by the Garaipeña Knights. In return the House has recovered assets at the behest of the League. Pilot Profiles: Alqmar: Otherwise known as Aunty Alqmar to the younger pilots, She along with Pira and Threzet represent the Previous Generation of pilots. Alqmar has had a long illustrious history as a Knight Pilot. She has achieved kills on the monstrous, the superheavy and the titanic. In battle she lets the blaring of her battle song ring her presence for all on the field, bringing hope to her allies and fear to the enemies of the IX. In the Aeternox Taris she is a dominating presence, a cold passionate fury towards the enemies of the IX. Outside of the plug though, she is deeply warm, a reassuring leader to her pilots, even handed and capable to the rest of the IX. The Elder Twins Piria and Threzet: Alqmars younger cousins, Piria and Threzet have long supported each other from their first days piloting Armigers, to the point now where they walk as the heavy Dominus. Though twins, they are opposite sides of the coin, Piria is the cool analytic compared to Threzet’s fiery intuitiveness, they cover each other's weaknesses, and capitalize on each other's abilities. Piria is known throughout the IX as a master glass artist; her pieces, “The Millennium Bell '' and “The Ascent of Saint Ashtear” are incorporated into the chapel of the Frozen Flame. Threzet has long offered her skills in Vexillography to the IX, designing banners and battle flags for the House and the November Warriors. She is especially proud of the banner she had designed for Epochia Fadia, telling the history of the house in a concise and artistic manner. Ihati: The Youngest of the Quistoris pilots, outside of the entry plug she is affable, reliably good natured, and brightly intelligent. Bookish by nature, she spends her free time diving into the historical records of the IX, taking the stories that interest her the most and reprinting them to bind into physical books. It was via bookbinding that she started her relationship with the November Warriors, replacing a lost octavio for the Librarian of the Assault squads. Lt. Farsa Kas has long known her though, as he had been Liaison to the House working closely with her mother during her piloting days. This relationship is the basis for one of the most effective cross force elements in the IX. Knight and marine both adding to a comprehensive sensorium sweep, allowing for more detailed tac maps and the unveiling of enemy units. Koldeer: Second eldest of the Quistoris. She is direct, preferring to confront her challenges head on, her personality brooks no fools, and she herself prefers to focus on martial endeavors above all. Koldeer is the quintessential martial heart of the piloting corps. She organizes training schedules, sim scenarios and strategic wargames for pilots and manciples to sharpen their craft. Koldeer has long trained with the 765th, becoming a sort of mascot for the 3rd sapper squad. Because of her martial interests, it’s no surprise then that her personal collection of arms can best be described as impressive, and somewhat terrifying by her younger pilot siblings. Becoming even more intimidated when they learn just how much Koldeer has learned from the 3rd sappers. Vha’Rhi: A middle child in almost every sense of the word, her elder brother is the current head of strategic planning, her younger sister shows great promise as pilot of an Armiger. Such exemplary siblings stokes a fire of ambition. Hers is the most natural of piloting abilities, where others may have to consider or process, she instinctively knows the best course of action. This has given her a grudging confidence in her own abilities, though she’d never outright state that; still, she has some of the highest hours clocked in simulations. Vha’rhi’s personality is a study in contrasts, naturally gifted, but enduringly studious, she can be initially perceived as cold and standoffish to most but she has a core of a tenderness and compassion that she rarely lets shine through. Despite that, she can be regularly found at the onboard Schola assisting with the youngest of enrollees. Temis: Eldest and de facto head of the Quistoris, Temis is a reliable and sage presence among the pilots. Perceptive to an extreme, she provides a steady midfield anchor, tasking armigers to knights, providing extended sensor support and direct fire support. As the Armsman of the house it is her duty to help train Armiger pilots, preparing them to excel in combat. She takes to the field during Koldeer’s exercises alongside her charges, directing and grading them on their performance. Temis takes responsibility for the corps as a whole, providing a matronly presence that the normally fervent pilots have come to appreciate. It is expected that she will succeed Alqmar as the pilot of Aeternox Taris. A duty she is well suited for given her already formidable interest in archeotech. She uses an archeotech voxrepeater during training programs as a means of unifying movement, during her younger years she could often be found speeding recklessly through the decks on a pair of archeotech hover skates much to the chagrin of her elder pilots. The Middle Twins Lassys and Verao: The Pilots of the two Crusaders, the Twins aren’t actually gestational twins, they are cousins who happened to be born at the same time by what some consider an Emperor-given miracle to twin mothers. Unlike the elder twins of Piria and Threzet, Lassys and Verao seem to share a single personality. Sharp, insightful, and prone to outrageous