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When I became interested again in 40K after a long, long hiatus, my searchs for information brought up this site again and again. I love the signal to noise ratio of this old school forum, the tone enforced by the moderation, and the permanence of it, unlike modern social media platforms where any quality discussion and information becomes easily lost or it's transient by design.

Keep up the good work!

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This is the only 40k forum that I use. While the strict moderation is sometimes annoying (come on, let us talk about The Old [REDACTED]) the general decorum and focus of this forum is unparalleled, and that is entirely due to the diligence of the mod team. Hats off to you guys!

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29 minutes ago, chapter master 454 said:

To another 40,000 years I would say at minimum...need to make sure we are around to post our nonsense about how Rowboat isn't so great and that the Dark Angels can't handle the truth!

I am currently saving cash for a comfy Castraferrrum sarcophagus. Unless the local techmarine botches the awakening ritual you can count me in being still online during the grim darkness of the far future. 

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1 hour ago, Rain said:

This is the only 40k forum that I use. While the strict moderation is sometimes annoying (come on, let us talk about The Old [REDACTED]) the general decorum and focus of this forum is unparalleled, and that is entirely due to the diligence of the mod team. Hats off to you guys!

The strict moderation used to bother me.  Now I appreciate it.  Good job folks.  Here’s to the next 25.

Edited by crimsondave
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I joined back in 2008 and the B&C was and is the only online site (other then the Bioware site during the Neverwinter Nights hay day) I have ever really been a part of.  For most of my earliest years I dwelled in the Liber as I was ashamed of sharing my actual painted stuff and as I had a very limited hobby budget the B&C and writing in the Liber was my only real easy outlet for the hobby.


It doesn't feel like I have been on the site for sixteen years and I know I don't get to the Liber at all these days but the Bolter and Chainsword remains my home on the net.  I've had a few months away from the hobby here and there but even then I would keep an eye on the site.


And with the recent death of my hobby mojo due to, well... events, it is the community here on the B&C that has kept me interested and starting to paint, albeit slow.


So in short, thank you to the amazing website and its amazing admin team and moderatii whom have formed the core spirit of my hobby interest this past nearly 20 years.  I doubt there would be a Brother Argent (or Silver Phoenix/SP as I was in the day) or Argent Forge without you all.

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Been a member since 2003 (earlier actually under an older login I forgot the password for - and too raw to ask a mod to unlock it :facepalm:) and have enjoyed every minute of my time here.  This has been an equal split between the excellent mod team(s) continuously wrangling the cats and those cats themselves who have provided me with equal parts inspiration, entertainment and exasperation (at times) over the years.

Here’s looking forward to the next 25!

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Thanks to all who run the forum and participate in B&C.

I'm relatively new here and the forum has been a huge influence on my hobbying - the WIPs, the blogs, the challenges, the discussions - all have contributed to my enthusiasm, my approach to painting, all of it really.

I don't have anyone bar my son (who is 9) to talk to F2F about 40k so B&C is my hobby home. Long may it remain so.


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17 hours ago, Trysanna said:

The new logo is so crisp, props to the artist. I remember this being the first place I ever saw the whole "art scale" thing, it was a real spark for me getting back into the hobby in 09-ish. Good times. 


That would be   @madscuzzy long time artist in residence here

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 I did start making a miniature of Interrogator Kurgan with the fish -- that same one from Silver Tower set - never finished it though.


We also had the NO SPAM image:





Here is the original logo and a banner we used to fly at places like Games Day:





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3 hours ago, sarabando said:

dont forget we have our own chapter too that many people made their own minis for.



I will always suspect that GW copy-pasted the current lore of the Deathwatch (that it is a gathering of marines of all chapters working together) from the Legio B&C.


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