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For 40k I guess we'll see what's in store for Genestealer Cults and Sister of Battle. Maybe we'll get some hints at the mystery(imperial agents) codex but I'm not going to expect it, would be a nice surprise though. Hopefully for HH we'll find out what the Mechanicum teaser was all about, fingers crossed it's a wide release.

12 minutes ago, CL_Mission said:

For 40k I guess we'll see what's in store for Genestealer Cults and Sister of Battle. Maybe we'll get some hints at the mystery(imperial agents) codex but I'm not going to expect it, would be a nice surprise though. Hopefully for HH we'll find out what the Mechanicum teaser was all about, fingers crossed it's a wide release.

Fingers crossed for plastic Automata

Not too long then.

For 40k it'll be as people ahead put: Sisters and Cults with maybe a tease of the redacted codex (will it be Agents? Will it be blood angels? Place your bets now!) Possibly also updated road map.


HH is mechianum reveal proper so we'll see if we're getting more than just Forge World Knights going plastic.


LI...err no idea, maybe next supplement? Honestly no clue


Necromunda, hive secundus reveals...give me my GSC gang!

28 minutes ago, arnesh88 said:

I hope for HH, we finally see the plastic melee upgrade sprue. They were scheduled for spring of this year

Agreed, we could have done with this 2 years ago. I really hope we finally see that as everyone needs it. Anything else will be a bonus.

My guesses:


40k - Sisters and GSC Codex/model at a minimum. There's been that one leak of Imperial Agents floating around for a while now, so they might show that off, although without any models thus far been leaked they may decide it wasn't enough to force their hand.


Necromunda - Hive Secundus expansion with a Spyrers gang?


Horus Heresy - I figured we were too close to the Solar Auxilia release for the Mechanicus reveals to start any sooner than Summer, but based on Necromunda getting a reveal (and having had their teaser alongside the Mech one) I'm wondering if I'm wrong about that and we'll see plastic Mechanicus already? What a crazy timeline we'd be living in if we saw plastic SA and Mechanicus within the same six months.


That aside, seeing at least the plastic Melee Weapon Arms is probably a given unless they decide to surprise us next Monday with them instead. Maybe the Lascannon/Boreas Deredeo? Perhaps even Breachers (be that an upgrade or standalone kit).


Legions Imperialis - We know a new splatbook is coming, so presumably they'll show it off there?



Given the release of AoS 4, the GSC and SoB releases will likely be just codex and single character. I know you can't always predict GW patterns, but last year AoS had 3 big army boxes, 1 before Leviathan and 2 after. I predict we won't see anything Kroot or DA sized until a few months after AoS dies xown

I'm going to pour cold water on Heresy - I don't think we should expect too much, and I think given Solar Auxila are relatively recent and a lot of their production and hype will be tied up by AoS, I think a big HH plastic reveal is highly unlikely.


As others have said, melee weapons haven't been shown, and there have been persistent rumours of a redone Angron so that might arrive. If I wanted to take a wild punt, there's technically an alternative build of the Deredeo unaccounted for, and LI seems to suggest that there's a redesigned version of the Sicaran Omega as well. Not sure if there's anything else from the SA that might also be lurking for a release.


Or it might be a couple of Legion specific resin characters and the next campaign book.

It's guranteed they will show the codex and minis for SoB and GSC, but if the rumours are correct they will just get 1 model each.


Hopefully they reveal the mistery faction on the livestream, but at most I can see them just giving a teaser video just like when they did Vashtorr and Striking Scorpions. Maybe they give us a 3rd roadmap to go along with the reveals for Sisters and Genestealers to see what factions come next.


The big reveal is for AoS, but at least they decided to do a separate stream on a different day.

A Sisters reveal would be nice. I have no idea what's coming for them.


I think a Jump Canoness was rumoured, and we need one.

An Aircraft or Superheavy would be nice, though I think the Triumph is intended to be our superheavy substitute.

Plastic DCA's, Crusaders, Missionaries and Priests would be good.


But if I'm dreaming the impossible dream?


A new Repressor Sisters/ Arbites dual kit.

10 minutes ago, Orange Knight said:

Anyone else hoping that GW might preview some new Marine models?


I feel they get the forum buzzing more than other releases.

Not really. I'm a big fan and currently in the middle of dreaming up a new Marines project but I really don't think we need anything shown off right now. There's units and kits I'd like to see for Marines but I can happily wait for them. If we get something that's a bonus but let other factions and systems have their time to shine.

You're probably not wrong on the second point though.

I think for Heresy, we're just going to get the plastic melee weapons upgrade sprue in some form (either teaser or full reveal) and another roadmap.  Perhaps with some sort of resin character tease.  I don't think we'll see the mechanicum knights get any more information yet, or any other plastic reveals.

I've seen some of the store shelf labels for IA, so it's almost certain that's the mystery codex.


To corroborate some of the other stuff seen.


I wouldn't be surprised to see something further for 30k mechanicum tease, given they already started teasing some of it a while ago.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion

If I recall rumours wise, I think sisters and GSC are only looking at a new character each (jump pack cannoness for the former, big brain pysker for the latter) always open to them getting more but I feel like setting that to the expectations baseline is a good idea.

I would love it if for the HH we get Astartes reveals that aren't just more resin characters. There are so many kits Astartes we are waiting on it's embarrassing.


My wish list is:


Sicaran variant with remaining weapon options 

Deredo with remaining weapon options

Updated MKIV

Plastic Breacher Upgrade Sprue

Melee Weapon Sprue


Any one of those would at least be something. I just hope it's not more useless drivel like SA.  

2 minutes ago, The Praetorian of Inwit said:

I would love it if for the HH we get Astartes reveals that aren't just more resin characters. There are so many kits Astartes we are waiting on it's embarrassing.


My wish list is:


Sicaran variant with remaining weapon options 

Deredo with remaining weapon options

Updated MKIV

Plastic Breacher Upgrade Sprue

Melee Weapon Sprue


Any one of those would at least be something. I just hope it's not more useless drivel like SA.  

To be fair, just because you don't like auxilia, doesn't mean they shouldn't have been done. 

Gonna go ahead and be the one lunatic hoping that we finally get Legion Upgrade kits for MKIII, the main appeal of the Heresy for me is Legion drip after all.


For 40k, gonna assume Valrak is right as usual so Jump Canoness and giga-psyker for GSC.


He was saying BA might be soon so I guess thats possible. So better sprue, new Angry Flay Man and New Bloody Mary Apothecary.

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