pranks, the twins are nonetheless prodigies at combat. Students of ranged combat, the twins are the fire support element called on most during allied operations, a task they have done with relish since their days piloting the Helverins. Individual Honors: The Chevrons of Defiance: Crafted from material salvaged from great foe, a pair of metal chevrons are chained as trophies to the Epochia Fadi. The Alphaville Lotus: Gifted for the defense of Forge Outpost 336 Battle Report Scroll RS23X: Presented to Ihati before her second mission, it is a record of the final mission her mother undertook in Temporiah Junah. Lansends Shield: Originally used as part of an in-situ repair for Ephochia Fellias, re-consecrated after by Forge Kantariss, and hung from the starboard gun in recognition of the day's challenges. Spoiler \ Edited September 13, 2024 by NovemberIX Update, clear text in Spoiler Kelborn, Focslain, sitnam and 2 others 4 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted March 22, 2024 Share Posted March 22, 2024 Oh, a fellow Questoris friend? I see, you're a person of culture. Intrigued to see your take on them. The crest looks already dope. Did you make it yourself? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NovemberIX Posted March 22, 2024 Author Share Posted March 22, 2024 I too look forward to your take on our mutual interest in giant biped war machines! I did design the crest, I figured all the other knight houses have these grand looking designs I should try my hand at one, but in the November Superflat style. One day I might actually get them printed, but more than likely I'll just cut some vinyl for their army case. Kelborn and Focslain 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
twopounder Posted March 23, 2024 Share Posted March 23, 2024 (edited) Did you hand draw that crest? Edit, saw the reply. It looks really cool. The birds are a bit flat though for their detail, so I'd recommend reducing their overall number of vertices (basically simplify the profile and reduce feathers) or add some outline or gradient for contrast. It does burn my eyes a little Edited March 23, 2024 by twopounder Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NovemberIX Posted March 24, 2024 Author Share Posted March 24, 2024 It was kinda a rough blue on this background. I've tried another palette to see if that helps some of the burn. Coincidentally, I did realize the first version I posted wasn't actual house crest, but a variant of my profile banner, so cheers for indirectly reminding me to post the proper one! Kelborn 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThePenitentOne Posted March 29, 2024 Share Posted March 29, 2024 I've always been curious about Knights, but I know virtually nothing about them. I think the feudal honour/ oath bound thing is almost as cool as the giant battlemech part. What sort of character are you looking to evoke with this House? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NovemberIX Posted March 30, 2024 Author Share Posted March 30, 2024 First Draft is up! I'm still about 1300 words short, and need to add on more sections, format it, and figure out some Knight Names. I'm still debating on keeping the originals I've had, or going the more standard "Thing of Thing" naming scheme. But I figured I needed to post something to critique besides just a graphic!@ThePenitentOne In my head imagine a high class family owned hotel that's been around for generation, the kids all have roles, the Matriarch sorta runs everyone's lives, then add in a pastiche of giant-robo anime influences, a little bit of Evangelion, some Gasaraki, a hint of Darling in the Franxx and a touch of Idolmaster Xenoglossia. And that's the House Garaipena Focslain and ThePenitentOne 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThePenitentOne Posted March 31, 2024 Share Posted March 31, 2024 Hey, sorry to be such a newb, but where is the draft at- I want to check it out today. Congratulations BTW. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NovemberIX Posted April 1, 2024 Author Share Posted April 1, 2024 Thanks! It should be in the first post, I've edited it in. I figure keeps things simple if everything is in the top post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Focslain Posted April 2, 2024 Share Posted April 2, 2024 (edited) On 3/30/2024 at 10:19 AM, NovemberIX said: In my head imagine a high class family owned hotel that's been around for generation, the kids all have roles, the Matriarch sorta runs everyone's lives, then add in a pastiche of giant-robo anime influences, a little bit of Evangelion, some Gasaraki, a hint of Darling in the Franxx and a touch of Idolmaster Xenoglossia. And that's the House Garaipena As a fan of all of these this will be an interesting read. Haven't seen Gasaraki in over a decade though. edit: As one anime inspired house to another, not a bad start. I can see the Gasaraki reference on your sleeve via the Gowan dance. Could here the chanting and drums as I read. Few things: In the intro you mention cross training with the other military elements of the IX but it is not mentioned later in the Training section. This seems to be a fleet based Knight house which is a neat idea. A little more detail on that would be great in a Homeworld section. Now 'normally' once your bonded to a throne (Questorius or higher) your stuck there as trying to bond with another throne requires the same chance if not greater chance of rejection. I'm guessing this is kind of midigated by the gene-lock but it isn't