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Li Ultramarine painting advice wanted

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Hi all,

I am going to getting some more marine minis soon and I would like some advice. 


The XIII legion are my mains but I am not very happy with my painting yet.  I tried using Ultramarine Contrast paint from GW as recommended in one of their videos.  But take a look:

Ultramarines on Google Photos


What do people think?  I am temped to strip the vehicles and start over, probably with non contrast paint.  But I think contrast looks ok for troops.  But then I would have mismatched colors. Or should I strip both?  Or is there a way to make it all work out in the end?


Any suggestions would be welcome. 



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I've painted some UM casulties, both infantry and vehicles, for my titan bases. I ended up using UM contrast over wraithbone followed by drybrushing Calgar Blue and Fenrisian Grey for the base armour colour. The drybrushing really evens out the colour and helps make it cohesive between models.

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You could possibly get away with spraying a new undercoat on and trying again, rather than stripping? Contrast paint is quite thin, so a chemical wash might not be needed?

Before doing anything like that, get a nice big drybrush of calgar blue and fenrisian grey, as oxydo says. It's worth a try at least. 


But, yeah. Ultramarines blue is a rubbish colour. Celestium blue is a better shade, IMO, or you could use Talassar Blue which is really vibrant, but will probably need darkening a bit with nightshade or nuln oil.

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