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Starting Escher, I think..

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I am all over the shop with games and factions - almost painted up some Blood Bowl Black Orcs (the Goblin Bruisers left), Orcs & Goblins in ToW, several Shadow War Armageddon "kill teams", O&gs in Mordheim etc.. Not to mention the 40k stuff..


And now i got into contact with a little gang of Necromunda-players, locally. And as i have been eyeing the game for a very long time 8I played a bit in the 2003 rules), it felt like a good time to get some modern stuff.

The small group of three or four players are in the middle of a campaign, which suits me fine as it gives me time to fix up a gang and join after the summer or so, then they re-new. And as I have always liked the Escher models, old and new, that was my first go-to. And no one is playing them in that little group.


Seems like a no-brainer then, eh? :biggrin: I am not sure they fit my playing style the most, but I love the models the most and i would love to paint those punk hair-styles in vibrant colours! So playing style doesn´t really matter. I enjoy modelling the most as well as having my stuff tell a story. I´m pretty casual game-wise these days, enjoying more chill games, laugh at the nonsense happening. Not into "competetive" play in any game really - it is a time to get away from serious buisness, which i get more than enough of in the real world..


So from that point - any decent advice?


I am watching various YT-vids and i have access to the books. But not managed to digest everything.. I actually went back to read the old White Dwarfs for the 1st Ed, background,.. But I will have a look at the House of Blades book ASAP. Though the new rules is a little unknown to me, having a very basic knowledge..


Anyways.. My plan is to pick up a box of Escher gangers (doh!) as well as the upgrade box/sprue - and maybe the one with lizard-cats and those nasty-looking.. Death Maidens? Mainly for the extra variant-heads, for now..

I want a good pool of different bitz basically and make the first batch have a nice variation. I have a spare Cadian grenade launcher I might use, as I like the look of that revolver MGL-thingy..

I also need to update my paint collection with other stuff than browns, browns and the Orc-skin colours.. ;)


But any advice would be welcome.. i´ll make some roster when i get the stuff and make a leader, try to convert her a bit, make a couple of gangers and juves and the odd heavy or two.


Are there any "dangers" here or is that a decent start? I will also meet up with these guys to just play a casual game, probably soon-ish, and probably before i have my own models done. Which is a little sad..

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I played Necromunda in the 90s (campaign) and a couple of single games in 2018. Here is my advice:


Necromunda is prone to the snowball effect. The first two games (campaign) will determine, if your gang is going to survive, flourish or stagnate. Therefore ask the group what kind of rules they use to counter this drawback.


Second, Necromunda is not 40K. Steer away from opponents who spam weapons. Escher for example have access to cheap lasguns and players without restraint will try to build "rifle squads" which is going against the spirit of the game.


Here are my Escher models by the way:




I used those models and the exact same loadouts in my games in 2018. Furthermore I played exclusively against Goliath so my level of expertise won´t help you much. I would advice you to take a heavy stubber. It is a powerful weapon and even if it doesn´t perform well it still threatens the opponent immensely so that he can´t ignore it. Other than that pick a wild combination of different loadouts for your gangers. Just don´t do those "rifle" gangers like I described above.



One more thing: Become a member of the Yaktribe forum. I am a member there too although I have a different Avatar name over there. The Yaktribe people are the experts on all things concerning Necromunda.


Edited by Deus_Ex_Machina

The gang box and the plastic weapons and upgrades pack should give you a good starting point. A mix of the basic weapons, and some close combat-oriented should give you a good basis for the gang.


There's also the resin gang champions pack, which has a grenade launcher, plasma cannon, bolters and power sword in it. It is expensive though, so you might want to skip it and do conversions instead. :smile: 

15 hours ago, Deus_Ex_Machina said:

I played Necromunda in the 90s (campaign) and a couple of single games in 2018. Here is my advice:


Necromunda is prone to the snowball effect. The first two games (campaign) will determine, if your gang is going to survive, flourish or stagnate. Therefore ask the group what kind of rules they use to counter this drawback.


Second, Necromunda is not 40K. Steer away from opponents who spam weapons. Escher for example have access to cheap lasguns and players without restraint will try to build "rifle squads" which is going against the spirit of the game.


