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So taking a break from a few armies in my collection. Started on taking on the Deathwing Assault Box that was gifted for the holidays and then some. Started the Black Primer and painting them in Pre Horus Hersey Era colors. 



Lion El’Johnson 


Ancient in Terminator Armor (Kit-bash)


Chaplain in Terminator Armor (Kit-Bash Tarentus)


Librarian in Terminator Armor (Leviathan Librarian)


3x Deathwing Knights Squad (new sculpts)


3x5-man Deathwing Terminator Squad /w Plasma Cannon (new sculpts)




Front View



Ancient in Terminator Kitbash using the new Terminator Captain as a base and bits from the Deathwing Knights/Inner Circle Kits.



Chaplain Tarenetus  with the Spare Storm Shield.




I used this to test out how the color scheme looks.

Edited by Hiroitchi
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Finished up my anime/manga inspired Lion El’Johnson. So I’m going to use this as the scheme for the rest of my Deathwing.


Started work on Belial and my Ancient. Still Waiting on the Librarian in Terminator Armor. I’ll see about making that Libby more Deathwing and hope I still have enough bits to make it.



Thanks for joining me on my journey.

8 hours ago, FarFromSam said:

I'm not into anime and Manga, what makes this an anime?  I love the red robes,  and how nice the Lion turned out.  Good work. 

its the painting style and some of the effects. I was inspired by some of the art style of Goblin Slayer and Berserk, but thanks none the less, I appreciate it.

side note: I changed my Chaplain to the new sculpt. built it slight different from the box art and even got myself a leviathan Librarian.




I also started working on the Ancient as well as Belial. Being a busy bee.



That chaplain pose is an improvement over the original.   He looks menacing, like he's having a bad morning and woke up to having some one use the last of his coffee creamer with out replacing it.   Motivational.   Keep it up. 

Made some more progress on that Ancient.



The Ancient was built from the bones of the new Terminator Captain using hits from the Dark Angels Knights kit, the new Dark Angels upgrade sprue, and the Inner Circle Box sets. I was going to make it complicated, trying to make the old parts work but this works outs.

Edited by Hiroitchi

WIP Deathwing Terminator Sergeants, Librarian, New Terminator Chaplain, and Belial. I replaced Tarentus and converted him back to his original model because well since the army has new sculpts, let’s be consistent.






added 30k Banners because I was feeling Nostalgia with 2nd Ed Banners.




I finally settled on the blue for the Libby but still trying to make it look like Deathwing.


More Progress to follow.

  • 2 weeks later...

So got word of Dark angels points reduction on most of my Army list. So that’s great! I adjusted a few things and well I now can have a reason to purchase the cool looking Brutalis Dreadnaught.


Brotherhood of Steel (2000 Points)


Space Marines

Dark Angels

Inner Circle Task Force

Strike Force (2000 Points)




Ancient in Terminator Armour

    • 1x Power weapon

      1x Storm bolter

    • Enhancements: Deathwing Assault



    • 1x Master-crafted storm bolter

      1x The Sword of Silence


Chaplain in Terminator Armour

    • 1x Crozius arcanum

      1x Relic Shield

    • Enhancements: Champion of the Deathwing


Librarian in Terminator Armour

    • 1x Force weapon

      1x Smite


Lion El’Jonson

    • Warlord

    • 1x Arma Luminis

      1x Fealty




Brutalis Dreadnought

    • 1x Brutalis talons

      1x Twin Icarus ironhail heavy stubber

      1x Twin multi-melta


Deathwing Knights

    • 1x Watcher in the Dark

    • 1x Knight Master

        • 1x Relic weapon

    • 4x Deathwing Knight

        • 4x Mace of absolution


2x Deathwing Knights

    • 1x Watcher in the Dark

    • 1x Knight Master

        • 1x Great weapon of the Unforgiven

    • 4x Deathwing Knight

        • 4x Power weapon


3x Deathwing Terminator Squad

    • 1x Watcher in the Dark

    • 1x Deathwing Sergeant

        • 1x Power weapon

          1x Storm bolter

    • 4x Deathwing Terminator

        • 4x Chainfist

          1x Plasma cannon

          3x Storm bolter

As I was continuing the project, my wife pointed out that I apparently painted the houses of Hogwarts. Now I can’t unsee it and now I’m on full send lol. She recommended the two schools from Goblet of Fire.