made clear. Few grammer suggestions: to deny them the ability to bring Knight to battle. Should be knights to repair the earlier salvageable but damaged knights. I would suggest using either knight frames or hulls just to give some variety in terms. Keep up the good work, you got a nice thing started here. Edited April 2, 2024 by Focslain Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThePenitentOne Posted April 2, 2024 Share Posted April 2, 2024 (edited) I really like the Matriarchal Order concept. Do you use models on foot for them (thinking of the Canis Rex example here), or do you build your knights in such a way that it's possible to expose the pilots? I also really like all the other organizations that connect to the house- November IX, the Sisters of the Frozen Flame, Forge Kantariss... It really adds a lot to lean on those other factions. Finally, I love the individual Arts- Piria is particularly interesting- my birth father worked in auto glass all his life, but also did some really cool mirror sculpture abstracts. Her connection to the Sisters of the Frozen Flame via her stained glass is intriguing. I could almost see a knight with a few stained glass details. I didn't catch any of the Anime references- I'm a bit of an Anime newbie (watched me some Akira, some Ruroni Kenshin, some Cowboy Bebop and Ghost in the Shell, but that's about it). So when I saw Gowan dance, I thought Canadian musician Larry Gowan, current front man of Styx, and best known for his solo tunes Strange Animal and Criminal Mind. And if your ladies were doing THAT kind of Gowan dance, they'd have to learn to Angel Kick targets at 7 feet. Edited April 2, 2024 by ThePenitentOne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NovemberIX Posted April 13, 2024 Author Share Posted April 13, 2024 On 4/2/2024 at 11:32 AM, Focslain said: As a fan of all of these this will be an interesting read. Haven't seen Gasaraki in over a decade though. edit: As one anime inspired house to another, not a bad start. I can see the Gasaraki reference on your sleeve via the Gowan dance. Could here the chanting and drums as I read. Few things: In the intro you mention cross training with the other military elements of the IX but it is not mentioned later in the Training section. This seems to be a fleet based Knight house which is a neat idea. A little more detail on that would be great in a Homeworld section. Now 'normally' once your bonded to a throne (Questorius or higher) your stuck there as trying to bond with another throne requires the same chance if not greater chance of rejection. I'm guessing this is kind of midigated by the gene-lock but it isn't made clear. Few grammer suggestions: Should be knights I would suggest using either knight frames or hulls just to give some variety in terms. Keep up the good work, you got a nice thing started here. Re: Training, that's a very good point, I've expanded on that in the next draft that should be going up soon. I'll try and expand on the fleet aspect of it too, as there is more of the IX there that can be explored as well. As for the bonding, I'll be honest, I'm sorta treating Knights half like Evangelions/LFO's, the genelock is partially a physical "key", but more in that if you can make the metaphysical connection, you can get the mech to move, it's what motivated the Matriarchal theme. Mothers fighting on behalf of their children. So to connect to a house mech, you HAVE to be one of their children, or else the "machine spirit" will just ignore you, or maybe fry a brain if it dislikes someone enough. Admittedly, I'll probably handwave the details away via archeotech and having the backing of a Forge. Grammar bits have been fixed, and yeah, I need a few more nouns to refer to the Knights, I've been slowly going insane trying not to repeat myself over and over, but that's gone about as well as you can see :D On 4/2/2024 at 5:27 PM, ThePenitentOne said: I really like the Matriarchal Order concept. Do you use models on foot for them (thinking of the Canis Rex example here), or do you build your knights in such a way that it's possible to expose the pilots? I also really like all the other organizations that connect to the house- November IX, the Sisters of the Frozen Flame, Forge Kantariss... It really adds a lot to lean on those other factions. Finally, I love the individual Arts- Piria is particularly interesting- my birth father worked in auto glass all his life, but also did some really cool mirror sculpture abstracts. Her connection to the Sisters of the Frozen Flame via her stained glass is intriguing. I could almost see a knight with a few stained glass details. I didn't catch any of the Anime references- I'm a bit of an Anime newbie (watched me some Akira, some Ruroni Kenshin, some Cowboy Bebop and Ghost in the Shell, but that's about it). So when I saw Gowan dance, I thought Canadian musician Larry Gowan, current front man of Styx, and best known for his solo tunes Strange Animal and Criminal Mind. And if your ladies were doing THAT kind of Gowan dance, they'd have to learn to Angel Kick targets at 7 feet. At some point I'm going to try kitbashing up a pilot or two, I do have the Sir Hektor model, it's just a matter of finding a head that I'd like to 3d print, and getting muuuuuch better at painting eyes (my poor googly eyed commissar....) I have to admit to my own model building laziness though, I have the bits to do the interiors for at least two knights, but I'm fairly sure I'm just gonna glue the canopies closed for simplicity. I do want