Here are my Escher models by the way:




I used those models and the exact same loadouts in my games in 2018. Furthermore I played exclusively against Goliath so my level of expertise won´t help you much. I would advice you to take a heavy stubber. It is a powerful weapon and even if it doesn´t perform well it still threatens the opponent immensely so that he can´t ignore it. Other than that pick a wild combination of different loadouts for your gangers. Just don´t do those "rifle" gangers like I described above.



One more thing: Become a member of the Yaktribe forum. I am a member there too although I have a different Avatar name over there. The Yaktribe people are the experts on all things concerning Necromunda.



Some good advice, thanks both of you.


Good idea - I should ask them who runs it and how. Will organize so I meet them soon. Might pick up Hive war and sell the Delaque to one of them and the terrain too.. Cheap.


Yeah i picked that up. Planned to build two with lasguns somehow, as I like some of the poses/weapons. Then an autogun and shotgun ganger/Sister. If i can, I will pick two boxes up so i have a nice pool of models to work with.

I want a pair of juves, i really want to build those two Wyld chicks with bows and one Death maiden (love that veiled one!) - but i want to switch some weapons there. Remvoe that needle pistol I think.


Saw that resin champion Pack yesterday. Seems to be temporarily out of stock but looks like something Ii "need". the grenade launcher looks nice.. :wink:


I actulally had an idea to remove the needle thing on the Escher leader´s combi-bolter and replace with a Primaris aux grenade launcher.. But she can´t buy that from the list - however, it is in the trading post. So I think I can do that later..? I think I can make that look good but not compared the bitz yet so not sure..


I joined yaktribe yesterday! Was not aware of it unti then, lol. Thanks!


6 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

The gang box and the plastic weapons and upgrades pack should give you a good starting point. A mix of the basic weapons, and some close combat-oriented should give you a good basis for the gang.


There's also the resin gang champions pack, which has a grenade launcher, plasma cannon, bolters and power sword in it. It is expensive though, so you might want to skip it and do conversions instead. :smile: 


I will try to get it. I´ll keep an eye on it when it is back in stock and use the Warhamemr store´s order point or whatever they call it.. Only one head iirc but I love getting as much bitz as I can..

Starting out i wouldnt worry about loading up on all the resins and such, the gang boxes are usually well tailored towards the gangs fighting style, deliberately so, thats why, for example the Escher box has loads of lasguns and they get a discount on them, they are supposed to be loaded up on lasguns and chem weapons. 

The plastic expansions are all good choices as i understand it, especially the death maidens! 

Yaktribe is an excellent site, the kind of gang builder GW should be providing and a lot more focused forum.

One tip id give if you are coming at it from the old system is that its a bit more tilted in favour of shooting these days except for specific fighters who clean up in melee. Tbf a lot of things are different, even between different campaign types, so i wouldnt assume much at all. Stubbers are still good though :D 

Good to see you take up this game. It's great funsies. 


Strategically I'd try and include something that compensates the main weaknesses of the gang - namely melee, taking a beating and threatening heavy armour.


The chem thrower beats armour for the most part, whilst toxin weapons not so much due to lack of high armour save modifiers.


Meanwhile the Death Maiden grants a solid threat up close beyond a template weapon, plus is tougher for the pleasure.


Take one of them! If not 2!

I´m cool with buying that Champion upgrade if i find it! I´m selling some unopened 40k-boxes I have and I am all for just selling them and buying a bunch of Escher! The modelling part is ahuge for me so having more bitz to play with - and two basic gang-boxes would be greatI actually think I can pick 2 boxes up plus the Death Maidens, Weapons upgrade (plastic) and also the Champion stuff in resin. One gang I can get from "Hive War". being aware the book is older but it seems like the local dudes are happy to buy the Delaque team and the terrain.

It is a little mroe than I initially planned but all good as what I´m selling won´t be built anytime soon..


Then I can model a couple of variants, specialists etc. And I really want to graft that Intercessor auxilla grenade launcher onto a bolter.. Just like the look of it..


Some You Tube video I saw seemed to hint that having two Death Maidens might lose you friends?:wink: I´m pretty clueless but want to make one and will probably switch that pistol for some sword.. But I will have that spare model if needed in a campaign so all is good.


