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Brother Raul's WIP 2nd Company Primaris

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Hail Brothers,

                         Thought I'd finally start my WIP thread now we are getting closer to a 10th edition codex and I have a year off farming. I've never been able to fully commit to the hobby due to being busy and poor, I moved out when I was a teenager and life has just has not given me a window until now.


For the first time that window has opened and I am going to sink my teeth into all things 9th legion and probably do a vigil with the watch too.


The idea is to paint up a 2nd Company for myself and add elements of the 1st, staying true to chapter lore and markings.


Agonised over heavy metal v grim dark style; going heavy metal with elements of grim dark as we are an artisan chapter that is ornate so heavy metal compliments 'elites' better IMO. That goes even more for 2nd Company, the blooded would know tempering their savagery with artisan works and dedication to the Emperor is at the core of controlling the thrist.


Vehicles might still end up grim dark and think a scout squad will too. Will also try and post my more random stuff here too, although if I am trying to make someone laugh it might stray back onto the main forum board.


Brothers and Sisters, may I present to you, Brother Raul's Blood Angels 2nd Company for the glory of Sanguinius and the Emperor!

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My eye sight isn't what it was when I first saw the Angels of Death Codex on a shelf as a much younger man. Researched the best lamp magnifier available and got this beauty.


Determined to do the best I can with this paint job so even booked into the optometrist and got new lenses as have just started wearing glasses.



Not 12 hours later......



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I had a similar one of those that had a grippy part so it could move around. Really enjoyed the light part of it.

Of course I then used it to fix a burst pipe under the bath and a resultant leak soaked it, so now it's just a magnifying glass :sad:

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there is nothing better, as an adult, as finally being able to have a permanent hobby set up and not having to clear it all off the kitchen table when you're done. I avoided the dog issue by setting up in the Attic, (also avoiding wrathful wife on occasion).


i've recently (10th edition) got back into the glorious 9th legion (i had them originally in Space crusade and then 2nd edition) and will get round to posting some pics eventually. 


looking forward to see how you get on, that magnifier looks quite handy as my eyes aren't getting any better either!

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I did warn you all that I'd post some of my more random stuff here and time to address the most negative of that random stuff.


GeeDubs. Well it's important to preface this with the fact that they are getting more right than ever. Older players will know that's barely a compliment but we expect GW to misfire so accept when it does.


The new, moved out of home, corporate GW is a little scary. Sure it's getting :cuss: done but it's also more indifferent than ever and probably more than greedy, even for a corporation.


Now coming from a company that thinks fan engagement is making sure no one has the complaints email, that's bad.


They didn't trust us with the new marines range, which is most of this complaint. We've bought new models before and there was no need to completely change how the faction plays to sell us new marines. Marines are basically tougher, worst tech and slower Eldar now.


The loss of the tactical squad is huge and was a great point of difference between factions. Depending on gear and faction, tac squads could be completely different.


Also the treatment of firstborn, just nerf them, don't stop making rules. Incentivise the new models don't penalise the old ones.


Model manufacturers, that also provide game systems, have to sell models to pay the bills. I am just worried that the new bills appeal to the mainstream/ new players aren't worth the cost to the established community.


TV ads and new interercessorerors factories might not be worth it long term if no one's rolling dice anymore, hence the greedy accusation on my behalf.


Which leads me to the last part of the post and the really scary point of GW's greed. I am not buying :cuss: from GW until they start treating the distributors better. Few manufacturers owe their success so strongly to their distributors (FLGS) as GeeDubs does.


They teach us to paint, give us tables to play on and have to survive off a much worse margin that GW gets wholesale let alone retail.


This is the greed that scares me and the greed that will kill the hoby.

GW could close their webstore tomorrow and still do well.


However the current management thinks the extra 2% turnover is worth risking having their non owned distribution network bleed out.


We need to think long and hard about where we spend our money in the hobby at the moment.



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Posted (edited)

Still need to highlight, varnish and clean up. Bit too heavy as I made some errors due to being out of practice and never actually doing a vehicle previously.


I've embraced doing a narrative base and have an idea that maybe badass but I'll let you all decide when it's done.


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1 hour ago, Jolemai said:

I naturally approve of the orange edge highlights - which paint is that in new money though? 

You sir have fine taste. Hardest thing about getting back into the hobby is how much has changed in the paint space these last 5 years.


Have tried to keep it simple, good old fire dragon bright but some mixed with a tint of evil sunz or carroburg crimson washed.


Have tried heaps of different techniques on this dread in order to blend eavy metal and grim dark.

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