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Seen some similar threads to this one but not for Grey Knights.


My wish list:


Number 1: Give us our daemonhammers back! I don’t mind the other nemesis weapons being clumped together but we need these, especially for characters to give us a bit more punch and put us on par with other marine leaders. I find we struggle to field enough higher-strength weaponry. I’d even like to see a special terminator unit option with all hammers, perhaps at an extra points cost.


1a) Maybe the falchions as well - trade a point of strength or damage for the extra attack or something to balance them. Leave swords, halberds and staves the same profile if you want but if you’re dual-wielding obviously lighter weapons there should be a difference to that.

Number 2: Psycannons back on vehicles. These gave us something to separate our tanks from regular marine tanks. Anywhere you can take a twin heavy bolter, give us the psycannon instead/as an option. GW could release a plastic grey knights upgrade frame with a twin psycannon turret, icons and other stuff; perhaps with extra hammers to make the terminator unit suggested above. They did the one with the Baal assault cannon for blood angels so it would be easy to do if they were willing. Then they wouldn’t need to mess with options in the tank kits.


Number 3. More interesting psychic powers for each unit. It’s a bit dull, for example, that the strike squad ability has the “psychic” keyword but has exactly the same effect as the same rule for intercessors. 

Psychic powers in general seem a bit dull at the moment and I would love to see a big update to these in a single wave with the release of Grey Knights, Aeldari and Thousand Sons codexes to make them more relevant.

Anything else you would like to see?

Edited by TheArtilleryman
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Well said @TheArtilleryman and @casb1965 


Daemon hammers are a must return imho 


making psychic weapons do something is also a must


also power armored heavy weapons should have an assault and heavy option 


give us abilities that actual help against demons and chaos. 

Different powers per unit or options to buy powers for them 

  On 4/28/2024 at 2:40 PM, casb1965 said:

Make "Psychic" weapons mean something,  at the moment it does nothing. 



Technically they do mean something.

It allows TSons players to make your own Hammer hurt you via Hazardous.


(But being serious, you need something like the Cult of Magic Detachment rule to slap a bonus keyword on the Psychic weapons...)

I would like to see psychic weapons do mortals on a critical hit or something like that. It would make sense, with the fluffy idea of psychic being that your armour can’t help you if you’re burning from the inside or if your brain is dissolving into the warp …

  On 4/30/2024 at 11:27 AM, TheArtilleryman said:

I would like to see psychic weapons do mortals on a critical hit or something like that. It would make sense, with the fluffy idea of psychic being that your armour can’t help you if you’re burning from the inside or if your brain is dissolving into the warp …


Maybe give them Devastating Wounds and a crit hit equals a crit wound.

I remember the good ol fashion force rule for psychic weapons. Do a wound, pass a psychic test, and gain the instant death rule to pop the enemy. Was such a fun rule.

Obviously that would be too good insta gibbing things with all the wounds models have these days, but doing a mortal or dev or crit all work nicely really. 


But then again, its an additional dice roll, makes things longer having extra psychic tests, maybe a roll of 6? 



But defo give force weapons their different stat lines again. They obviously only did it because they knew with the new point mechanics, people would give their entire army hammers or something stupid... 

I'd like to see five primary things:


1) Teleport Assault moves from the army rule to a rule for one of the Detachments (like Hypercrypt is the "teleport focused" Detachment for Necrons). In its place have a new GK Army Rule called "Warp Mastery" which enables all GK units to either 1) gain +1Dmg to their melee Psychic Weapon attacks, 2) gain +1S/-1 AP to their ranged Psychic Weapon attacks, or 3) add +1" to all Advance and Charge rolls. You would select which ability you are using at the beginning of each Battle Round and it would last until the start of the next Battle Round.


2) Make Grand Master's able to use their Master Stratagist ability every Battle Round (vice once a game)


3) Modify Chaplain's "Dread Bearing" so that it now causes enemy units to have -1 WS when in Engagement Range of the Chaplain's unit.


4) Storm Bolters, Incinerators, and Heavy Incinerators gain "Psychic" rule and Stormbolters gain -1AP


5) New kit for GK Venerable Dread (Redemptor sized model) that replaces the old Venerable Dread, with M8" T10 W12 Sv2+. Weapons would be Nemesis Force Great Halberd (Melee 5A S12 AP-3 Dmg3, Psychic) and two wrist mounted Psilencers (can each be replaced with an Incinerator or a Psycannon). Also has a Psychic shooting attack, "Fury of Titan" (30" BS2+ 2A S8 AP-3 Dmg D3+3, Anti-Vehicle 2+/Anti-Monster 2+), and has the same "Wisdom of the Ancients" ability as before (gives an aura of reroll all 1s to Hit/1s to Wound for GK Infantry within 6").


Edited by L30n1d4s

I agree with L30n1d4s. Up-sizing the dreadnought would be nice to see. It's a solid, classic model.


Regular psycannons should get -1 AP Ignores cover. -2 AP would be nice, but they would be too good and appear all over the list, pushing GK to number 1 until it gets nerfed.


Reduced coast power-armored infantry.


Change GK Terminator weapons, as offensively they are identical to power-armored infantry. Maybe S8 melee weapons with an option for a Daemon Hammer with 3D.


Would be nice if storm bolters got sustained hits 1 on top if their current capabilities. Just me....


GK should get an honor guard of two terminators, so we if we want to take librarians we have some kind of escort. 1 5-man squad is way too much points-wise.


Some anti-daemon 4+ weapons would also make sense. Right now, I think it's just draigo who has anti-daemon 2+. This would add some teeth the basic GK infantry when fighting greater daemons.

  • 1 month later...

It seems like the trend is to get 1, maybeeee 2 models. Which is a shame because I have been waiting for true scale guys for a long long long time. I would convert my own if I had that skill set, but sadly I do not. Rules wise, I am out of the loop. I have been seeing a lot of dreadknights and terminators and if that is how they are played then I can't complain as I like that. Especially terminators. Character refreshes on Drogo seem needed. Who knows exactly what GK will see, but I am hopeful. 

I've seriously considered doing a small Grey Knight collection IF they refresh their entire line, which would be two new model kits, a new Draigo, Voldus, generic brotherhood captain, Arvann Stern, and .... thats it. The easiest entire line refresh GW has ... and yeah I bet they don't do it?

  • 2 weeks later...

Like others I’d like to see a return of separate statlines for nemesis weapons, or at the very least Daemon Hammers. I’d also hope to see a nice variety of detachments to vary up play styles. 

I suspect Grey Knights will be getting one new model this edition, but I also kind of hope we get GK versions of chaplains, librarians and Techmarines in the nearish future and a multi-part grandmaster/brother-captain kit would be amazing. I’d love rescaled PA and TDA knights, though I can happily wait a bit as I love the GK terminator kit and in my new force in using DW veteran legs on the PA guys to bring them to a more modern scale. 

I wouldn’t put it past GW to give us new units by adding a load of Primaris vehicles to the codex like they did when adding the storm hawk and storm talon. I honestly wouldn’t be mad about being able to take a Balistus Dread in my Grey Knights lists. 

Edited by Casual Heresy
Spelling and grammar.

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