Bought some nice paints today - the hairs is something I am hyped about working with.. Got some yelloes and purples, will pick more crazy colours up soon.


Ah ok, more shooting? That´s fine.. I was afraid there was an inbalance favouring close combat.. Saw some Corpse Grinder thing roll eight or nine attacks in some Battle Report and.. Gheez, felt a bit much, hitting on 2s and wounding on 2s too against some T3 chick I think..


Not had time to check yaktribe yet, just registered, will go there ASAP! :oops:


Not sure why I like the Escher.. Not really my type, usually.. But the crazy colours is one thing. And none of the other teams gives me that same hyped feeling.. Enforcers are cool! I love Dredd (2012) but I suspect I would play them too serious so.. Maybe later. the others, cool models but none that makes me wanna cut and glue :cuss: together and name the models with cool names and go out there and kick names and take @sses..:wink:


If i get two sets of gangs I will deffo build a chem thrower for later. But it was not that high on my list of things to model.. Wanting a heavy stubber, grenade launcher and maybe a plasma gun model in the pool.. But I should be able to make on if I get 20 models!

I destroyedan Intercessor bolt rifle with the aux grenade launcher - to graft it to some chick.. :wink: But I really like cutting and making some unique stuff..


Have to buy it later though, it seems. I just like the look of that one..



5 hours ago, Wolf Lord Duregar said:

Some You Tube video I saw seemed to hint that having two Death Maidens might lose you friends?:wink: I´m pretty clueless but want to make one and will probably switch that pistol for some sword.. But I will have that spare model if needed in a campaign so all is good.


Friends are overrated :laugh:


5 hours ago, Wolf Lord Duregar said:

Bought some nice paints today - the hairs is something I am hyped about working with.. Got some yelloes and purples, will pick more crazy colours up soon.


Yellow looks so good but I struggle to get it right. Looking forward to what you can get done.


5 hours ago, Wolf Lord Duregar said:

Ah ok, more shooting? That´s fine.. I was afraid there was an inbalance favouring close combat.. Saw some Corpse Grinder thing roll eight or nine attacks in some Battle Report and.. Gheez, felt a bit much, hitting on 2s and wounding on 2s too against some T3 chick I think..


Not had time to check yaktribe yet, just registered, will go there ASAP! :oops:


I find much of Necromunda is shooting based but everything is capable of being countered, so having a nasty close up model or 2 helps a lot. For my Orlocks it's my Road Captain and both Arms Masters.


That's where the Death Maidens come in!


I have heavy armour, tough guys and a nice Falsehood. Consider the Falsehood, it's amazing...


5 hours ago, Wolf Lord Duregar said:

Not sure why I like the Escher.. Not really my type, usually.. But the crazy colours is one thing. And none of the other teams gives me that same hyped feeling.. Enforcers are cool! I love Dredd (2012) but I suspect I would play them too serious so.. Maybe later. the others, cool models but none that makes me wanna cut and glue :cuss: together and name the models with cool names and go out there and kick names and take @sses..:wink:


They very much have the punk vibe eh. I could see the Escher fitting into Dredd any day.


Plus they're different!


Ooo you should make a Ma-ma! It would totally fit the theme! And brutal and into chems!

haha, they certainly can be! Asked that group and they "encourage variation" in armament. Which is fine! Nice with individual, well, individuals!

A couple of lasgun chicks will be modelled, but also an autogun or two as well as shotguns.

And I do like the look of the bow-chicks, the Wyld ones. I´ll make them work, or look cool trying anyhow.


Yeah, we´ll see, lol.. The primer I have now is Gunze-Sangyo´s Mr Surfacer 1500, grey.. Might work on that But never been great with yellow. That Averland Sunset, or whatever, seems to have loads of pigment though. I picked up Yriel Yellow and Flash Gitz yellow for the highlights.


Cool! I had to check how charging works and was surprised, "only" another d3", well, that soudns interesting!:biggrin: I had expected more but i am all for it! i think.


Haha, good idea.. Hmm.. I am not a huge fan of her short hair. But the idea done a little different is cool! It feels nice, being pushed out of your usual style of play and look of the models. Escher is totally different for me. I love it.


