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Brother Raul's WIP 2nd Company Primaris

Go to solution Solved by Blindhamster,

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I am in a good mood.


I just tabled a guard player in 2 turns and still won 39-9 on points. Played Purge the foe Gladius but it didn't matter.


I can't take too much credit. Gun lines work best when static and going turn 2 and the Baal predator on a flank with 3 guard squads didn't help him.


Roasted his Kaskin and Castellan turn 1, overwatched the kreig to death turn 2 then pushed into his deployment to roast the mortar squad same turn.


Ballistus popped the Chimera and sprayed the contents that got charged by the intercessors with the power sword. 


Rapid ingressed the Terminators near the Rogal Dorn and made the charge. 4 infantry squads, Rogal Dorn, Chimera, Commissar and Castellan all dead.


JPAI and a AI squads weren't even needed. 1 marine dead, didn't even use a Gladius strat.


Everything did what it should because it got to work at its intended role and on its intended target. Happy days.



Forgot to mention my personal highlights.


Saying I've come to destroy you in my deepest Dreadnaught voice and then putting 12 wounds into the Chimera, as well as hissing as the Commissar as I made my charge and then cut him down, were both absolutely highlights.

Edited by Brother Raul

As a Trumph I am starting Lemartes. Typical, it's one of the last ones left on the planet and has the worst mould lines I have ever seen.


Will get the pose right and put him on a flight stand 6mm/ 40mm necromunda base. Putting a Primaris JP on him but it might be too big TBH.


The absolver pistol holster is ludicrous so he's been asked to mag lock when in the field.



Congrats on the win. Feels great when the plan works! 

But why are Lemartes arms backwards? 

Thank you. Just experimenting with reposing the arms.  Originally wanted to put the banner in the pistol arm but can't see him.


Looks much better in the crozius arm as it's perfectly positioned.

Started a new batch of bases. These are all spent already, I just hate doing any more than 15. Only 20 to go plus a bunch of 40mm.


Also started the hell blaster assembly as a treat. These look quite easy to paint, should be able to paint to the wrist before attaching the plasma rifle and not a lot of detail.


Can't wait to paint blue helmets for the first time and my new plasma recepie is going to look great on the rifles.



Basically done. Really don't like fired dragon bright. Looses coverage when you add water and it's so pigment heavy. Needs lahmian medium and dries out very quickly leaving a pile of orange powder. Still the best colour to highlight and haven't had issues with other paints.


Have finally got my red recipe right, was way over painting and highlighting. Need to give the Mephiston red some space to show through.



Edited by Brother Raul

750 points Hobby Bastion escalation league round 2, 2nd game Played the Tau today and had a ball. It was a real decision making game where I had to think ahead a lot and play a slower game. I lost 38-58 but played out 5 rounds. 


Used Gladius. Starting to notice the difference in wounding from SOS. Remembered Oath of Moment a couple of times (yaay!) and did my doctrines.


Baal predator and Ballistus Dreads just do great shooting for us and will always run them. The Baal never suffers -1 to hit. Astartes bolt rifles do ok v Tau too and I actually removed a model with a grenade launcher!


Farsight made the sacrifice play and he removed the Ballistus without me rolling a dice, it nearly wrecked a Hammerhead first turn and I forgot rerolls. Rapid ingress the tactical dreadnaught armour to stop him sweeping my backfield stickied objective and the exposed JPI.


That left them too deep to impact the rest of the battle meaningfully and left me out maneuvered on the rest of the board. Lots of good learning opportunities and really growing into 10th edition.


Tau shooting wasn't too bad, some big guns and the retaliation cadre + Farsight AP thing is very strong but my dreadnaught could have survived it if he didn't roll 12 wounds.


If I had some DC closer and didn't have to deploy the TDA I'd have won the game there but was heaps of fun, very competitive and great for my 10th development.


I joined a very average club failing my first ever 3 inch charge and I also joined the ultra exclusive box car roll on a 12" prayer charge in consecutive charges. Always roll that charge, always.


Some observations;


-Strategic reserves are highly underated.

-You don't need many marines to make the charge to wipe a Tau unit so don't loose heart if you loose a few. SOS probably overkill but makes chainswords effective v crisis suits and the extra attack can mitigate the losses on the way in.

-Smite is great v Tau. If you add stormbolters you can wreck the little guys.

-They don't like being shot back basically, with good unit placing even your humble job monkeys can pick up a few reliably.

-10th is streamlined but still requires a bit of negotiation. Do it at the start and be tolerant of other opinions. Consistency of results is all that matters.

-Also Deployment is probably the most important phase. You can't win it then but you can loose it. Don't give sub prime units prime real-estate and don't play naughts and crosses.



Hellblasters are finally assembled and basecoated. This is a hard  kit to put together and I didn't make it easier by not batching sprues #


Ended using the magazine attachment for most of the squad. There are 28 combinations of plasma incinerator, cables and back packs.


Looking forward to trying these out in the next week and painting blue helmets for the first time.


Quick tidy up tomorrow, highlights and just a bit more red & blue glazing. Final work on plasma coils clean up then onto my batch painted bases.


These guys look great painted as blood angels. Cut the kit off sprue so they nearly ended up in the bin after a day of pleading, bargaining, denial, acceptance and a litany of profanity.


Have very high hopes for the unit too.  They should be in good positions to both holding down firing lanes and easily make back their points by end of turn 2.


Have eradicators arriving this week then I am done for shooting (will do sternguard as fun).



In case anyone has a decal fetish like I do the fire support squad marking fits perfectly over the backpack plasma casing.


Gravis armour is very cool looking. Straight into my next squad of fire support.


Finally finished the hellblasters and used the Baal predator drivers head for the term Serg now the upgrade sprue is confirmed to have a terminator head.


Still average at faces and do rectangle pupils like sheep. Next 4 kits zero faces (not doing a barehead on the eradicators).




Also started eradicators and Mephiston today too.IMG20240903221255.thumb.jpg.841a6433ba3f350ca61b3315ede81940.jpg


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