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Greetings Brethren!


Wait! Never mind..  :teehee:


I just picked up a box of Battle Sisters Squad and a Retributor Squad, because I could.. I have Orks for Shadow War Armageddon and picked up a box of Cadians and these Sisters to paint as "house gangs". My brother have shown interest but he won´t paint.. He used to play Epic in the mid 90s but he won´t buy new tools to paint that. But he would probably play with me if I do the work 8lol).. Which is okay!


However. I only planned to buy some Sisters (I can get five or six into a "Kill Team" if I take a heavy bolter..) and the Retributors was.. I just wanted them! And then realized this might be the start of a small army. I was always fond of Sisters since the late 2nd Ed release. One of my buddies, an older, "cool" guy worked in the small hobby shop and bought atleast two of those army deals so there was not much elft for me though! But they seemed likea  real cool little 2nd Ed skirmish force. And since, I have felt some fondness for them..


But i haven´t played sicne 4th Ed so I am pretty much clueless about 40k these days.. All i know.. Suspect is i need alot more and it will cost, alot.. ;)

I may actually built the stuff for 2nd Ed or 3rd Ed and have that as the expansion plan - but I am still curious what is going on these days in the current rules.. Are they fun? And i guess the next step is just more Sisters and mayeb another box of Retributors so i can focus the weapons?


With just one basic box I had planned to build a heavy bolter over the heavy flamer (as the heavy flamer is scary! lol) - but i know my brother love stuff like heavy bolters with cool-looking ammo feeds.

Then maybe a flamer and a storm bolter as the lighter support weapon.. But that might screw that squad for 40k. Not necessarily a huge thing as I will need more spares anyways.


But i guess my questions are - how do you equip your Sister-squads and how many squads of basic Sistsres do I need as a decent Core?

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3 squads of troops is the base

A canoness is a must

Retributors are good

I love my seraphim and zeraphim

Your choice of characters for how you want to play

There are lots of great units in the sisters army to make your playstyle.



Right - and the Sisters are ten in a Squad, no less? Seems like I want a storm bolter, heavy bolter AND flamer for SWA. Which will ruin them a bit.. Hmm.. But should maybe not be a problem when i get more later... Just put that second special weapon in another squad.


Retributors - I want to have the same weapon? if so I guess I need another box..


Yeah - I´ll see what cool Canoness model I can pick up!



@Wolf Lord Duregar, Welcome to the Adepta Sororitas.


Many of us are long time Sister of Battle players and will help you along the way. 

For SWA. The flamer would be a good option. 

for 40K it is enh option but the Dominions squads can take 4 specials (I run mine with 4 stormbolters usually). My base Battle Sister squads are usually Heavy Flamer/melta, but I do have one Heavy Bolter/ flamer squad. 

The down side is yeah you have to buy multiple boxes to do certain loadouts but the good thing is with the exception of  2 boxes (Retributors and Celestian Sacrescents) most of our squad boxes are dual kits builds.


The Canoness model is pretty cool you just have to pick the right weapon load out for her 


3 hours ago, WAR said:

@Wolf Lord Duregar, Welcome to the Adepta Sororitas.


Many of us are long time Sister of Battle players and will help you along the way. 

For SWA. The flamer would be a good option. 

for 40K it is enh option but the Dominions squads can take 4 specials (I run mine with 4 stormbolters usually). My base Battle Sister squads are usually Heavy Flamer/melta, but I do have one Heavy Bolter/ flamer squad. 

The down side is yeah you have to buy multiple boxes to do certain loadouts but the good thing is with the exception of  2 boxes (Retributors and Celestian Sacrescents) most of our squad boxes are dual kits builds.


The Canoness model is pretty cool you just have to pick the right weapon load out for her 


Yeah Sisters seems to be a nice and dedicated gang - not stumbled over any.. Not nice players yet. :wink:


Always liked flamers of all kinds so, will most certainly get one for the for SWA. Would be cool with the heavy flamer too but the heavy bolter looks too cool. For now..


Ah! Totally forgot about Dominion Squads! And they have been around forever, rigth? That is actually an interesting squad I still want a bit of "backwards compability" with 3rd-4th Ed and laying down a bunch of flamer templates feels nice.. I´ll certainly build some of that.


