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i was thinking of using some solar auxilia as scions or other guard types in 40k.
do those of you with more experience think it will cause any issues?
i would think as long as i dont try to use them as multiple unit types it wouldn't hurt but wanted some opinions.
i know home use is whatever but i wonder about tournament or shop games.

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19 minutes ago, Usernamesareannoying said:

i was thinking of using some solar auxilia as scions or other guard types in 40k.
do those of you with more experience think it will cause any issues?
i would think as long as i dont try to use them as multiple unit types it wouldn't hurt but wanted some opinions.
i know home use is whatever but i wonder about tournament or shop games.


As long as you're not mixing the models around I don't think it should be too much of an issue; keep any one type of model as that type of trooper.


So for example, if you're going to use your SA as Tempestus, SA models will only EVER be Tempestus (in that game in particular).  Don't have one squad of SA be Tempestus and another squad br catachans. That way just leads to messy house keeping whereas as long as it's obvious what is what, it should be good.


I'm also planning on using my SA as Tempestus. 

Tournament play, I would always check with a TO ahead of time. 

sweet demon, thanks. kinda what i figured.

I'd like to hear your take on them as scions.
are you going to modify them at all?


i may wait though... with my luck i'd run wild with this plan, buy a bunch and then GW would actually put them in the codex and i wouldnt like them  :D

Edited by Usernamesareannoying
1 hour ago, Usernamesareannoying said:

sweet demon, thanks. kinda what i figured.

I'd like to hear your take on them as scions.
are you going to modify them at all?


i may wait though... with my luck i'd run wild with this plan, buy a bunch and then GW would actually put them in the codex and i wouldnt like them  :D

I have been tossing the idea around of either scouring up some of the Tempestus Helmets off a bit site, or figuring out a way to print a bunch.  I don't LOVE the SA heads for what the Tempestus Scions are supposed to represent, and I do love a good beret, so I might just try to find some of the OG Scion heads and go that route.

Then again, I am SUPER lazy and I want to bring some Guard to a game next weekend, so I might just slam them all together and not worry about it.

The real issue right now is that we have a single box that's supposed to build two units; Cadian Shock infantry box is supposed to be used for both Cadian Shock Troops AND the "Infantry Squad" datasheet, though I gotta say, it doesn't feel good.  So worst case scenario, you can ALWAYS run your SA as just "Infantry Squad", which gives them access to a lot more... except that the only place to really get Heavy Weapon Squads (From GW, mind), is a very obviously Cadian themed Heavy Weapon Squad box, meaning that you probably really want your Cadians to act as your "Infantry Squad" Datasheet so that the squaddies and the HWT look similar right?  But then you're gonna use the SA as your Cadian Shock Troops, but you've got Cadian Shock Troops right there...

It's a bit messy LOL.  Old Guard players probably have enough kicking around that they can make it all work without much worry, but we really need just a basic "Infantry" squad if they want to keep an infantry squad available as a unit.  I have a feeling it won't be in our codex, and we'll just have Cadians, Catachans, DKK and then the specialist, non battle-line units.

You could also run the SA as DKK, since they are PRETTY good right now, as long as you aren't running any actual DKK in your list.  I would also consider that, but I'm thinking there's gonna be a big range expansion for Death Korps either later this year or next year, so I'll probably flesh out my forces then.

I did get a 3D printer but I still haven't quite mastered it's use yet.  Once I do... hoo boy, the gloves are off!  But for now, that's how I'd try to use my SA; filling in either the "Infantry Squad" datasheet, or as Scions; only cuz I have SO MANY Cadians already, and a bunch of Kasrkin.  I think they do an okay job in that role, too.

I guess one question that might arise is where to source special weapons. IIRC, the SA only come with their fancy Lasguns. I guess if you have a decent bit of spare bits from an existing army shouldn’t be too hard, but if your starting an army it might hinder your choices

I have an Inquisition Stormtrooper (Scions) force made from the older FW SA sculpts. For special weapons it wasn't too hard to take the flamer sections and convert them to both meltaguns and volley guns, while I just use the volkilte storm section as plasmaguns. Given the price of the FW flamer section, this isn't ideal for most people, but I don't think there would be too many people who care if you just source some 3d printed melta barrels and cut of the front of the regular lasrifle-armed guys to place the barrel there. For volley guns it might be harder, but as long as you have something visually different (different barrel, maybe make a tube attaching the gun to the backpack?) most people won't be jerks about it. 


I have had pretty terrible luck playing the force in battle, but it looks cool!




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