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Greetings brothers. I figured joining the ranks of Titan would help to give me the push in completing my Grey knights army. As for the lore to this army I’m still trying to decide on the 2nd or 3rd brotherhoods. Currently my knights are on a campaign against the forces of Nurgle (this might have been decided because of chaos gate) and the fun bases that I can try and make. 
I look forward to any and all constructive criticisms that may arise from the group. As of right now I have only finished assembling and priming a kill team worth of interceptors as my group where I play enjoys that game most. In the end I would like to build up a 2000pt army.


Here are some wip pictures that I have thus far.







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  • 3 months later...

The kill team is finally finished. After work decided to take up the majority of my time, it then siphoned what motivation I had left for a while. However here is my first Grey Knight kill team. These guys were fun to make and interesting to paint up. Next goal is to finish up a boarding action team, I’ve pretty much finished up Castellan Crowe, just need to touch up his sword (I’m not to happy with it right now) and add some osl. Let me know what you think, CC is always welcome, maybe tips on how to take better pictures of silver would be helpful.





  • 3 months later...

Finally got time off from work, so now I have time to actually work on my army a little. 
Grand master Voldus is now finished and ready to enter the fray. Again I preferred the terminator helmet, I thought it made him look a little more intimidating. 


Since my kill team is all done, thought it would be a good time to finish off the complete combat patrol as well. 
Work on the terminators has finshed. 


@Sothalor thank you, it took a few hours of trial and error to get the glow effect I wanted for the power weapons. 

work on Inquisitor Vakir is going fairly well. It is absolutely reminding me how much I hate painting white. 


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