to try and work in the stained glass via Rift Cannon bits from the Dark Talon Kit, but again it's a matter of finding where I left mine.... The Anime references are more like anime influences I guess, and subtle at best. The most obvious reference is to Gasaraki, an anime about bipedal tactical armors, Noh Dance, and moratoriums on grain exports. The ladies do enjoy some M2 rock and roll, but Gowan in this case refers to the Gowa Family and their "Noh Dance of Gassara". In the anime it's all rather mysterious and "can open doors to other dimensions", here, it's what anchors and appeases the spirits of the previous pilots still in the Knights, still with some mysticism. The other main anime influences are the previously referenced Evangelion, Eureka Seven, and Idolm@ster Xenoglossia. Eva has a few bits cribbed here and there, and a lot of stolen terms. Eurka Seven's compac drives inspired a Key System, IM:X is a little easier and a little harder to explain, the main influence is the Dorm life for the Armiger pilots, but as with Eva, there this thing about the mech having a will of its own, accepting and rejecting pilots of it's own volition. Focslain 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NovemberIX Posted April 17, 2024 Author Share Posted April 17, 2024 Draft 2 is up, and I'm at about 2500 words, I'll probably work up some battle's and maybe a few more honors. Knight names are still in flux. Focslain 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NovemberIX Posted May 6, 2024 Author Share Posted May 6, 2024 Draft 3 with a word count of 3400 words is up. Knight names are decided on, debating on doing profiles for Armiger pilots. I'll have to comeback and look at it with fresh eyes later to see what else needs to be filled in. Honestly though, I am really thinking about models for all the pilots, I've seen a few one off models here and there, but I'd love to just buy a mix and match squad and print all of them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sitnam Posted May 11, 2024 Share Posted May 11, 2024 On 5/5/2024 at 7:58 PM, NovemberIX said: Draft 3 with a word count of 3400 words is up. Knight names are decided on, debating on doing profiles for Armiger pilots. I'll have to comeback and look at it with fresh eyes later to see what else needs to be filled in. Honestly though, I am really thinking about models for all the pilots, I've seen a few one off models here and there, but I'd love to just buy a mix and match squad and print all of them. Have you considered kitbashing? I think the new Solar Auxilia command squad could serve as a nice base; the armor seems has some similarity to previous Knight pilot sculpts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NovemberIX Posted May 11, 2024 Author Share Posted May 11, 2024 I've thought about it, I have liked the Auxilia since they were first released, though admittedly I had already thought about using them as my Imperial Navy guys until the breacher kill team had come out. I also found some sculpts on cults3d from Knight Soul Studios that have been on my mind too, they're an aesthetic of their own that would still fit in the broader imperial design. There is a big part of me that would rather print than buy, not just on price (the knight soul squad is half the price compared to GW) but on variety since I can also digitally bash in other bits or add my house emblems. Honestly though, I probably should focus on getting the knights themselves painted first. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sitnam Posted May 12, 2024 Share Posted May 12, 2024 6 hours ago, NovemberIX said: Honestly though, I probably should focus on getting the knights themselves painted first. I fell you there. I'm currently looking at my War Shaper + Carnivore squad I'm going to paint up for the Iron Gauntlet and my 40+ Necrons for the Call to Arms, and all I'm thinking about is projects past both of those Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted May 17, 2024 Share Posted May 17, 2024 Really liking what you've got cooking up here, November! Great to see the connections between this force and your past IG forces Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted May 17, 2024 Share Posted May 17, 2024 I am going to be honest here, I have no idea on about 90% of the references or theses you said you were going for here so some of my comments may see ma bit off, but stick with me here. So on a first read (will get a more detailed look in later) I rapidly got a little lost. I imagine its because I haven't read your other forces articles in a long time (note on to do list there) and from what I remember of them you were very deep in with your own line of fluff. So this is more my own failing then yours. May I just suggest a bit of a brief explanation in the earlier parts of the article on what exactly the NovemberIX is/are? Its clearly a critical part of what ties all your forces together and unless I missed it its seems their isn't even a hint to what it is. As I have said in other comments it is late and I am rather tired so I possibly missed it. If so I apologise. I love how deep you have gone with this article though. The good thing on a Knight House is because of their limited numbers you can name and fluff every pilot, giving a much more personal touch to the force. You aren't covering a thousand marines or ten thousands guardsmen, just a few dozen and their steeds. Great job on bringing these people to life. The sentence structure, particularly in the first part of the article, seems a bit... off? I don't know if its the use of fractured sentences or where you have placed the commas but something about it seemed jarring to me. If you want I can give specific examples. I am no expert at English however so feel free to ignore me Finally on this quick once over I must say your models and crest are pretty damned awesome looking. I painted one knight for my own household a few Iron Gauntlets back and that was a chore. And while I went with white you have gone yellow which is just as hard. So kudos and good job. Keep up the good work and I will try to have a more thorough read once I've had a touch of sleep. