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Hey guys!


I'm Norman, pretty new to the hobby but loving every minute of it. I started collecting/painting Warhammer last fall, mostly with AoS, but a pallet-cleanse box of Exalted Sorcerers later I was hooked on the dust. Also a Nurgle enjoyer. I love building, painting, and reading about all the cool armies that y'all build. I haven't played yet and only know half the rules, but once I've got an army tabletop ready I just might take the leap.


Looking forward to sharing some photos of my progress as a painter, liking your posts, and joining the Chaos Stronghold during the Call To Arms! 


Some of my work:




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Gratias omnes! 


8 hours ago, Bouargh said:

Hi Norman and welcome.


Very nice stuff for someone new to the hobby. There are definitively some predating artistics skills there. You have a background as a painter , haven´t you?


Ahhhh, you're too kind! No painting background to speak of, just an extreme stubbornness to fix mistakes and a whooooooole lot of YouTube videos. 

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Welcome, NP!  Be sure to start threads and share your work in the Death Guard and Thousand Sons subforums.  Looking forward to seeing you in the Chaos Stronghold for Call to Arms - last year, it was the stronghold with the best community and most positive spirit, so I'm sure you'll enjoy making vows there this year.

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