Are you able to split fire from one squad onto several targets in 10th Ed? Man, I am used to Move or Fire on heavy weapons but I think I´ve seen some of that changed since I played - you can move and fire with a penalty perhaps?

I should probably pick up the rulebook..:blush: A small, local store a short walk away has it..



2 hours ago, Dread said:

Canoness for me is blessed Blade and melta pistol.  Sprinkle in the mantle of Ophilia and she's pretty good IMHO. My doms have melta gun load out and my other is  flamers.. also I auto include an exorcist.


Aha! There is some plastic, multi-part-ish Canoness kit? I only know of older models.. Probably still wanna make something unique though. But with the bob hair cut..


So much "new" stuff to learn, from rules to new kits - I love it!:biggrin:

Ah, but then some ablative bodies atleast?
The immolator I can´t remember how many it can transport but i guess 5-6? Like the Razorback..

I have a bit until i can play some proper battles.. But I sure am enjoying the Skirmish games right now - can´t wait to get the Sisters join that.. :blush:

The first Sister.. Took a few days as I was doing ten vet Guardsmen.. Or whatever they are called these days :biggrin: , over the weekend.. Also for SWA.


I actually built her with the heavy bolter at first.. Then did some more thinking (unusual as I play mostly orks and orcs these days) - and I decided to dedicate these two boxes fully to Shadow War Armageddon or possibly some 2nd Ed 40k or something.. hence the base size.Ripping open that Retributor box too means I can use the bodies there for two heavy bolters and one heavy flamer and a multi-melta. I´ll start with a heavy bolter, might buy another or a heavy flamer and still have all options open for a Celestian special operative. Plus loads of variant heads (I will try to use no helmest at all!)


Might do a flamer and I will make one Sister Superior with bolt pistol & chainsword and probably the other with a combi-bolter-flamer.


I´m really hyped and it is probably a small start towardsa  proper army.. Let´s worry about the base sizes later though, hehe.. We use 25mm for basically all things in SWA..


Frag out!


On 5/5/2024 at 4:43 PM, Dread said:

Yes to split fire. The only draw back to the doms is they have to be 10 strong now. So no immolator transport, grrr.

There is a special rule with the immolator. 

If you take it you can split your dominions into two five woman squads as long as one of them starts in the tank. This ends up giving you a naked 5 lady unit for taking actions and sitting on out of the way objectives while all of your weapons move to the front where they want to be. 

Just saying not only can your dominions take an immolator,  they get a special bonus for doing so.

That sounds cool! Slowly picking stuff up to atleast know the current rules a bit.. But flamers are like a D6 hits these days?

Seems like not what you need, anti-personell stuff from special weapons? But sure as hell feels cool lighting stuff up with holy fire! :wink:

@Wolf Lord Duregar are you playing 2nd or 3rd/4th edition 40K?


2nd edition we only had  a few units. Canonness, Battle Sister Squads (5 models but you could add 1 special and add 1 heavy), seraphim (could be the Canoness’s bodyguard), banner bearer, rhino, immolator, priest, confessor, missionary, and frateris militia 


3rd we lost frateris militia but gained Redemptionist and Retributors squads and exorcist BSS Squads went to 5-20 iirc 


4th we lost Redemptionist and gained dominions. 

I play any of them when I can. :wink: So it is not a huge problem.


I know those books/lists decently well. But I am at a loss past 4th Ed, wasactually taking a break from modelling and trying to figure out the various lists for different editions (to look at the pics and so on). 

For the closest future though - it is Shadow War Armageddon but when i expand, it will be more focussed on 2nd Ed and 3rd/4th Ed than anything later. But you never know.. However, I do prefer those older rules and I especially like Skirmish games right now (also playing GorkaMorka, Mordheim and I am kinda into Necromunda too, both old but trying to get into the new as well actually).


I really like the plastics. Apart from the usual gripe i have with newer kits of not being true multi-part. But I can convert so, no huge deal. However.. The split of front and back torso leaves visible gaps on the shoulder pads. That is annoying.. I will have to do some gap filling.. Hopefully not too messy..