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NovemberIX Posted July 31, 2024 Author Share Posted July 31, 2024 First off, thank y'all for the feedback! I've gone back and done some editing, hopefully the opening is a bit more cohesive and less stream of conscious. Though I did just notice I should still add in some clarifying information about the NovemberIX. For now though I'd like to take this post as a chance to debut the entire house Garaipeña in their current state. Aeternox Taris, piloted by 'Aunty' Alqmar Quanta Aetil, Piloted by Piria Septa Aetiro Piloted by Threzet Temporia Junah, Piloted by Ihati Tempris Seguna, Piloted by Koldeer Cirino Ferrin, piloted by Vha'rhi Milenus Suproxim, Piloted by Temis Epochia Fadia Piloted by Lassys Epochia Fellisa Piloted by Verao Comet Squad, Pilots Veril and Satra Gram Squad. Pilots Rihirie and Kaddli Halo Squad, Pilots Chye and Ambra Vapor Squad, Pilots Belera Sozette Zenith Squad, Pilots Sienae and Tadami Trokair and INKS 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NovemberIX Posted August 28, 2024 Author Share Posted August 28, 2024 (edited) For Challenge the Fourth, we were tasked with creating 3 dataslates. With the nature of knights, this could have gone a couple of ways. Originally I had planned on doing dataslates for all the pilots, but I realized that would basically just be more of a modeling and painting exercise with a lot of copy and paste of the datasheet, so I figured I'd go another route. I'd try something fun with some Armigers, especially cause it would be simple enough to reconvert them back to a standard unit I could use in other games. Starting off is the datasheet for the Pilot of my Knight Preceptor, Temis. and here she is close up I love the Marauder in battletech, this is a bit of a 40K take on it. I love mortis dreads, so dual thermal spears already melt my heart, but add a third, and we're talking some extra insanity. The alternate take is to swap that topside thermal spear for a melta, thus it would be more in line with other armigers, but what's the fun in that? The Armiger Cateran The Armiger Meteron is my take on what happens when Imperial Knights, Space Marines, and a forgeworld work together. I liked the idea of the sword Is it running, is it tripping? who knows! All I know is it's dynamic! Now admittedly, these were modeled this way for the challenge, they will instead normally run as counts-as warglaives with thermal spears and swords as pictured in the CTA24 Imperium thread, I'm debating on editing the Cateran dataslate to replace the 3rd spear with a melta, if I do that I might end up running both of these as Caterans though. There is a small part of me that wants to make a 4th dataslate for the counts-as warglaive with sword, but I don't think I could differentiate it enough from the stock to be necessary. Edited August 28, 2024 by NovemberIX Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NovemberIX Posted December 19, 2024 Author Share Posted December 19, 2024 The Sunset Dance The IV had dripped, and the day was dragging on. Outside in the hall her manciple had adjusted a lightswitch, bringing a much appreciated shade to the room. The Pilot of the Knight Preceptor Milenus Suproxim was exhausted, but she had secured her legacy; the next in the unbroken line of pilots that could trace its way back to the greatest grandmother was born. Exhausted, and accomplished. She adjusted the warm bundle that now slept upon her chest. She would have preferred to give birth on the Glatisant, but she was stationed on the lander Avengent Fury above Cartrox IIc. The house had been operating planet side for 6 months now in grinding urban combat against an entrenched insurgent force. The rebels had captured a deep layer manufactura complex that sprawled underneath the primary macrohive on the Pedulla Continent. Though they had yet to corrupt it, the traitor forces had managed to engage the ancient machinery to produce war walkers. Invading from underground industrial elevators, they had been attacking the civilians and infrastructure topside. It was the task of the Garaipeña to engage the enemy walkers so that the 765th and local Skitarii Cohorts could retake occupied facilities. The Twins had been given groundside operation command to implement a partitioning of forces into quick response squads. They were currently planet side in a picket around the rebel forces. Because of her gravid status, She’d been assigned to the Orbital Warning and Command lander keeping station above the continent. Ostensibly she was there as command representative of the Matriarch, but that hadn’t amounted to much more than the occasional SNAP traffic message, stamping her approval of the Twins battle plans, and regular but interminable meetings with the Manciples. She would be glad to get a break from that at least. She was beginning to lightly doze, and her manciple had left the room in search of a pot of recaffe. Her mind wandered as she lay there, ‘Vapor and Zenith squads had just cycled up for refit and repair, Halo and Gram were ready to cycle down, and Comet would be after them if the fighting kept up, hopefully another Quistoris or two could be freed up and assist the twins.’ Her thoughts were interrupted by a distant thud, violent tremors and the lights switching to emergency reds. She grabbed the medi-bed handvox and hit the activation keys, barely waiting for the connection tone to complete before asking for a report. She heard a second tone of the intraship network before she heard the voice of the Senior Manciples assistant. “We’ve been hit by orbital debris, engines are severely damaged and are unable to keep station. Ship master has ordered that we make a controlled descent while we can. SNAP message reports a breakout force have taken over the western continental anti-asteroid turret network and are circumventing the friendly fire protocols by using the debris as a weapon.” She squared up the details and considered, with the majority of Novemberine forces on the northern continent, response to this attack would be slow compared to the damage they could do in that time. “Let the ship master know I’m invoking command privilege, get crew to crash stations, aim us toward the complex, and prepare Milenus Suproxima for my arrival” She could feel a change in the vibration in the deck plate as he responded affirmative. The voice continued “Estimated time to impact, roughly 18 minutes” She heard the door cycle open, her manciple entered, carrying her piloting gear and a disposable recaffe cup with a lid. “Rig for defense once we’re down, I’ll have further orders once I’m in the plug” Disconnecting the handvox she shifted her waking progeny to one arm and reached for the cup as he started to prepare her suit, “On time as always dear” ---- The Avengent Fury was burning towards the terminator line, a streak of golden spark followed as it delved the blue and black sky. Inside the rumbling had grown fierce, the last of the deckhands were clearing out. Milenus Suproxima was free of her moorings, braced for a dynamic entry onto the battlefield. Flanking her were the quickly readied Vapor units. Their rough looks belied their readiness, their pauldrons, newly replaced, were rife with overspray, the lighting locks themselves while fully cleaned, still bore signs of electrode oxidation. Inside the cockpit of Milenus Suproxima, a mother’s warmth soothed her newborn. A wrap held the child close. Over her small mouth and nose, and newborn sized respiration mask. The plug began to fill with the link connection fluid, a slightly orange substance, slightly denser than pure liquid but more fluid than a gel. As the fluid rose and began to reach her head, the pilot had a thought, she’d hated this part, going from gas to liquid breathing always felt weird. For a moment she envied her progeny. She dismissed the thought with a tilt of her head and a gritting of her teeth. The House Garaipena had customs about introducing their children to battle, but in her memory her daughter would be the first neonatal introduction. In her mind, the safest place was the entry plug of the Milenus Suproxima. Avengent fury was about to be a battlefield, her manciple in command of the defense. She simply had to tear through the traitor forces fast enough that they couldn’t pose a threat to her and her own. Inside 9 cockpits a red timer counted down. Knight and arimgers awaited on grav chute pallets. The pilots were making last moment prayers under the neon light of their HUDs. The buffeting of the ship had smoothed relatively as they speared the atmosphere leaving a trail of superheated air in their wake. The Anti-Asteroid gun complex was composed of a series of concentric rings. The Outer retaining wall, The Gun Yards, an inner wall protecting 7 massive generators sitting equidistant, each feeding energy to the large turreted guns sitting at the points of a giant star and then the Core of the facility itself, which housed the command center. In the Milenus Suproxim, as the counter wound its way down, the pilot keyed her vox. “Suproxim to all knights, the rebels must be stopped here, this lance is all that stands between them, and control of the skies, we bring destruction for the damage they’ve wrought to Avengent Fury, brace for dynamic entry, drop in 3, 2,1.” She looked down at her child strapped to her chest and thought to herself, not even an hour old, and she’s already going to have her first combat drop, this would be a special child. Across the walker bay, the great maw of the doors began to lift, the armigers on their drop sleds began to accelerate towards the opening, sparks dancing off the inductor rails in their wake. Until finally it was her turn. The rush of acceleration was thankfully dampened by the Link Connection Liquid that filled the plug. Lights flashed by in blurred rows towards a glowing brightness then suddenly she was in the air. Free. Today there’d be no grav chutes, each Armiger and her knight were angels of vengeance falling through the clear blue air somewhere between the sunlight and the ground. Great plumes of dirt arose from the impact sites. The reverberation of impact was replaced by the sounding of war horns. Over the vox the order came “All units, begin operation, weapons free, good hunting” from Milenus Suproxim the opening roar of battle song belted forth. A violent staccato thrumming and a driving triple bass beat emanated from the