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"In the shooting phase, after this unit has shot" questions.

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What specifically qualifies a unit as having shot in order to trigger abilities that are worded like this?


Does this mean that a unit must have fired at least one ranged weapon to qualify as having shot?
Does a unit just need to possess the ability to fire its ranged weapons  in order to qualify (like a marine unit with boltguns that has no targets in range or LOS)?

What about units with no ranged weapons at all; are they unable to trigger an ability that requires a unit to have shot?


I have read the Rules Commentary under the "Shot" paragraph. It ALMOST answers my questions.

The portion of the errata that defines whether the unit has shot ("When all models in a unit that are making ranged attacks have resolved all of those attacks, that unit has shot") still confuses me though. This portion of the "Shot" paragraph seems to imply that a unit has "shot" as long as it has had the opportunity to, though not necessarily the ability to.



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You need a ranged weapon to be able to shoot, and you need to shoot the ranged weapon to 'have shot'. 

If you are trying to edge a rule towards a melee only unit, then I think you'll need express permission from the rule in order to benefit, otherwise the unit cannot fulfil the 'has shot' criteria, because it hasn't shot. 


Have you an example in mind?

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It would be best to know what exact interaction you are looking at in terms of units having shot. While a unit only equipped with melee weapons is still Eligible to Shoot (allowing melee units to perform secondary mission actions), since it technically has no shooting attacks it doesn't really fulfill the having shot criteria. 

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Common sense dominates here I think:

On 4/4/2024 at 4:55 PM, Abominant said:

What specifically qualifies a unit as having shot in order to trigger abilities that are worded like this?

Shooting/Attacking with a weapon

Does this mean that a unit must have fired at least one ranged weapon to qualify as having shot?

Yes, if it hasn't shot a weapon, then it hasn't shot
Does a unit just need to possess the ability to fire its ranged weapons  in order to qualify (like a marine unit with boltguns that has no targets in range or LOS)?

No, just having the ability to shoot, does not mean it has shot. So you can't do a 'instead of shoting' action, and count as having shot

What about units with no ranged weapons at all; are they unable to trigger an ability that requires a unit to have shot?

Yes, they cannot do things that are instead of shooting - sucks to be nids!

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