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Well, they exist in Mordheim, they have a Blood Bowl team and the Mordheim gang grew into a Warhammer Fantasy army - so time to return to da future..


I stripped and pillaged most of my Shadow War Armageddon Orks (built to look like Kommandos). Raided them for bitz for my Mordheim warband. But I kept the important bitz, so plan to rebuild da gitz now.

But i don´t plan to use them for 40k but possibly Shadow War Armageddon, maybe Necromunda but most certainly GorkaMorka! I plan to do two warbands so I can lend one to a friend and play one of GW´s best games ever again. :biggrin:


Da plan is to rebuild my old Kommandos, a third time (!) for one gang and then use those newer boyz for the second gang. I don´t need to do that many models. 1012 on foot should go along way. Then a trukk for each warband and maybe a little bikes for one and a buggy for the other.

Dat´s da plan now anyways..


I have two Nobz still intact - But they are really alternative versions of the same dude (I´ll fix some pics of them). And then i have a third unpainted but primed which is for the same mob.

And then I have these bitz..


Sp the first step is to build some cool ´eavy shootas/big shootas.. The second, stock one will be stripped of its scope (I three all painted bitz but the backpacks, as they are resin, in a bath of IPA) - and then rebuilt into a magazine fed ´eavy shoota for variation. SOmething along a Johnson LMG with that mag where the ejection port is.. (I guess the shells will be ejected to the left, into da gunner´s belly!)


Picked up a new box of the venerable boyz, today....


Of course they will all have beret and backpacks too,  The other mob, not so much..




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And here are the surviving models, da Nob. I need to re-fresh my memory about GorkaMorka but i thinka  huge choppa is availble. A kustom shoota-skorcha, maybe not..?


The third, unpainted, has a ifferent head but i might track downa  spare of this one and make him yet another version of the same dude. He has a slugga and power klaw..


No huge backpack for this dude though.. But that´s okay - he is da boss, da ladz get to carry rations and ammo!



Edited by Wolf Lord Duregar



II´m bad at good pics.. :blush: But two eavy shoota/big shoota-gunners are put together.


For actual GorkaMorka-play they can be plain shootas..


Oh - and thta is why they are on small bases, might be able to fit into their trukk, maybe.. But atleast they have a chance now.



I need better lightning for pics.. But in the meantime. An assist gunner and another witha  big. Thing.. A shootier shoota wiv´ mroe dakk?  Or just a big shoota/´eavy shoota? Who knows! :D


Radioman up next..



Da rekruitin´ is in good progress.. Got bitz - well backpacks, for four more. Maybe five if I covert a rokkit launcher backpack a bit.  Ten is pretty good though! Even if three has ´eavy shootas/big shootas.. It is mainly a fun modelling project anyways..








I realized that the many Nobz-arms I have work wonders. Beefire, but I don´t mind that! Better used in pairs, which I did not sratr with, but I will probably do all the rest with those arms..


The first here does not have those. But he does have an upsized slugga or cut down shoota? :biggrin:







And the last two.. Nobz arms.. But the second got a weedier Nob-arm, I did not really look, I think it is from the Boyz box.. So it looks like he has watched alot of pr0n-Hab... Ah well. Not that noticeable among all the gear..

Good they have their back-packs as they have no trukk yet so there will be some tabbing after grav chute insertion....







Together with the support-gunnerz, I think this dude is my favourite. The pose and all..


Now, need to name them all and not just Rambork, Blain, Billy, Mac etc.. :happy:


Will prime them this week and really want to start painting but have to finish off some Goblin Bruisers and.. maybe some ToW stuff... But this is a painting project that feels like the most fun in a while. Not just batch-painting to be able to play...


Very Characterful , Nice looking kit bashes :thumbsup: Orks look great all done up with Gubbinz etc. 

Good to see you enjoying the building part (sometimes that's the best part :laugh:

look forward to seeing them painted.


Cheers, Mithril

Cheers buddy - thanks!

Yeah, lvoe modelling stuff like this. And this is the third Mob I do like this - the first being done late 3rd Ed or Early 4th Ed.. A little unsure..


Was about to prime them just now but remembered I had no texture paint on the bases so had to do that.. And then I saw a can of tamiya Olive Drab.. Might actually prime them with that..!

Not decided yet if I will paint them soon-ish.. But right now I feel like.

:cuss:ty pic but.. I primed them with a can of Tamiya Olive Drab and then touched them up with the airbrush, same colour but from jars.. Not sure where I´ll keep it.. If anywhere.. But will use some other greens and browns..


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