Damn, i´m, actually more hyped thatn I have been for quite some time about picking these sisters up..:blush:

IMHO My Favorite Era of being  a Sisters player was 2nd-4th.  I think 2nd maybe my favorite even though we did not have Retributors, Dominions, Exorcists, or even stormbolters on infantry. I definitely played more games in 3rd-4th with Sisters but something about the old 2nd codexes and games especially Sisters just rings true to me. 


And nothing wrong with the old Skirmish games either. I do love some Necromunda, and I'm group is going to start our 2024 campaign soon. 

Yeah.. It is a time I have fond memories of.. I had a couple of eras in 40k and the whol 2nd Ed was one of them. I had a good group of many friends but that started to go away when 3rd Ed came about. Both because of that but several friends moved away, my closest buddy moved to study in a high school far away.. Stilla friend though but he plays What a Cowboy and Chain of Command instead.. Which seems very good games though! (My next era was 3rd Ed but with mostly new opponents)


But that late era in 2nd Ed.. I was always buying the White Dwarfs in my small little shop, a computer games shop really, that started to stock GW - and i befriended a couple years older dude working there..  He was the one who picked up all boxes of Sisters. But it was a real fun time, era. I remember the Codex and the White Dwards fondly, nice pictures and nice narrative games. I built that cardboard shrine but not sure what happened to it..

But i also liked the rulebook-list for Sisters in 3rd Ed.. And when that Witch Hunters Codex was released, I had another good 40k-period again with new regular players. One close friend - picked up Demonhunters and as he had Inquisitors, I kinda left the Sisters for him too - as i was very busy with Space Wolves, Orks and imperial Guards anyways.. But I really liked that book, the feel..

So it is like a project I never did - and finally it is time to paint some Sisters.. And the SWA seems like a nice little start. Familiar rules, decent enough campaign (might use the necromunda one though, later on... Tweak it a bit). Not too many models, yet, to worry about..


I was assembling another Sister and started to wonder why I bothered with a flamer - as it is a competing slot for a heavy flamer.. And it is just plain better.. But it is good to have one for this squad to be compatibale with those other rules. Even though I am making a melta gun as well..




Ah cool! What are you going to play? It´s both nice with all the new books, and a bit daunting.. lol.. I´m eying the Dark Uprising stuff a bit.. What a horror show, love it! Hehe..

Myself thinking about Escher or Enforcers.. But those projects have to wait a bit sadly..

Welcome! Glad to hear you're enjoying the models. 

If you want some pose variety, most of the retributor arms fit on certain the battle sister bodies & vice-versa. 

( My old notes say Ret body A arms fit on sister 5,6,9&11, ret B arms on sister 4,7,&8, and sister 10 kinda fits both) 

This should let you get some mix of running and static poses in both squads. 

Ah thatnks, that´s good to hear! Not really tried off the guide yet. But great to know! I think I will build these with the options but I will experiment with the next batch then..


Trying to build all of these without helmets, something that might bite me in the ass.. Or I just stick to that - period.. But i like those bob haircuts.. :wink:

Using the respirator head for both flamers/heavy flamers as well as melta gun/multi-melta. Both as it looks cool but to make them last even longer, the heads.. Heavy bolters get the bionic eye if i have enough (Targetter!).

How popular are Sisters? Kinda want them not o be too common, lol.. Well, both that and popular.. It is nice being a rare thing..

16 hours ago, Wolf Lord Duregar said:

Ah thatnks, that´s good to hear! Not really tried off the guide yet. But great to know! I think I will build these with the options but I will experiment with the next batch then..


Trying to build all of these without helmets, something that might bite me in the ass.. Or I just stick to that - period.. But i like those bob haircuts.. :wink:

Using the respirator head for both flamers/heavy flamers as well as melta gun/multi-melta. Both as it looks cool but to make them last even longer, the heads.. Heavy bolters get the bionic eye if i have enough (Targetter!).

How popular are Sisters? Kinda want them not o be too common, lol.. Well, both that and popular.. It is nice being a rare thing..


I have a lot of mine with out helmets too, but I love the diversity in the heads now. Bob Cut is still the favorite but, its nice painting other skin tones.





Ignore the bases I need to redo them. 


