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Hail Fratus !


After a long stop concerning hobby, I have been very glad to be in it again, while my professional life allows now me to spend more money in this activity than it was possible when I was a kid.
It's been a long trip since 1986 ! 

So, now, I'm definatly in love with Kill Team, Warcry, Necromunda, 40K (v10), and AoS.

I also love Blackstone Fortress. And I guess that my next box on the shelve will be something about a cursed city...


Here, I will try to post my vision of this universe I like so much, since I was a youngster. 


This is my last work on a Kill Team...




Edited by Stef Coudou
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Thank you @Firedrake Cordova. But i don't know why, the pictures I was used to take with my phone are not as good as they were previously. I'm not very good with tech stuff ^^
I'll try to take some better ones.


Today, I'm basing trees for my board. I bought some on a modelism shop, and they are very light. So I decided to put some weight on their bases.


Here are the trees


And here the same ones with weight glued on them...




Edited by Stef Coudou

And when the glu have been finally dry, I applied some special stuff from Prince August (here, "black lava"). I will paint it and slightly modify the trees in order to make them more dark than they are actually. I don't want a british garden on my board...


49 minutes ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

The board looks great - I assume it's a feudal world for 40K? :smile: 

Firstly, I had in mind something small for Warcry. I like the GW's original cardboards, but i just like them. It's not a big crush...

So, by a gloomy sunday, I decided to make the board I would love to play on, with plenty of details. I quickly realized that it was VERY difficult to create something I could use, and re use, and re re use. 
So I picked a sheet of paper, cut it in 6, and tryed to draw something different on each of  the different pieces...



Edited by Stef Coudou

Then, I took a large piece of light wood - sorry, I don't know the english word for this kind of stuff, it was a part of the box used to contain new elements of my bathroom.

It's very light, and very easy to cut. Not wood, not cardboard. Something between...

So I took this, and cut it into 6 smaller parts.



Edited by Stef Coudou

And on the first tile, began to draw something finally very different of the idea i had previously. Just let my inspiration drive me.


By the way, I'm sorry for my english. Please, let me know every time I made a mistake...





As you can see, the trick was to have a new table each time I moved the tiles. So they had to be compatible.

Edited by Stef Coudou

I took the first of the tiles, and imagined that a crossroad would be a good idea to begin this table. But a crossroad without Evil is not a REAL crossroad...

So, this merged from under my pencil :




Before I go on, as the moderator told me that this topic had to be 40K oriented, I would like to say that I finally played more games of Necromunda and Kill Team on this board, than every other game. :happy:

But, if it is better to stop this, I'm fine with this. :blush:

Thank you @Pearson73, @Wolf Lord Duregar, @Dr_Ruminahui and @Firedrake Cordovafor your words. It's the kind of thing that maintain the best spiritual hygiena to go on with brushes :biggrin:


So, as I previously said, this board was initially made to play fantasy games, but I prefer to play SciFi ones. As I am not very inspired with desert terrain (even if i love Dune or Mad Max), I supposed that I had been impressed with Predator. Or as it's been said in another message, by Crichton's Congo.


I had to think about a story for my planet. A guy on another forum created a world cleverly named Agrimunda. That was a great idea ! But not mine...

So I had to find out a name, and a reason to be, and to fight for.


Resources would be the reason. Promethium, I thought.

So, this planet beside Désespérance, on the Imperium Nihilus borders, was a human colony firstly, without any interest, until Promethium was found. 

The scene take place on this planet, before total devastation could have occured.

So, the red lava had to be something different...



Red lava became green. Would be an interesting way to develop about Warp things, and / or Promethium...

Edited by Stef Coudou

The real interest with this board, for me, was to be able to swap each tile with another one, in order to have another different board asa new game occured.


See the two next pictures. Same tiles, different board.




Edited by Stef Coudou

This small planet, accidentally colonized by a crashed human ship, was developed in a feodal like system during the first generations. 
Unfortunatly, the Warp influence was also strong. As Xenos presence.

When Imperium realized finally the interest of such a small planet, it was too late.

So, as the board began to present some kind of interest, I developed an idea of what this world could be. And decided to melt influences between feodal like world and human cultures, chaotic and xenos influence, and modern technologies. This board had to melt the best of these worlds.









Edited by Stef Coudou

So i firstly had 6 tiles. 
I made those tiles under electric light of my desk, and the day I decided to use them for my first game, I realized that I wasn't able to see anything on the board. Too much colors, too many details. 
I had to darken the entire board. So i did the job outside, under the sun light.




I have now two more tiles, and, most funny thing, all the board is electric. I made a plateform which contains every little electric stuff necessary on the board. 
Actually, only lights are operational, but on time, there will be a tiny smoke machine. 
I have a bigger tile on the desk, which is supposed to be a pier, with ships. In fact, one ship. Thing is that I have to determine exactly how will be this ship. I have several miniatures to chop and glu together, but each time I begin the job, I am not totally sure I like it. 
This board has a personnality, and I don't want a mess with too much stuff on it. 

Under, is the way I do one tile, one step after another.

First, the sketch on the tile.

Then, i glu the stones on the road. Here, a dead cookie box...


And some white before Nuln Oil.




Then some very, very cheap paint, green and yellow on one hand, black on the other.



Then sand...


Black paint again

And some parts of kids toys bought on supermarket.



The gaslight is the only expensive stuff. It's a german company (corrected ^^) called NOCH specialized in miniature trains who sell this.





Edited by Stef Coudou

And with modern buildings...


I have since this picture slightly modified the tones of colors in order to have a better transition between buildings and board.



Edited by Stef Coudou

Your board looks great - I could totally see an inquisitorial retinue tramping through the setting with the lighting (for some reason I immediately thought of Eisenhorn). :thumbsup:


As you asked about your English, the only mistake I could really see was calling Noch a "society" instead of "company". I find so many people say, "my English isn't very good" and then continue to write nearly indistinguishably from a native speaker (and yes, this is one of those occasions :smile:)

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