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Necromunda Trazior Sentry Gun

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12 hours ago, The Scorpion said:

I would have preferred actual Tarantulas for Horus Heresy. Imho what Necromunda needs is to plug gaps in its range: missing weapons, missing brutes, missing guilders, etc...


Oh I definitely would love to see the missing models done, particularly folk like Wilcox Cinderjack!


But still, I like these bad boys. I'd even use then for HH as they're plastic.

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Posted (edited)
On 5/27/2024 at 2:38 PM, Wolf Lord Duregar said:

Yeha - that falls udner the "cool" label..:cool: Come on ´stealers!




To be honest, since the Secundus reveal, I've been thinking that the VS Tek Hunters do look like they're channelling a USCMC/Kill Team thing, and this confirms it.  It'd be great if your Hunters team has to take their downtime in temporary hab-spaces they've secured (like Colony Operations) between games, deploying the guns whilst they rest, with a chance for the Malstrains and their Brood Scum to find you during this time.

Edited by Timberley
So good I said it 3 times...
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Assuming GW make more than 5 of the Secundus box, I'll definitely be picking it up, and these too! I've already got several names for the Tek Hunters picked out, based on the 3 Alien films and the AvP comics. I like your idea @Wolf Lord Duregar - heavy stubber as a substitute for the smart gun... So many ideas! 


Now I just need to convince my local gaming group to try it, as opposed to another game of 40K...

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I heard they would double the production so ten boxes will be made!




Yeah - just those ideas should make them drooling for modelling opportunities or iof that doesn´t work. The setting - have a movie night with Aliens Director´s Cut. or a marathon..? (I actually like Resserruction unlike many, it seems, 3 too but not seen it for many years)


Would love to see more and hear more of the names.. Especially how you model Hudson! (My Kommando Orks are based on Predator, with Blaine etc but also some other cheesy 80s action movies´ characters., lol)

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16 hours ago, Timberley said:

It'd be great if your Hunters team has to take their downtime in temporary hab-spaces they've secured (like Colony Operations) between games, deploying the guns whilst they rest, with a chance for the Malstrains and their Brood Scum to find you during this time.

Reminds me a little of the old "Hive of the Living Dead" scenario from White Dwarf way back when (but with fewer zombies :tongue:) :smile: 

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I think the box will be plentiful enough, there's still a box of Ash Wastes on the shelves of my local GW (and FLGS). Product line issues affect more the mainline 40k (because it's better to sell out of the 10k stock than to have it sit there...which would be fine if there was regular refills)

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39 minutes ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Reminds me a little of the old "Hive of the Living Dead" scenario from White Dwarf way back when (but with fewer zombies :tongue:) :smile: 


When was that?? Aprox. Sounds Like something i would like! Necromunda 95? More recent?

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30 minutes ago, Wolf Lord Duregar said:


When was that?? Aprox. Sounds Like something i would like! Necromunda 95? More recent?

It was a Tales from the Underhive article back in White Dwarf 200.
The gang started in a little sanctuary in the middle of the table and had to escape via an specific exit on a table edge. There are multiple potential exits but the real one was only discovered when a ganger got within 8" of it. Meanwhile D6 Plague Zombies would spawn each turn, deployed anywhere by the zombie player.
It was a fun scenario, the article had lots of ideas based on horror and sci-fi movie plots

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On 5/29/2024 at 6:38 PM, torcathmk2 said:

It was a Tales from the Underhive article back in White Dwarf 200.
The gang started in a little sanctuary in the middle of the table and had to escape via an specific exit on a table edge. There are multiple potential exits but the real one was only discovered when a ganger got within 8" of it. Meanwhile D6 Plague Zombies would spawn each turn, deployed anywhere by the zombie player.
It was a fun scenario, the article had lots of ideas based on horror and sci-fi movie plots

We played that a bunch, great scenario. We actually updated it for N17 and played it again a couple of years ago and it was still really good fun.

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On 5/29/2024 at 5:38 PM, torcathmk2 said:

It was a Tales from the Underhive article back in White Dwarf 200.
The gang started in a little sanctuary in the middle of the table and had to escape via an specific exit on a table edge. There are multiple potential exits but the real one was only discovered when a ganger got within 8" of it. Meanwhile D6 Plague Zombies would spawn each turn, deployed anywhere by the zombie player.
It was a fun scenario, the article had lots of ideas based on horror and sci-fi movie plots


That sounds amazing, and I'm definitely going to try this with Secundus!


The sentries will play a part :biggrin:

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On 5/29/2024 at 12:21 PM, Wolf Lord Duregar said:

I heard they would double the production so ten boxes will be made!




Yeah - just those ideas should make them drooling for modelling opportunities or iof that doesn´t work. The setting - have a movie night with Aliens Director´s Cut. or a marathon..? (I actually like Resserruction unlike many, it seems, 3 too but not seen it for many years)


Would love to see more and hear more of the names.. Especially how you model Hudson! (My Kommando Orks are based on Predator, with Blaine etc but also some other cheesy 80s action movies´ characters., lol)


Sorry, I've been away from the world for a wee while at work... From what I can work out, most of the Van Saar have Dutch and Germanic names, so it was a case of adapting those I'm borrowing to have more of a Dutch twist.

I used this link to give an idea of the models used - with the pairs being Augmek & Prime, Tek (F) & Medicae, Sniper & Augmek, Tek & Tek Specialist (Auspex/Comms).


Augmek (the flamer & grav/whatever combi-weapon)- Mark Drake - Mats Drees

Prime - Dwayne Hicks - Douwe De Hoeks

Tek (holding right hand up) - Machiko Noguchi - Brigitta Veldstoep (used the meaning of the Japanese names to create the VS name)

Tek (Medicae) - Jonathan Clemens - Johan Klamens

Tek (Sniper) - Ricco Frost - Quirjin Van Isbert

Tek Specialist (grav-gun) - Jenette Vasquez - Hanneke Van Quess (body swap with auspex/comms)

Tek (adjusting lasgun's top cover) - Arthur Dallas - Artur Dahlmann

Tek Specialist (Auspex/Comms) - William Hudson - Willem Hoefsen (body swap with Grav-gun)


I think I'm going to wait and see what the 360s look like for the Tek Hunters before getting too into the conversion stuff, but I suspect there'll be some pouches, and possibly the VS Ash Wastes stuff.

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