Progress so far… Just have to figure out the last two Deathwing Terminator Squads



Deathwing Knights Gryffindor 


Deathwing Knights Ravenclaw



Deathwing Knights Slytherin 


Deathwing Terminator Squad Hufflepuff

Update: I changed my list to incorporate a full 10 man Squad of Deathwing Terminators led by the Librarian in Terminator Armor. I kept the two Plasma Cannons in that squad. IMG_3104.thumb.jpeg.d2a7dc3105bead025fe905aac640f268.jpeg




Squad Hufflepuff with a Cyclone Missile Launcher that was modified to look like the stuff from Gundam.




Here is a closer picture of the modification.




I don’t know what to call this squad but I’m open to suggestions. Lol




Squad Ravenclaw WIP




Squads Gryffindor and Slytherin WIP


I am still working on the Brutalis Dreadnought, more updates to follow.

7 hours ago, Prot said:

Looks awesome. The checkers really turned out weil.



Thanks I appreciate it


4 hours ago, ShotgunFacelift said:

hell of a project! 

Great work with the hazard stripes


I appreciate it.


So I started added Decals from the Dark Angels Transfer sheets




Hufflepuff Sergeant with Vexilia and decals applied.




Deathwing Sergeant Vexillia with Decals




added decals to the scrolls for the chaplain




Started using decals on the rest of the army

I’ll call a spade a spade;  this list isn’t that great. However, man does it look cool. Played a game last night as a first outing and it was against Grey Knights. I lost by 10 points 67-57. All he had left on the board was a Dread Knight.  We ended it on turn 4. We talked it over on points and I would have killed the dread knight by the last turn. 

We talked it out on the last turn and yeah I would have killed that dread knight since it was down to the last few wounds. 

My mvps were the Brutalis Dreadnought, Lion, Squad Ravenclaw( blue/white Deathwing Knights), and the 10 man blob of Deathwing Terminators lead by the Librarian

I haven’t played enough 10th Ed leviathan to remember that Tactical gave you the option to skip your secondaries for 1 CP. I played it out with just fixed objectives.



Here are some of the highlights, but only took two pictures. Lol.




Ha, looks like an “Oh Sh*t” moment for the GK as the Lion is Walking towards you in anime fashion.


The whole thing gave my opponent to pause and rethink on what to do. Squad Gryffindor, Belial, and the Ancient holding their ground as the Brutalis Dreadnought is coming up the Field.

Goblin Green Bases sometimes just hits just right for Nostalgic vibes. 



Played against world eaters the other day and I was amazed on how the knights stood their ground against Angron. I felt like man did I waste 1 CP on Duty unto Death? Lol. Khârn is brutal, he killed two Deathwing Terminators by himself.



Edited by Hiroitchi

The more I look at the anime eye flare using wire, the more I am hating it. So I used Woodland Scenics Water Effect and thinned out contrast red. I used that water effect because it dries clear. 





and did the same with the Brutalis.

Edited by Hiroitchi

Always great to play a game when everything on the table is painted, even the terrain is painted. Played a 2k Matched Game against Grey Knights. My Anime Deathwing did pretty good but got pretty lucky because dice were not on my opponents side.  




Grey Knights took to the field first. They are being led by Kaldor Draigo and Castellean Crowe. The Grey Knights had a Land raider Redeemer, Paladins, Purifiers, and Strike Squads. 

My Deathwing deployed nearly half its force in deep strike. The Lion, 2x Deathwing Knights, Brutalis Dreadnought, and a Deathwing Terminator Squad took to the field.