large knight, followed by a shrill stab of what sounded like string instrument. The effect was twofold, the Knights were primed, and the sound filled the all bands of transmission, acting as a jammer for enemy communication. The Armigers and Knight had landed in the westernmost part of the Gun Yard, intent on taking to their intended targets. Vapor and Zenith would handle any light force, Gram for any infantry and medium tank, Halo medium to heavy targets; Milenus Suproxim would disable the guns and any heavy forces on the field. The rebels had brought a passel of small walkers and armored cavalry to reinforce their position. It had taken them a few moments to respond to the arrival of the Knights, but now they were beginning to swarm. The first shot of the battle was by Gram, they slagged a strange tripedal walker that carried a cannon on its back. Suproxim followed by vaporizing another three that had angled towards them. Soon the battle was a wash of flashing lights, whizzing kinetics and the irregular flare of Suproxim’s Ion Shield. The Knight Preceptor was leading the rush forward, taking snapshots at passing tanks and walkers while tightly focused on its objective, the still firing anti-asteroid gun. The ground shuddered and shaked with each volley. Though she would not be denied from her target. The first of the seven guns was in her view. Charging her Las Impulsor she came to a sliding halt as she braced to fire. Aiming not for the gun itself, but it’s counterweight, she intended to drop the gun, preventing firing, but allowing for later repair. She wouldn't be the only part of the November IX that couldn’t limit collateral damage, or else she’d never hear the end of it from the Kantariss Tech Priests. The lasbeam struck dead on, melting the giant chains that held the counterweight, the barrel of the anti-asteroid gun falling level. She transmitted over the tac net, “First gun down, Rally to me.” On the HUD TACMAP she could see the icons indicating all four squads turning her direction, Zenith, Halo and Vapor were coming in from the sides while both Gram units brought up the rear. Milenus Suproxim accelerated in the direction of the next gun. Footfalls of titanic proportions shook the ground as the Knight and Armigers began to move towards the next gun. A new wave of enemies was pouring forth. This time they had larger heavy birdlike bipedal walkers, legs connected to torso, weapons mounted on the top of the carapace. The pilot of Suproxim was disgusted and saw them as a twisted reflection of the Armigers. The first was dispatched with a blast of Las Impulsor fire, the next was electrocuted in a blast of Lightnight Lock fire, a third had been caught up in the blast and lost a leg, falling to the ground. Milenus Suproxim and the armigers closed the distance, allowing the larger knight to sweep aside another pair of the strange walkers with her gauntlet. Another was picked up and tossed toward a group of the smaller tripod walkers that were emerging from around the bend. “Vapor 5-2, Scratch one more tin can” was heard over the tac net followed by, “Zenith 7-3, 5th one for me, do I get ace stripes now?” Inside the plug of Milenux Suproxim the pilot smiled and responded “Keep your heads on a swivel.” With work like efficiency they cleared the wave of enemies and continued their advance around the bend of the gun-yard. The barrel of the great gun slowly came into view. Surrounding the gun was yet another wave of the twisted bipedal walkers and the smaller tripods. “Split fire, take the sides, I’ll cut through the middle” The Armigers split away and Milenus Suproxim continued it’s charge forward. As they came into range of their respective targets fire began to lance out, the red deflagrating beams of Volkite vs the searing bolts of the Lightning Locks, The bending air of Grav and the actinic flare of Melta. Scores of the enemy were mowed down, even more as the Las Impulsor reached out to vaporize a group of the rebel walkers. A fusillade of fire issued forth from the enemy walkers, doing not much more that chipping the paint on Milenus Suproxim, unfortunately, a lucky shot seemed to have completely obliterated the shielding on Vapor 5-3s right side Lightning Lock, exposing the charging coils. Vapor 5-3 immediately began to wheel off to the left, keeping it’s exposed flank out of the line of fire. Vapor 5-2 and Gram 4-3 came around to support it, attempting to siphon off some of the aggro 5-3 had generated. Over the tacnet Vapor 5-3 transmitted, ”I’m still in it, just lost the armor panel, if I keep to the left, I can angle out the damage” The Armigers shifted positions to cover their damaged lance mate. From across the distance Milenus Suproxim saw a new emerging group of enemies, among them this time smaller walkers, faster than any before, but seemingly not carrying any weapons. The pilot didn’t have much time to think about it as the next volley of fire issued forth. She split her fire between targets, using her shoulder mounted multi-las and her Las-Impulsor to clear the enemy two at a time. Scoring a pair of hits she lined up her next shots to destroy a pair of the smaller walkers, she wasn’t prepared for the force of their explosion. From the distance it didn’t feel like much more than a vibration, but if they closed in, she thought, and looked down. “Suproxim to all units, the small walkers are explosive units, priority target do NOT let them close” A series of affirmatives were heard over the vox. At the same time fire concentrated on the smaller walkers