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So, I considered this worthy of its own post (but of course, mods can feel free to move it into another thing)


Valrak just did a video where, from 8:52, talks about the future of Chaos Demons:


If you're too lazy to watch it: he talks about how he's heard that Chaos Demons codex MAY go to the shelf, while the demons themselves would go to their cult marine codexes equivalents: Tzeentch demons to Thousand Sons, Nurgle to Death Guard, etc. Tbf, Valrak himself doesn't like the idea either, but considered worthy to spread this just in case GW gwes this.


And, of course, THIS IS JUST A RUMOUR, and as Valrak himself would say, rumours are lies until proven otherwise. Don't take it for granted, and don't burn your 15 years old armies, please. Sell them to me for free.

I think this is how it was originally and it’s best it goes back this way. It allows a slightly larger range for the cult legions (some suffer from limited choices right now), and the mixed daemons never felt right to me. Happy for daemons and mortals to march together under one banner!

As a WE main I wouldn’t mind this. Need to watch the video when I get home, so sorry if this is covered. I assume it would be a detachment within each codex allowing for >25% daemons? No battleline tax and shared army rule? Or just datasheets in the codex with no restrictions? Daemonkin babyyyyyy!

Edited by Kharn13

I don't think it would be the worst idea to have god-codexes: Nurgle demons don't synergyze particularly well with say, their Slanneshi equivalents, but demons would do a lot to buff the roster of factions like the Thousand Sons and World Eaters, who barely fit a supplement on their own, let alone a codex.

You could still field pure demon armies, and even multi-god armies, but having them in the same book as their cult legions makes a lot of sense from a logistical standpoint.

35 minutes ago, Marshal Rohr said:

Saw that coming. Chaos Daemons are officially AoS. 

Ironically....AoS don't have a separate Chaos Demons Battletome. I think the demons are split between their god specific books...which is the same as the rumour here.


If I believe it or not...I'm on the fence as 40k has taken some cues from AoS but not everything so I guess we'll wait and see what happens when either WE/DG/TS hits (I reckon we'll get then before EC)

21 minutes ago, ZeroWolf said:

AoS don't have a separate Chaos Demons Battletome. I think the demons are split between their god specific books...which is the same as the rumour here.

Hmm, how does Be'lakor and other Undivided entities work in AoS?

(Sorry, don't mean to go off topic, just wondering how this rumour could be working, if true)

Edited by Blurgh

They have flirted with it momentarily at the start of 8th, with Codex: Death Guard having Nurgle Daemons in it and I believe the same went for Thousand Sons? And of course before that we had Khorne Daemonkin.


However with them being more open with rules like "you can take X percentage of the relevant God's Daemons in your army" it almost feels redundant and is just going to upset people who do want to run mixed-Daemon units. One only needs to look at Age of Sigmar and how the ability to field a mixed-Daemon army fluctuates like the Warp every edition, where they'll suddenly add it, then take it away again.


Edited by Lord Marshal
47 minutes ago, LameBeard said:

I think this is how it was originally and it’s best it goes back this way. It allows a slightly larger range for the cult legions (some suffer from limited choices right now), and the mixed daemons never felt right to me. Happy for daemons and mortals to march together under one banner!

I feel for those that got into this army as a sole daemon player, but as someone that got into the hobby where daemons were part of the chaos marines....I would happy to return to those days. Back in dem dayz, the daemons is what made chaos marines stand out more from their loyalist kin, what made them more than just "spikey marines". And considering GW is somewhat dragging their feet on filling out the existing legions, this would be the quick (but admittedly lazy) way to do that. 

One would think if that was the case Be'lakor would be appearing in the CSM codex. Unless GW forgot about him which is equally believable.

That said consolidating Daemons with their aligned Mortals is a good idea imo.

1 hour ago, Marshal Rohr said:

Saw that coming. Chaos Daemons are officially AoS. 

Except for the fact CD are already split into Cult armies in AoS and haven't had an independent army since WHFB


5 minutes ago, Blurgh said:

Hmm, how does Be'lakor and other Undivided entities work in AoS?

Be'lakor is part of the Slaves to Darkness subfaction and iirc they can ally in the god-specific armies

6 minutes ago, Blurgh said:

Hmm, how does Be'lakor and other Undivided entities work in AoS?

