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I am painting some scouts and want to paint the cloaks in the citadel color "death world forest". I want to try/learn wetblending and I think those cloaks  are great  for that. Now I am trying to find a good color to shade "death world forest". I tried several gw greens like caliban green but the color transition is too hard. It doesn't look very good.

Does anyone knows a color that is similar to "death world forest" just a bit darker? It doesn't have to be a citadel color. And I don't want to use shades/washes.

Edited by Anon

Vallejo have a selection of really nice realistic/historical camo greens, so if you have a store that stocks them I'd suggest going in and having a browse - be aware they do refract slightly different from GW paints though so might look a bit odd as a shade if you don't put a varnish over to unify that.

I painted my Orks skin in death world forest, and I painted my T”AU pathfinder’s fatigues in it as well… 

I used castellan green as the base, Athonian camo wash, then layered on -

Death world forest,

highlights were

- Elysian green then ogryn camo . 



I agree with @Grotsmasha. Wetblending often requires intermediate mixes of the colors you're working with in addition to feathering out (aka blending) the initial colors into each other. @Wolf Lord Duregar's chart shows the three layer-style painting colors required, but you'd end up with five in a wetblend:

  1. Deathworld Forest, feathered into a ...
  2. ... 50/50 mix of Deathworld Forest and Elysian Green, feathered into...
  3. ... Elysian Green, feathered into...
  4. ... 50/50 mix of Elysian Green and Ogryn Camo, feathered into...
  5. ... Ogryn Camo

Such a process gives greater control over the color gradation. 


EDIT: Forgot to mention, Deathworld Forest is a base color for Elysian Green, so the overall look will read as Elysian Green. If you want Deathworld Forest as the read, then your base color should be darker. @Urauloth and @MithrilForge both recommended Castallen Green and I agree with them.

Edited by jaxom
19 hours ago, jaxom said:

I agree with @Grotsmasha. Wetblending often requires intermediate mixes of the colors you're working with in addition to feathering out (aka blending) the initial colors into each other. @Wolf Lord Duregar's chart shows the three layer-style painting colors required, but you'd end up with five in a wetblend:

  1. Deathworld Forest, feathered into a ...
  2. ... 50/50 mix of Deathworld Forest and Elysian Green, feathered into...
  3. ... Elysian Green, feathered into...
  4. ... 50/50 mix of Elysian Green and Ogryn Camo, feathered into...
  5. ... Ogryn Camo

Such a process gives greater control over the color gradation. 


EDIT: Forgot to mention, Deathworld Forest is a base color for Elysian Green, so the overall look will read as Elysian Green. If you want Deathworld Forest as the read, then your base color should be darker. @Urauloth and @MithrilForge both recommended Castallen Green and I agree with them.

Thank you all for responding. I see that I have a lot to learn and I found a lot of your post very helpful. With intermediate mixes the results are very good. I did Castellan Green into Deathworld forest into Elysian Green.

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