Turn 1-
After the Grey Knights pushed foward and taking the lead in points, my Deathwing violently responded. With Belial, Ancient Apocrypha, and Deathwing Knights Squad Raphael entered the battle with Deathwing Assault. Then they proceeded to charge and decimate a Paladin Squad trying to out Flank the Dark Angels Center. Suffice to say, they all eliminated. No casualties to report at this time and some Grey Knight units retreated into the nether to redeploy somewhere more advantageous. The sounds of thick terminator armor boots echoes the battlefield with the crackles of power weapons igniting the grimdark air.



Turn 2-
It was the Grey Knights turn to rectify this Heresy. The Grey Knights became to push closer in attempt to weaken the Black Ceramite Armor of the Dark Angels. Crowe and his Purfiers exit the Land Raider ready to face the Lion’s sons. Kaldor Dragio and his Paladins teleports into battle to face Belial’s Squad. As a gamble, Epistolary Ephraim and Deathwing Terminator Squad Hiram rapid ingress behind enemy lines after the Grey Knights made their advances. However Deathwing Squad Malachi are temporarily blinded by a firing squad of Grey Knights that appear out of nowhere. Deathwing Knight Marcus of Squad Gabriel fall from the hail of gunfire from the Purifiers and the Land Raider, his armor burns from the Prometheum. Deathwing Knight Seamus of  Squad Raphael bleeds, nearly buckling to his knees from the barrels of Kaldor Dragio’s unit. Bolter rounds bounce and graze the thick armor of Squad Uriel, Deathwing Knights who stand tall at the center. Sadly the temporary awe of the shiny armor of the Grey Knights materializing Deathwing Brother Eldritch takes the leather shots for Squad Malachi.



As the battle rages, the Grey Knights charge to meet the Dark Angels with steel. Knights Fineas of Squad Gabriel and Cornac of Squad Raphael fall with crackle of Nemesis Blades finding their home in their respective armor where it greets vital flesh. With utmost precision Belial and a few of his brothers’ blades eliminates Dragio. All but the Grey Knight holding the Narthecium remains surrounded by Belial’s Personal Deathwing Knights.


Seeing two brothers fall; Brutalis Dreadnought Ancient Hadrian and Squad Uriel position closer to the Grey Knights for a charge. The Lion pressed forward as well. Squad Hiram and Epistolary Ephraim positions in themselves for a charge. They succeed in finishing minimal damage to the Grey Knights and their positions upon opening salvos from their weapons. The Lion grazes with his pistol and Kraken missile impact on nearby buildings. With Chainfists, Blades, hammers, and claws the Dark Angels charge into decimate what little forces are on the battlefield.  Castellen Crowe and his squad gets Crushed completely by the weight of Dark Angels steel. Belial and his Remaining Knights continue sweep the Dark Angels as a patrolling rearguard eliminating another unit. Unengaged Grey Knights Teleport into the either once more.


Turn 3-

After the Grey Knights return the battlefield to repay what blood has been shed. In what can be assumed as a last ditch effort, the Grey knights return to position themself to try and turn the tide. To the dismay of the Grey Knights a squad fails to charge the Dark Angels Strongpoint however The Librarian and his squad charges forth in hopes to stop the Deathwing from eliminating the Land Raider. Deathwing squad Hiram dwindles to half their starting strength but holds firm enough to retaliate with the destruction of the Land Raider and inflicting more casualties to the Grey Knights.


Deathwing Squad Hiram becomes battle shocked however Deathwing Knight Squad Uriel and Ancient Hadrian lumber towards aiding Epistolary Ephraim and his decimated retinue. Having lost minimal casualties Squad Uriel and Squad Ephraim advance deeper into the Grey Knights lines as they walk over the bloody corpses of the once prideful Grey Knights that were before them earlier. The sounds of Ceremite crushing as Ancient Hadrian walks through the corpses as well. Meanwhile Belial and his remaining retinue pincered the Grey Knights with Squad Malachi . The Lion attend to help but was not able to enter the fray except for barking out orders.


I ended up tabling him turn 4 and we just talked out the rest. It was a close victory because the points were so close together. At this point he had one chance for his last deep strike to matter.  All in all it was a heck of a game. 77-52 final score Dark Angels take the win.



Edited by Hiroitchi
  • 2 months later...

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