Respirator heads on the flamers and heavy flamers, yup. 


Sisters I feel have a niche following so they are not uber popular but with plastics being released a little more common then the pewter days.  But still not as Popluar a Guard, Marines, eldar, tau or nids. 

A speaking of that, what is a good formula for those bob cuts, making them white-ish?


That´s good.. I like fiddling around with some more.. Not niche necessarily but. Not the spammed stuff. I played Space Wolves since their very first Codex - even fiddling a bit before that with the models but not playing. It was nice being the only one around playing them for many years but there were some band wagon dudes when the 3rd Ed Codex popped in. Not for the overall feel, models and background - but for the rules.. To each his own but i like to chose something becasue of several reasons that feels good - not just because the rules are good....:wink:

Let´s those guys go somewhere else and not taint "my" army.. :blush:


Those Sieters of yours look great! Even that shaved head I am stayed clear of.. Pretty cool! I know of the orders´ names but still a massive noob so can´t recognize most by the look though..

23 minutes ago, Wolf Lord Duregar said:

A speaking of that, what is a good formula for those bob cuts, making them white-ish?


That´s good.. I like fiddling around with some more.. Not niche necessarily but. Not the spammed stuff. I played Space Wolves since their very first Codex - even fiddling a bit before that with the models but not playing. It was nice being the only one around playing them for many years but there were some band wagon dudes when the 3rd Ed Codex popped in. Not for the overall feel, models and background - but for the rules.. To each his own but i like to chose something becasue of several reasons that feels good - not just because the rules are good....:wink:

Let´s those guys go somewhere else and not taint "my" army.. :blush:


Those Sieters of yours look great! Even that shaved head I am stayed clear of.. Pretty cool! I know of the orders´ names but still a massive noob so can´t recognize most by the look though..


White hair- I do the normal Celestra grey to white scar technique. 


The big 6 Orders: 

  • Order of the Martyred Lady - Originally Black armor and robes with white robe trim and red inner robes. Post Armageddon Robes are all red. (Poster girls for Sisters)
  • Order of the Bloody Rose- Red armor Black robes (current codex says inner robes are white)
  • Order of the Valorous Heart- Black Armor, Black Robes, white Gloves and inner robes and red icon (this is the Order I am playing)
  • Order of the Sacred Rose- White armor Black Robes
  • Order of Ebon Chalice- Black armor white robes
  • Order of  Argent Shroud- Silver armor white robes, red inner robes

The 6 orders were given their own unique feel during the plastic release 8th and 9th edition


Not familiar with that but I will have a look.  Been painting Orcs for.. Ages.. :biggrin: I miss the old GW site with the actual paint recommendations..


Damn, the poster girls is to my tastes, lol.. I would prefer black armour and loads of reds.. Been using Khorne Red as the other colour than browns on my Orcs and Orks, so familiar with that. But also the Mephiston Red base.. Hmm..  But now I have to be neat with edge-highlights on black.. Maybe good to be challenged a bit. But seems like the colours for me. But they all look good actually.. Just more scary painting.. :wink:


There was some option that really bugged me in 3rd Ed Codex: Witch Hunters.. But forgot what it was.. Something with the special and/or heavy weapon choices for the Troops-Sisters...  It took me a long time to adjust to 3rd Ed from 2nd Ed - yet I now love going back to it.... (2nd Ed too, but at the moment, SWA fills that urge..)

2nd ed it the squad was a superior and 4 sisters, than you could added model with a special weapon and add a model with a heavy weapon.


3rd brought the squads sizes up (to 20 iirc) and allowed 2 specials or a special and heavy in no matter the squad size...it may have been 5 models get 1 special or heavy and at 10+ models you could have had a 2 specials or special and heavy





I´m fine with that 2nd Ed thing.. Simple and fitted that box.. A choice of size would be nice but it works well in 2nd Ed, right?


I had to check now - but they can only take a heavy flamer! No heavy bolter or multi-melta in the Troops-squad..! Damn, that is annoying.. Not a disaster.. I guess some Assault-weapons and bolters work but i would have wanted to be able to make some cheap fire-support squads anchored around a heavy bolter.. Ah well..

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