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3k Iron Warriors Siege List

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Hi folks,
I need another opinion on a list. I already posted a list (First List) last time and this is the continuation of that one. 
The basic idea of this list was that if the enemies don't come to the trench, the trench comes to them.
I think that's a pretty entertaining idea.
What do you think of this list?

++ Crusade Force Organisation Chart (LA -   IV: Iron Warriors) [2,991Pts] ++

+ Expanded Army Lists +

Expanded Army List Profiles:: Exemplary Units On, Legacy Units On

+ Allegiance: +

   IV: Iron Warriors

Allegiance: Traitor

+ Rite of War: +

Rite of War

+ HQ: +

Centurion [115Pts]

. Siege Breaker: Artificer Armour

. . Boarding Shield
. . Chainsword: Chainsword
. . Magna Combi-Weapon: Magna Combi-Weapon - Plasma Gun
. Siege Breaker

Centurion [110Pts]: Herald

. Herald: Artificer Armour, Legion Standard, Thunder Hammer

Warsmith [351Pts]: Tyrant of the Lyssatra, Warlord

. Command Squad

. . Legion Chosen: Boarding Shield, Bolt Pistol, Magna Combi-Weapon - Meltagun, Nuncio-Vox
. . Legion Chosen: Bolter

. . . Boarding Shield
. . . Power Weapon: Power Maul
. . Legion Chosen: Boarding Shield, Bolt Pistol, Magna Combi-Weapon - Meltagun
. . Legion Chosen: Bolter

. . . Boarding Shield
. . . Power Weapon: Power Maul
. . Legion Standard Bearer

. . . Boarding Shield
. . . Power Weapon: Power Maul
. Warsmith: Artificer Armour, Master-craft one weapon

. . Boarding Shield
. . Power Weapon: Power Maul
. . Warsmith


+ Elites: +

Apothecarion Detachment [220Pts]

. Apothecary: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol

. . Chainsword: Chainsword
. Apothecary: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol

. . Chainsword: Chainsword
. Apothecary: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol

. . Chainsword: Chainsword
. Apothecary: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol

. . Chainsword: Chainsword

Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [575Pts]

. Contemptor Dreadnought: Gravis Melta Cannon, Gravis Power Fist  with in-built ranged weapon, Meltagun
. Contemptor Dreadnought: Gravis Melta Cannon, Gravis Power Fist  with in-built ranged weapon, Meltagun
. Contemptor Dreadnought: Combi-Bolter, Gravis Autocannon, Gravis Power Fist  with in-built ranged weapon

Rapier Battery [160Pts]: Phosphex Canister Shot (Rapier), Quad Launcher - Frag

. Rapier Battery w/ Legion Upgrades

. . Gunner: Bolt Pistol, Bolter
. . Gunner: Bolt Pistol, Bolter
. Rapier Battery w/ Legion Upgrades

. . Gunner: Bolt Pistol, Bolter
. . Gunner: Bolt Pistol, Bolter

+ Troops: +

Breacher Squad [165Pts]

.   Legion Breacher Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter
. 9x  Breachers (collective): 9x Bolt Pistol, 9x Bolter

Breacher Squad [165Pts]

.   Legion Breacher Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter
. 9x  Breachers (collective): 9x Bolt Pistol, 9x Bolter

Breacher Squad [165Pts]

.   Legion Breacher Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter
. 9x  Breachers (collective): 9x Bolt Pistol, 9x Bolter

+ Heavy Support: +

Iron Havocs [305Pts]: Bolt Pistol, 9x Iron Havoc, Legion Vexilla

. Iron Havoc Sgt: Artificer Armour
. Missile Launcher

Scorpius Squadon [225Pts]: Scorpius, Scorpius

Vindicator Squadron [435Pts]

. Vindicator: Centreline Mounted magna laser destroyer, Dozer Blade, Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter
. Vindicator: Centreline Mounted magna laser destroyer, Dozer Blade, Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter
. Vindicator: Centreline Mounted magna laser destroyer, Dozer Blade, Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter

++ Total: [2,991Pts] ++

Edited by Murphy.69
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  • 1 month later...

I love this list. It looks like a lot of fun. I would have went autocannons instead of missile launchers on the havocs but freely admit that is definitely personal preference, I think both versions are effective. I dont know if I would bring two scorpius tanks, in my area that would get you an almost That guy label in the same vein of bringing lascannon HSS squads but if your meta is ok with it then go for it. 


The only thing I think you are short on is troops. I would figure out how to bring a big squad of tacticals. Breachers arent bad but theres only 10 per your squads, almost not worth putting apothecaries with. 

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I can see the point with the bodies. I could take 2 twenty-man tactical units for the three Breacher Squads and still have points left over. 

But are the Scorpions that badass? I know on paper they are quite efficient against infantry, but I didn't know they were so unpopular. `:D

The Havocs are actually a case of personal taste, I found the idea of my guys advancing under relentless rocket fire and suffering massive shell shock quite funny.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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  • 2 weeks later...

You get differing opinions on the Scorpius. I have been told in my group that yes, more than one is a no no, especially in an Iron Fire list. I have seen it mentioned on this forum as well. It really does depend on your group. I have seen some groups mentioned on here who dont seem to think anything of 3 ten man lascannon toting death guard squads while bringing one in my group will make it hard for you to find games. 

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