destroying them one after another till none were left in the wave. Halo moved forward to engage a group of heavy tanks that had emerged from behind one of the many support buildings that lined the Gun Yard. Milenus Suproxim carried her way forward to the next big gun, and again lined up her shot to sever the chains that held the counterweight in place when a shot from above interrupted her. She looked up and was perplexed to see a massive boxy bipedal walker with a tiny head, it was as big as a knight and floating in the air, great gouts of flame shooting from its back. It carried a massive cannon and what looked like a heavy mining drill as armaments. It hung only for a moment before it came slamming down in the path of the Knight Preceptor. Joining the fray were more of the bird like bipedal walkers from the earlier waves and what could only be described as crude technicals. Munitions trolleys had been converted into makeshift weapons platforms, some armed with nothing more than heavy stubbers, a couple had autocannons and one carried a very hastily mounted lascannon. The pilot thought to herself that with this motley effort, she was fairly sure that if she took down their false knight, the rebels would break and rout. “Armigers, press the attack, I’ll clear the large mech.” The Armigers broke to the flanks engaging the remainder of the strange bipedal walkers ignoring the technicals except for when expedient to dispatch them underfoot. For a moment though, the two large walkers stood across from each other not moving. When in a flash both darted forward. Milenus Suproxim let loose a volley of multi-las fire that scorched harmless off the armor panels of the enemy walker. It thrust it’s drill forward but Suproxim parried it aside with it’s thunderstrike gauntlet. Sparks flashed as the two giants clashed. For all it’s mass, the enemy walker didn’t have the sheer strength of construction that the Imperial Knight did. Suproxim was able to turn the melee attack aside and swing around to train it’s Las Impulsor on the torso of the enemy. Firing a quick shot, Milenus Suproxim was able to stagger the enemy mech. It’s torso armor was badly scorched, but still damnably uncompromised. The Preceptor charged forward, taking the initiative to grab the head unit in it’s thunderstrike gauntleted hand, holding it in place, Suproxim began to fire repeated heavy shots into the torso at point blank range. The collimation thermal radiators began to glow an ominous orange, till finally the beam penetrated all the way through, and the large walker ceased to struggle. Across the field, the smaller units began to run away, only to be destroyed as they turned their backs. The Knights of Garaipeña would not allow these rebels to flee and fight another day. They had made a choice, now it was time to reckon with it. The guns, not yet silenced, were still firing into the sky bringing down a hail of asteroid fragments, causing a rain of shooting meteors. The knights made their way forth till they had come to a junction. One path continued curving with the Gun Yard, the other was blocked by a massive gate, but led to the command center. “Suproxim to all armigers, we’re gonna make for the pathway to the command center, fire at the gate on my mark.” Across the nine cockpits, a target appeared on the inner wall gate of the Gun Yard. “3. 2. 1. MARK” With a hail of fury, weapons fire lit up the fading day, slowly vaporizing, crunching, and deflagrating the metal portal. “Keep on firing til we make a gap” Inch by inch, meter by meter the knights blasted their way through till there was a crumbling and the gate fell in on itself, creating a gap just large enough for Milenus Suproxim to scrape it’s way through. By this point there was no resistance, they had thrown everything they had, everything that might even damage a knight, all to no avail. So the Knights walked uncontested to the command center. The tremors of the guns, slowing with every step. The pilot of Milenus Suproxim had an unfortunate feeling, she knew by the time they’d reach the control center, the enemy would have faded back into the shadows and escaped. Arriving at the massive building the five units came to a slow halt. The battle song from Milenus Suproxim faded out. Inside the Knight Preceptor the pilot switched frequencies and hailed the long landed Avengent Fury. “Suproxim to Fury Control, Suproxim to Fury Control, do you copy?” The vox crackled with response, “Fury Control to Suproxim, affirmative we copy. Sitrep?” “Suproxim to Fury Control, large enemy forces destroyed, damage is minimal, ground forces seem to have escaped, but the control room is still in need of clearing “ “Copy that Suproxim, ground forces are en route, Local Skitarii Cohort Alpha-33-Phi have been following your progress, they appreciate your… conscientious disabling of the Anti-Asteroid Turrets and send their thanks, I’ve also got someone here who wants to talk to you” A new but familiar voice was on the line, her manciple, and father of her child she was currently looking at. “Congratulations Kisida, how's our child looking?” “Gorgeous, she slept through the whole thing. I’ve decided to name her after your grandmother, Temis” “Temis, I like that” “I’m going to take a nap till the Skitarii get here, wake me up when they do please?” she asked. After getting an affirmative, she sat back, feeling the warm bundle across her chest and let her eyes close. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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