How about some Slo Mo?



7 hours ago, Wolf Lord Duregar said:

But never been great with yellow. That Averland Sunset, or whatever, seems to have loads of pigment though

From what I've heard, Averland Sunset is great. Alternatively, the Contrast paint "Imperial Fist" gives a good solid yellow to paint other yellows over :smile: 


If you have coverage issues, the new Vallejo Game Colour paints (the ones with the tamper-evident caps) have excellent coverage - from my brief test, Moon Yellow will cover black in 2 coats. Angel Girladez has a demo/tutorial on them, if it's any help.

Edited by Firedrake Cordova

I´ve not really used contrast paints yet.. Been staying away since it felt like a big investment and not really my style.. Right now I have alot of paints and can just slowly replace empty ones and then some with Vallejo.  So that big investment has held me off a bit as well as.. Not sure it is my thing.

But I could try. I watched a vid from GW on Escher hair and they used all contrast for the base iirc..

Usually I also prime with black - though now I only have grey, ran out of black.. 


Yeah heard those vallejo have good coverage! Don´t have any of those yet though. I like vallejo, even when they don´t cover as well as GW´s Base for example.  GW, Citadell works for me -  as I am lazy though.. :wink: Loads of pigment. But the pots and the price is a downer..

I should probably try more of those newer vallejo..


Saw Duncan use Thunderhak Blue in GW´s tutorial on escher too. Looked nice as a highlight over the grey on their pants. But I could not find what the Base colour for Thudnerhawk Blue is supposed to be. Can´t find it on any chart I check.  Anyone got a clue?

The Contrast paints definitely have their uses - they make good washes when thinned with medium, and decent glazes given their intense colour. They're also great for heavily textured areas. :smile: The Imperial Fist paint doesn't really have a "contrast" effect, but it does have a lot of pigment.


Both Warhipster and Juan Hidalgo make excellent use of the contrast paints, if you're interested. :smile: 


1 hour ago, Wolf Lord Duregar said:

But I could not find what the Base colour for Thudnerhawk Blue is supposed to be

I don't think there really is one - The Fang is greyer, and Thousand Sons Blue is bluer. I suppose you could try mixing one of those with Thunderhawk Blue to increase coverage?

Edited by Firedrake Cordova

Oh yeah - I am interested, always ncie with new "tools". :) Just can be a bit slow getting out of habits I guess.. :wink: I felt like the contrast paints come in bigger, more expensive bottles, pots, and kinde felt a little bit of opposition making that investment, lol.. But i don´t have to buy that many..


I will check those and some other vids though.


Ah ok. I might just try that very formula from that vid though. Use it as a highlight for those greys. But it was a bit different, a little too much contrast perhaps so was curious about what colours it was meant to be matched with.

Played around with some Escher name generator and I really like this name! Might be the Boss.. Eh.. Queen! :wink:


Made the first rough list of dudes.. Well, chicks - to have a little inkling of what i want to model first.


But basically:

Queen with a bolt gun and chain sword. 205 creds


Death Maiden with venom claw and needle pistol. 170 creds


Matriarch w. grenade launcher plus smoke shells. 170 creds


2 Sisters with lasguns. 55x 2 creds


1 Sister with autogun. 65 creds


1 Sister w, shotgun. 80 creds


1 Little Sister w. stub gun. 25p


1 Little Sister w. autogun. 25p


1 Wyld Runner w. Wyld bow and explosive arrows. 75p




Very little equipment and no armour. I would like to get a second Wyld Runner with a bow for the last creds, as I like both stock modls. But I guess a knife here and there, maybe armour for the leader and so on is more adviceable?

And I might change the Death Maidens weapons, I probably want to switch the pistol for a sword, chain sword? But need to look at the bitz when i have them to see if i can make it look good..


Where am I going wrong otherwise, except going light on equipment? Heard that Wyld Runners aren´t great but i like the models..



Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 01-15-06 Necromunda - Escher Character Name Generator — Realm of Plastic.png

  • Solution

Liking the list! Got some decent firepower and still a threat up close with the Death Maiden and Her Majesty the Queen.


