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WIP Styrix knight/Freeblade

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Some WIP actualization of my styrix knight, to be used as a Freeblade in my Skitarii force.


The colour scheme is inspired from Korvax Infernal household, turned loyalist. Iconography will disappear, letting room to.. I do not know yet.




At the moment, upper part is almost complete and legs miss armour plates and scenic base. But I see the end.

I should have enlisted it in 12 Months of Hobby, but I did not though when I started that I could do it in 1 month...


Anyway, more pics in my blog as usual:




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Definitely off to a good start :thumbsup:


I think you're definitely right to have avoided picking out bits like the hydraulics in an overly-bright colour as it doesn't seem fitting- maybe using differing brightness of silver, or "toning" some of the areas with glazes would introduce some variation, if that was what you were after?

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Once the model will be fully assemblied, I will have a better perspective I guess. For the moment I anticipate that the reduced pallet and the very subtle contrast of panel lining will not be enough and that the whole stuff will have over dominent colour.


The main colour is eshin grey lined with mechanicum standard grey and some dawnstone as edge lighting. The pallet is perhaps too narrow or camaïeu/too "camaïeu" and a plain white or a lighter grey would have been better.

As for metallics, well, I have already 3 tones of metal/silver (ironwarrior/leadbelcher/stormhost silver) and 2 golds +brass. plus shades in wildwood and agrax. Yet it is maybe once again too "continous" and not disruptive enough. I saw somewhere edge lignthing of gold with silver for example on some blogs, but I did not make the leap so far...


As for the hydraulics, sure I have been tempted to pimp the jacks of hydraulics into a bright red, but it would have otT... Left it to mekboyz.


I am a total noob with glaze and weathering, yet these might be options worth being considered...


As far as the model is concerned, the 3 layered paultron is what I dislike the most. It is quite difficult to paint in a convincing way IMO.


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2 hours ago, Bouargh said:

I am a total noob with glaze and weathering, yet these might be options worth being considered...

You can get some nice effects by thinning the Contrast and Shade paints down, e.g. Aggaros Dunes over silver can be used to give a "gold" (or "greasy" effect if you add a darker colour at the edges). :smile: 

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After a productive WE, legs are now done too.




I will post more in the blog tonight or tomorrow. After correcting the scales of lost paint that can be seen on the gold/brass parts. Priming does not seems to stick properly on this resin, although being extensively cleaned and washed before (or at least I though)... Other parts did not exhibit the same behaviour, so I guess I missed sections while brushing away the demolding solvent...

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