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What is The Call to Arms, I hear you ask?


The Call to Arms is a new multi-forum event designed to encourage us all to start a new army, or bolster our current armies.


The Forums of the B&C are divided up into four Strongholds; Imperium, Chaos, Xenos, and Heresy.  For the next three months the 7 Forums of the Imperium Stronghold will be competing to claim Victory over the other Imperial Forums, with all four Strongholds being compared at the conclusion of the Event.

There are two categories for Victory in both the Forums and Strongholds, the Forum/Stronghold who has painted the most points worth of models, and the Forum/Stronghold with the highest % of completion (Participants vs Completions).



Full Rules and Place your Vow =>  The Imperium Stronghold


Start Date: 15th June 

End Date: 17th September



How do I join in?


Models for The Call to Arms have been allocated a point value based around their size, the time they take to paint, and the amount of effort generally taken to paint them, this is why some models of different sizes appear in the same categories, and why Characters are worth more.

The below list should cover every model for the Knights;


4pts   Armiger Knights

10pts Questoris, Valliant, Castellan, and Cerastus Knights

20pts Arcastus Knights, Warhound Titan

30pts Reaver Titan

40pts Warbringer Titan

50pts Warlord Titan



1pt    3 Munitorum Barrels, 4 Munitorum Crates, Zone Morialtis/Gallowdark Column, Octarius Ramshackle Bridges

2pts   Aegis Defence Line Section, Aegis Defence Platform, Galvanic Servo-haulers, Thermic Plasma Conduit Section, Imperialis Ruins Wall Section, Zone Morialtis/Gallowdark Wall, Octarius Scrap Heap/Barricade

3pts   Fronteris Vox Antenna, Fronteris Auspex Shrine, Thermo-exchanger Shrine, Octarius Oil Rig, Necromunda Fuel Tanks

4pts   Munitorum Container, Mechsnicus Transterrsnic Gantry, Galvanic Servo-crane, Big'ead Bossbunka, Skull Alter, Noctilith Crown, Octarius Ramshackle Walls

5pts   Tidewall Droneport, Tidewall Shieldline, Feculant Gnarlmaw, Miasmic Malignifier

6pts   Fronteris Landing Pad, Mechanicus Forgeshine, Mechanicus Galvanic Magnavent

8pts   Fronteris Hab Bunker, Manufactorum Administratus,

10pts Zone Morialtis Gang Stronghold


Note: Custom/Scratchbuilt terrain- use this list as a guide as to how many points tour terrain is worth, but please make sure to mention your terrain is custom when Vowing.



All points are per model. For example if you pledge 2 Wardens (2x10pts), 1 Valiant (10pts), 1x Arcastus (20pts), your vow would be worth 50pts


If you have any questions or queries, or there's a model you want to paint but isn't listed, just @Grotsmasha and I'll be more than happy to help you out.



Please feel free use this thread as a place to share your thoughts, ideas, and WIPs throughout the Event to motivate and inspire the Knights, and the Imperium to Victory!!!



Full Rules and Place your Vow =>  The Imperium Stronghold



Edited by Grotsmasha
  • 1 month later...

Because I already had a pretty sizable knight army for this years Iron Gauntlet I'd decided on expanding on my Knight House, the House Garaipeña. Call to Arms and IG lined up just so this year that I can vow for both, and in doing so, I figured in for a penny in for a pound. Thus I'm vowing a cerastus, 2 dominus, 2 quistoris, and 10 armiger plus a skyshield. I might have chosen a thorny route, but I've got the power of block painting and Endurance Racing on my side. 6Wpyb70.jpeg

  • 2 weeks later...

A minor update. All Skeletons have been basecoated in metallic, armor panels are next. There was a slight setback with primer, because of the heat, I ended up with a very grainy texture. The first coats of gunmetal ended up looking more like glitter, but multiple layers and some mixing of metallics with finer grains has helped to at least make it look like it's supposed to be that way.





  • 4 weeks later...

Well, there was a bit of storm that passed by recently, and our local utility provider was more worried about dividends that they left a lot of people without power for a week in a city with a wet bulb temperature that can (and did) kill. But Corporate malfeasance not withstanding, once power came back, I got back to the hobby table. I've got a few days left for Iron Gauntlet, in that time there's still a bit of shading, some heraldry stripes and a few bits that need to be glued. But otherwise I've got a game ready force. 




I know I've lost a step along the way and there's a lot of places that I need to improve, these guys aren't gonna win any painting awards, but I've always felt quantity is a quality of it's own.

Well, it's been a bit over a month since I started, and I can say I have happily hit the finish line. The whole of my first (and probably only, if I was smart/sane) pledge is complete. The powers of batch painting, endurance racing, and paint markers have combined to let me completely fill up my biggest display shelf.






I was even able to finally give my skyshield some attention! It took a few washes, but I think I got that grimy working area look.

In a great bit of coincidence, I was originally gonna paint all this stuff for Iron Gauntlet 2024, but then CtA happened to have about a months cross over, so...I got to work :p Which honestly, wasn't too much compared to a lot of other people, made easier by the size of these models.

I probably should have taken the tinsel down after Christmas :biggrin: but I kinda like the festive atmosphere. Individual shots of the whole vow and the already complete knights of the house

Edited by NovemberIX
added link
  • 2 weeks later...

I, SwordMasterJ280, heed the call to arms and vow to paint 1 Knight Castellan for 10pts for the glory of the emperor before September 17th, or bear the badge of failure until the year's end. 


@GrotsmashaI would like to put this entry into the young bloods event as I am 14 and recently started painting miniatures seriously in the last year. 




Edited by SwordMasterJ280

I, SwordMasterJ280, heed the call to arms and vow to paint 1 Knight Castellan for 10pts for the glory of the emperor before September 17th, or bear the badge of failure until the year's end. 


@GrotsmashaI would like to put this entry into the young bloods event as I am 14 and recently started painting miniatures seriously in the last year. 





Absolutely :thumbsup: , welcome to the B&C and the Call to Arms


I, SwordMasterJ280, heed the call to arms and vow to paint 1 Knight Castellan for 10pts for the glory of the emperor before September 17th, or bear the badge of failure until the year's end. 


@GrotsmashaI would like to put this entry into the young bloods event as I am 14 and recently started painting miniatures seriously in the last year. 




Nice looking knight! That’s definitely a model I haven’t seen before in my house and sat on a shelf waiting for a paint job since Christmas :wink:


Can’t wait to see what it looks like painted …

Edited by TheArtilleryman

Little update, finished painting the skeleton of the knight, next job armour panels, which I have decided to paint with a dark, navy blue colour with flames over the top, I have no clue whether I will be able to pull it off, but it sounds cool so let's do it.




The knight and my first pledge are completed. 

I was at first unsure of how the flames were going to look on the finished product but overall I am extremely happy with how it turned out and am now very excited to include this into my space marine army and beat my dad in games with it as usual.

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