S4 is amazing in Necromunda so a bolt gun and chainsword thrives. Plus this forum approves :smile:


No chem thrower yet though? You got 75 creds left over and perhaps swapping a Shot Gunner out for the additional cost would help?


Not that it's essential, but the chem thrower is a nice way of dealing with armoured dudes.

Thanks! :blush:


I did another version - mainly as the Escher Champion set is "Temporarily" Out of Stock - I could still make that grenade laucnher but kidna want that set. So might make those models later.


The Queen got a plasma pistol instead (maybe to meta or too common though?), and that Matriarch that did not get a grenade launcher got a plasma gun 8need som serious support-fire! And it is in the plastic upgrade kit).

And then I only took three gangers, all with lasguns. As then i have that "core" - I want to do a couple of models like that - but i will add an autogun and shotgun, as models, ASAP.

But i also got two cheap Little Sisters and TWO Wyld Runners in..


Queen w. plasma pistol & chain sword. 200 credits


Matriarch w. plasma gun. 200 credits


Death Maiden w. venom claw & chainsword. 170 credits


3 Sisters w. lasguns. 55 credits x3


2 Little Sisters w. stub guns. 25 credits x2


2 Wyld Runners with Wyld Bows w. explosive arrows. 75 credits x2


935 credits so some more equipment to dish out. And it leaves me three models if I only get one Escher gang-box to build those shotgun and autogun chicks for example.

I have held off buying the first batch just yet as I am selling off some unpoened 40k boxes. But when that is done I will pick some stuff up. And if I have not got the Champion resin yet, I will go with this for now I think. (I really like both those Wyld Runner poses...)


No, no chem thrower just yet. I actually feel like getting a flamer and/or heavy stubber first! :biggrin: But that is more models based, looks, - I don´t think I know what I am doing. i don´t know the rules nor the chem thrower that well. But it is okay! I will model one eventually. probably after some roguh handling from the local Goliaths? ;)


Tempted to go right now and pick up a ganger box and upgrade. But will have to wait a few more days and buy the Hive War box for the gangers instead.. I need the gubbinz really, tempaltes, dice etc and might as well get the unwanted stuff sold first..


I´ve consumed alot of painting-vids and picked up alot new paints.. Still need a few more but will be fun to start soon..

Edited by Wolf Lord Duregar

Took me long enough, but ordered the Hive War box, picking it up this weekend or on Monday I hope.. Will also pick up the weapons upgrade and order the Death Maidens (were out of stock).

And today, picked up some more fancy colours, Caledor Sky, Teclics Blue and Lothern Blue. Some nice stuff to work with ona  few ladies hairs... Need some Orange colours too but almost set to go!

it begins..


In a couple of days I should get a bunch of skin tones, crazy hair colours and the upgrade kit. And a little later, the Death maiden box..


Right now i started to cut up the bolter-combi-needler thingy - to build an aauxiliary grenade laucnher. just because I can.. I need the trading post for that but I want to start modelling somewhere now..


Justa  tes-model. Will pick up another gang box so i have plenty of bodies so can play around with this one. Modded a bit. But planned to try my paints on it, how the colours work..


Meet the twins, my first two Little Siters.. :blush:

Same head but i replaced the top knot on the first with that braid. It is fragile though.. Had a nicer little kink at first but i cut it a bit too much.. Ah well..


Still building - not sure what primer to use.. And tomorrow I am picking up the Death Maiden box..



Thanks, yeah real fun! :biggrin: Working on those other Wyld Runner bodies (done one "stock" with a bow) - the same body as this one but with the lasgun on her shoulder (and the foot on an Ork skull)..

My first Deathmaiden is basiclaly stock too. After some consideration it feels like the venom claw and needle pistol is solid enough and the pose is good! But will build a second but combine with notmal Sisters I think.. Leaving me with a Deathmaiden body for a champion somehow - close combat equipped? I have one with a plasma gun only right now but will build a heavy stubber too.

I think having close combat options is important in Necromunda. It leans heavily on shooting, but if you get a Falsehood, grapple launcher, Stim-Slug stash etc you can really cause problems with melee.


Everyone is brave shooting until the nutcase with the Ark hammer is amongst them.

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