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Accents of the Imperium

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Still fairly new to lore, I don’t get much chance to read and mainly consume lore through a variety of Lore-Videos. But I had a question. When I hear most things about the Imperium of Man, the peoples accents seem to be mainly leaning towards British accents, which I get as GW is a British based company. Are there any examples though of accents reminiscent to other earth accents in lore? Is there a Space Marine chapter with a Deep South Creole, is there a Guard regiment that sounds like Italian natives? 

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I'm not totally sure if it's true but: 

I'd imagine white scars have an eastern Asian accent. Thousand sons could have like an Egyptian/Mediterranean accent. Death Korps of Kreig can have an eastern European accent. I mean in theory most can have any accent. 


Lol it's actually a peeve of mine in sci fi or fantasy for everyone to just have a random British like accent. 

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The Voice actors are British because the job is based in England, i suspect if their recording studio was elsewhere the accents would vary too :D 

Im not a big fan of monocultures though, if i can tell someone is from the next town over because of how they speak, the Imperium is going to be a seething mass of full blown low gothic dialects let alone accents! 

It does bring up an interesting point for organisations like Space marines though, Chapter command or veterans might be preserving accents hundreds of years out of time, mixed with hints from all over the galaxy, im sure the Anthropology of it all would be fascinating to the right expert :D 

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Posted (edited)

The White Scars and Salamanders are portrayed in the audio books with an accent. It's also remarked on in-universe that the White Scars have trouble learning and speaking in Gothic. It's stated several times that it's easier for someone to learn and speak their native language, Korchin than it is for a native of Chogoris to learn and speak Gothic.


World Eaters and Space Wolves I believe are also portrayed with accents though I can't speak on that with one hundred percent surety. 

Edited by AutumnEffect
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Apparently Nostromons...Nostominites...Those native to Nostromo speak with a vaguely Eastern European accent. Very stereotypical of portrayals of Transylvania in pop culture. Which never once occurred to me that it was their accent until I heard the audiobook of the Night Lords novels.

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