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Can an OC zero unit claim objectives?

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Rules question about OC. There are some units that have OC 0.


I assumed that if they weren’t ever allowed to contest objectives they would have a rule saying so, or an OC entry of ‘-‘.


Does OC 0 mean they can’t contest against even a single OC 1 model, or that they can never contest claim?


I assume that if the former is the case, then two opposing OC 0 units would be stuck glaring at each other.


Thank you.

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I think that's a grey area, certainly not if there is any enemy oc1 unit within range, but if its just themselves, 


I think many of us would like to think oc0 cant capture, but if that was the intention I think it would state in black and white, zero can not capture, and it never says that:ermm:


the rules defiantly don't say oc0 cant capture: 


Every model has an Objective Control (OC) characteristic listed on its datasheet. To determine a player’s Level of Control over an objective marker, add together the OC characteristics of all the models from that player’s army that are within range of that objective marker. A player will control an objective marker at the end of any phase or turn if their Level of Control over it is greater than their opponent’s. If both players have the same Level of Control over an objective marker, that objective marker is contested.



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Posted (edited)

By my read of it, that's exactly what it says.  Since each side has 0 OC within range of the objective, it is unclaimed by either side, just as if there were no units in range of it at all.


See here for previous discussions on this topic - it (and variations thereof) are one of the more common rules questions here in 10th:




Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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Posted (edited)

I'm not sure what you are asking - contested isn't an ability of a unit, but a state for an objective.


Any objective where one player doesn't have more OC within range than the other player is contested.  This can be because no one has any units within range, they both have models with an equal amount of OC within range (so, for example, 1 has a model with OC 2 and the other 2 models with OC 1), or because the models in range don't have a positive (aka 1 or higher) OC value at all.


So, to address your example, it doesn't matter how many models with 0 OC the two players pile onto or remove from an objective, neither is ever going to take it until one of them brings a model with an OC of 1 or more into range.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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20 hours ago, Emperor Ming said:

the rules defiantly don't say oc0 cant capture: 


Every model has an Objective Control (OC) characteristic listed on its datasheet. To determine a player’s Level of Control over an objective marker, add together the OC characteristics of all the models from that player’s army that are within range of that objective marker. A player will control an objective marker at the end of any phase or turn if their Level of Control over it is greater than their opponent’s. If both players have the same Level of Control over an objective marker, that objective marker is contested.


I'd counter that those rules say they cannot capture. If you have an OC0 model on an objective, and your opponent has no models on that objective, your level of control over that objective is not greater than your opponents and you cannot claim it. 


OC0 cannot control objectives, or claim them. I think there's one weird interaction where they can un-claim a sticky objective from an opponent that has moved off it, but they cannot claim it themselves. 

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12 hours ago, Emperor Ming said:

If two oc0 zero units can contest an objective then one without contest would capture?


Contest is not an ability of a unit, it is the state of an Objective.


An Objective where neither side has a higher OC than the other is Contested.


To work out who controls an Objective, simply add the OC of all the models in range. The player with the higher OC controls the Objective. If neither side is higher then it is Contested. The presence of models is not important, just the amount of OC present on each side.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For an interesting interaction iv not seen discussed. Spawn give a minus 1 to oc to units with a model within 3 inches. Possible for a unit to be battleshocked then minus 1 and to loose objective with no enemy in range of objective then right?

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