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Rule book question.

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I've been out of the hobby for almost 3 years; my last purchases were the AT set, rulebook and 5 supplements. There now exists just one book, is there any difference between having the newest all on one book or the separate rule book and supplements I own?

Thanks for helping a lazy/confused lefio builder out.

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37 minutes ago, calgar101 said:

I've been out of the hobby for almost 3 years; my last purchases were the AT set, rulebook and 5 supplements. There now exists just one book, is there any difference between having the newest all on one book or the separate rule book and supplements I own?

Thanks for helping a lazy/confused lefio builder out.

Hey, no worries, welcome back to the best game GW produce!


The short version is that you are mostly fine with what you have. The rulebook is still separate. If you got your copy in the current boxed game, you’re bang up to date. If it’s older, it’s been slightly updated since the original print run, but nothing that the FAQ doesn’t solve.


As for the campaign books, they’ve been slightly updated and collated into three big hefty books, the Loyalists, the Traitors and the Campaign compendium/compilation thing. Some Legios have had a slight tweak for the newer books, and the Crusade (build your own) Legio rules have been quite significantly reworked. If you let us know which legio(s) you play, we can probably say how big a deal it is.

Edit: I’ve just thought, you might be talking about Legions Imperialis? If so, that’s a different game using the same scale, but focusing on infantry and tanks. The AT titans can be used for that, but in normal games they can only be used as support units. AT continues to be supported for the time being, though, thankfully!

I'm talking purely about AT. Thank you for your replies, I appreciate the guidance. I am mostly interested in building  a Legio Praesagius force but I'd like to build a Legio Invigilata force too and have some Ordo Sinister Warlords in support. 



Yeah my books are older so faqs definitely will be looked at, just for sake of ease I'll get the newer books down the road. Will be a while before my titans are game ready.

Edited by calgar101

I have just the rulebook and TitanDeath but I’m pretty sure I was able to get the latest version of my legios by combining my books with the FAQ/errata: I made my own little mini-supplements for a few legios to have it all in one place.


I guess I am missing a little bit of the generic equipment by not having the Loyalist/Traitor compendium, and some maniples, but that’s not yet tempting me to buy the full books yet, only seems necessary for a super-competitive player.



Thanks for your help. I'm not trying to be competitive in any way, I don't want to miss put on information both gamewise and lore wise. I think for now I've got my bases quite well covered. 


Now I best get building my god engines.

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