(Sorry, don't mean to go off topic, just wondering how this rumour could be working, if true)


He's part of the Slaves to Darkness faction; he mostly orders around mortals who he's duped into his service. You can ally in daemons from the other books because AoS 3rd ed has ally rules.


2 minutes ago, Ahzek451 said:

I feel for those that got into this army as a sole daemon player, but as someone that got into the hobby where daemons were part of the chaos marines....I would happy to return to those days. Back in dem dayz, the daemons is what made chaos marines stand out more from their loyalist kin, what made them more than just "spikey marines". And considering GW is somewhat dragging their feet on filling out the existing legions, this would be the quick (but admittedly lazy) way to do that. 


I'd hazard a guess that if it were true, then each Cult 'dex would have a detachment focusing on daemons because there's enough daemon units to make it possible. I know it's wrong, but I have trouble empathizing with mixed deity daemon armies being lost.

The rumors the daemons we have now will go to AoS and 40K will get something daemonic but not the traditional big four daemons have existed as 4chan rumors since like 2019. The kits could use an update, and moving “Chaos Daemons” as a faction to AoS and releasing “World Eaters Blood Releasers Daemons” as a copyrightable unit fits their design paradigm. 

Edited by Marshal Rohr
10 minutes ago, Marshal Rohr said:

The rumors the daemons we have now will go to AoS and 40K will get something daemonic but not the traditional big four daemons have existed as 4chan rumors since like 2019. The kits could use an update, and moving “Chaos Daemons” as a faction to AoS and releasing “World Eaters Blood Releasers Daemons” as a copyrightable unit fits their design paradigm. 

The Eightbound are a good example of models which fit those old rumors. They tie into the visual design of the unique 40k part of the faction in a way that bloodletters don't.

12 minutes ago, Marshal Rohr said:

The rumors the daemons we have now will go to AoS and 40K will get something daemonic but not the traditional big four daemons have existed as 4chan rumors since like 2019. The kits could use an update, and moving “Chaos Daemons” as a faction to AoS and releasing “World Eaters Blood Releasers Daemons” as a copyrightable unit fits their design paradigm. 

But AoS already have them in their god specific Battletomes, they don't need a "chaos demons" faction.

12 minutes ago, Marshal Rohr said:

AoS is getting a full blown reboot in like two weeks. 

Not to be that guy, but it's actually in 5 weeks. Most probably once theyre done with the 24 faction focuses.

16 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Not to be that guy, but it's actually in 5 weeks. Most probably once theyre done with the 24 faction focuses.

I have a baby time doesn’t exist

What if they keep CD codex but include the data cards in the god specific legions (like we have access to some CSM data cards)? Best of both! You could even give the same unit two different rules like with CSM stuff to make balancing easier.

Edited by Kharn13
10 minutes ago, Kharn13 said:

What if they keep CD codex but include the data cards in the god specific legions (like we have access to some CSM data cards)? Best of both! You could even give the same unit two different rules like with CSM stuff to make balancing easier.


Treat it sort of how the SM factions do.  All CSM has access to the chaos Demon flavor that makes the most sense, CSM having access to the full spread and the ability to soup.

You'd expect to see that in the recent Codex if it was going to happen sooner rather than later, so I think this is firmly in the "Maybe 11th" bucket.

56 minutes ago, Marshal Rohr said:

AoS is getting a full blown reboot in like two weeks. 

I don't see how that automatically means they'll gain a chaos demons faction when they don't need it? The demons are already in battletomes, and have been for at least two editions now.

3 minutes ago, ZeroWolf said:

I don't see how that automatically means they'll gain a chaos demons faction when they don't need it? The demons are already in battletomes, and have been for at least two editions now.

I don’t know dude, there were rumors a chaos Daemons were getting some kind of rework in AoS that fit the traditional look we’ve always known and 40K would not have access to the new kits and get something unique to 40K. I didn’t leak the rumor. It’s been out for a while. Val hearing something similar just means the 4chan rumor wasn’t pure Bullcrap, and had a kernel of truth to it. 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't this exact thing been a rumour/wishlist concept for a while now?

In fact I'm pretty sure I've personally said I'd be in favour of GW doing this explicitly because 10th is the most AoS like edition and the Daemons are in the monogod factions for AoS.

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