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Red Sprays available in the US

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Hey, I'm looking for a red spray that's somewhere in the ballpark of Khorne Red, maybe a bit darker.  I tried to order Colour Forge but apparently they can't ship to US and aren't sold here. Any other (good) options?  Mephiston spray is too bright, the other common suggestion is Army Painter but I have never had good results from them.

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I don’t know that it is a good option, but maybe Claret Wine from Rustoleum - it might be in the same color range as Khorne Red.  I don’t have that specific color, but I have a brick red primer that I’ve used from a spray can, and that helps then letting me put a thin coat of my desired red color over it and it usually looks pretty good.


I usually do the warming the can in water (carefully) before spraying and do two light passes over a half day or so to try and avoid filling details too much - the paint plus primer can be pretty thick if you aren’t careful.

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This is wasteful, I'm aware, BUT if you spray Mephiston Red spray over Chaos Black spray before it's dry, you'll get a colour very close to a Khorne Red spray (this is my first step for Blood Angels), I'll have a to see if I have any pics at this stage.

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22 minutes ago, Bryan Blaire said:

I don’t know that it is a good option, but maybe Claret Wine from Rustoleum - it might be in the same color range as Khorne Red.  I don’t have that specific color, but I have a brick red primer that I’ve used from a spray can, and that helps then letting me put a thin coat of my desired red color over it and it usually looks pretty good.


I usually do the warming the can in water (carefully) before spraying and do two light passes over a half day or so to try and avoid filling details too much - the paint plus primer can be pretty thick if you aren’t careful.

That might  be the right color. Rustoleum sprays have mostly been good to me in the past, though some have gone on too thick. Might have to grab a can and test it on something. Thanks!

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9 minutes ago, Grotsmasha said:

This is wasteful, I'm aware, BUT if you spray Mephiston Red spray over Chaos Black spray before it's dry, you'll get a colour very close to a Khorne Red spray (this is my first step for Blood Angels), I'll have a to see if I have any pics at this stage.

I would never have considered trying to blend two sprays like this. I've dome some terrain with sort of overlapping sprays that are a tone off from each other, but never tried mixing them.

3 minutes ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Is Vallejo's Gory Red close enough? It seems a bit darker/duller than Khorne Red from the images I've seen.


Disclaimer: I've not used the Vallejo sprays, I just know they exist. :smile: 

I was looking for Vallejo Gory Red for a long time and finally found a can. But the can itself was the same color as their Mephiston counterpart, and it came out lighter than expected, so I'm not sure if it was mislabeled or a bad can or something. Never had any problems with Vallejo cans before so I'm not sure what happened there

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1 hour ago, Cleon said:

If you can get the TTcombat sprays, their Tlalocan red is not far off Khorne red, but it is quite glossy.


This is the problem I have with Army Painter. While their paints are good on colour and coverage, they are so glossy that when I try to paint over the top, the paint does not adhere. Even light handling will cause it to rub off, even when fully dry.

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5 hours ago, Cleon said:

If you can get the TTcombat sprays, their Tlalocan red is not far off Khorne red, but it is quite glossy.

The spray or the dropper bottle? Their site says all the sprays are flat matte, so that's surprising to hear. That said, they do ship to the US, though that doesn't look particularly cheap, so they might be a last resort option.

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3 hours ago, Karhedron said:


This is the problem I have with Army Painter. While their paints are good on colour and coverage, they are so glossy that when I try to paint over the top, the paint does not adhere. Even light handling will cause it to rub off, even when fully dry.

I painted guard for years with Army Painter and I have to agree.  Varnish isn’t optional with Army Painter.

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10 hours ago, Tyriks said:

The spray or the dropper bottle? Their site says all the sprays are flat matte, so that's surprising to hear. That said, they do ship to the US, though that doesn't look particularly cheap, so they might be a last resort option.

The spray, I was planning to use it for the basecoat of some ad mech terrain, but it was too glossy so I shelved the idea.

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