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Space Hulk terrain set and rule book as standalone product?


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Hi all


I was just wondering if the option was available would you buy the Space Hulk terrain set and rule book with out the models.

After all, Genestealers and Terminators are available, so you only need the terrain and rules to have the full game.

Or would you prefer a full boxset release?   

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I´d like to say I would, but I know that in the end I would not leap.


There are enough rules from past editions cooked on internet and (paper) board templates produced by various artists available for download. some even better than the genuines ones...   

The best incentive are the new sculpts for models... For a good gaming night, if you already have models, there are alternatives more appealing IMHO.

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7 hours ago, Cleon said:

Personally I have three different editions of Space Hulk that see almost zero play, so my only interest would be in cool unique Terminator sculpts.

similar to this, I have 2nd edition and 3rd edition versions - for the models (i think the 2nd edition one I got form 'The Works' many, many years ago for £5 - absolute steal!) 

I may play them one day,... maybe


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Honestly, the Boarding Actions terrain set more-or-less fills the gap for Space Hulk-esque terrain. It's got plenty of configuration, you can do long corridors or large open rooms - it's pretty much all you need. 
After that, it's just rules. 

Fundamentally though, the key will always be price point - as Boarding Actions isn't on the cheap side.

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Yeah, that terrain is sweet for Space Hulk. If I was made of money, I'd have enough of it to build multi-level 8x4 Hulks.


I always played SH on a 3d board to begin with- my buddy had a 2.5x 4' board with 1.5" ceramic tiles on one side, and we just jammed corrugated cardboard in the spaces between the tiles for walls. Nowhere near as pretty as what we've got now, but super cheap and easy to make.

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Space Hulk as a 2 player board game is unfortunately a product of its time in the 90s. My 3rd edition box from the 2000s doesn't see much use, even with the extra 4th edition missions and Genestealer Cult rules: having plastic or updated terrain wouldn't change that.


However, I'm not GW's target audience anymore. GW also love their limited run releases too. A 5th edition of space hulk with exclusive miniatures might be another successful limited run for them. Because of this, I suspect they'll never release just the gaming tools for it, otherwise we would have seen Blackstone Fortress and Warhammer Quest sold separately.


The concept of "space hulk" is solid however. It could be adapted in a multitude of ways beyond a 90s era 2 player board game.

Edited by 2PlusEasy
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  • 2 months later...

I love space hulk and it's been a long time since I played it. I do not own any of the official versions of it, so for me, yes I would like an official version. I could probably find this on ebay or something but who knows how much that would run me, what shape it's in, not factory sealed, and so on. updated tiles, models and so on would all be nice. As well as more polished rules?

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