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Chimera v/s Taurox

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Posted (edited)

So, I've been thinking about picking up some more transports and I'm torn between the two. I tend to see almost exclusively Chimera's on the table, but looking at the data sheets, seems like there are some solid pros and cons of both. Here's what I'm seeing:

- Lets you do orders from within, so obvious choice for officers. 
- Firing deck 2 for internal Heavy/Special Weapons, Lasgun array to sweep up light infantry. Also has HK missile.
- 1 Extra toughness and wounds 9 and 11 respectively.  

- 5 points cheaper. (65 vs 70)
- Twin Linked Autocannon is a better heavy weapon, still has a storm bolter to plink at light infantry. 
- +2" Movement and Disembark after advance makes it VERY fast. 

I'm leaning more towards the Taurox TBH, I think putting 3 Ogryns in these and dropping them off in Rapid Fire range is actually kinda scary for only 130pts. 

What do you all think? 

Edited by Tawnis
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Posted (edited)

It comes down to what you actually want the vehicle to do.


taurox is almost purely there for its transport capability. You can get Kasrkin  or Catachans across the table, and possibly into the enemy DZ turn 1 if you get a good advance roll.


chimera is a gun truck plain and simple. You choose it for its durability and firepower, with its command vehicle ability as a secondary consideration for most people.


also the search function would have turned up a few threads on this topic for this edition already.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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11 hours ago, Tawnis said:

What do you all think? 


I like the Taurox as a transport for Kasrkin as they really get a lot out of the movement with Scout to secure a midfield objective and hold it.


I like a dual heavy flamer Chimera for a Catachan unit who can fire out of the top with their own two flamers. It's a good amount of auto-hitting goodness.


One thing to keep in mind with ogryn is that Firing Deck on the chimera. It'll let two of their Ripper guns fire out of the top. A 9" drive by with 15 Heavy Bolter shots and whatever you put in the turret (I'd go for heavy flamer. I miss the old twin linked heavy bolter turret option) isn't nothing.

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Posted (edited)

Yeah, pretty much as was said.


The Taurox is great for early pressure. You put a scout unit inside and can attack someone or score a secondary on the other side of the board turn 1.


The Chimera is more of a support car, to keep your dudes safe for a bit and shoot things up a little.


For me that tends to mean I don't really run Chimeras unless I want to bring a few of them, usually 2-4. But I will throw in a single Taurox if there's spare points. Never more than one though.

Edited by sairence
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7 hours ago, sairence said:

Yeah, pretty much as was said.


The Taurox is great for early pressure. You put a scout unit inside and can attack someone or score a secondary on the other side of the board turn 1.


The Chimera is more of a support car, to keep your dudes safe for a bit and shoot things up a little.


For me that tends to mean I don't really run Chimeras unless I want to bring a few of them, usually 2-4. But I will throw in a single Taurox if there's spare points. Never more than one though.

In general if you’re not expecting the vehicle to die fairly quickly, you can’t take just 1.


if you’re taking a chimera and expect it to survive to gun truck, you need more chimeras, or more threatening armor, so yeah 2-4 chimeras is pretty necessary.

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