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 The B&C Presents:



The Call to Arms 2024



What better way to celebrate a new edition of our favourite table-top wargame than to have a big Inter-Forum Painting Event, amiright? Time to bust out those brushes and paints and stand ready to represent your Forum/s of choice and aid them on the path to claim Victory!!!!





What is The Call to Arms, I hear you ask?


The Call to Arms is a multi-forum event designed to  encourage us all to start a new army, or bolster our current forces.


The Forums of the B&C are divided up into four Strongholds;


The Imperium Stronghold


The Chaos Stronghold


The Xenos Stronghold


The Heresy Stronghold


These four Strongholds will act as the hub for each of the four main Factions, and will for the 3 Month duration of the Call to Arms, run independently of the three other Strongholds. Each Stronghold may have different targets and goals, and even their own mini/complementary events, all with unique badges and achievements, but at the end of the 3 months, the four Strongholds will face off, and overall winners will be declared.


Start Date: 15th JUNE 2024

End Date: 17th SEPTEMBER 2024

(Timezone will be GMT +10, please make local adjustments for time)





So, how is it all going to work?

  1. As each of the Strongholds are acting (initially) as their own Events, you may choose to focus within a single Stronghold, or participate in all four Strongholds, and any complementary/mini-events that you would like to. Your Vows will be treated independently in each Stronghold, meaning a Failed Vow in one Stronghold will NOT effect Vows in the other Strongholds.
  2. Models pledged to a Stronghold must come from the army books associated with those Forums covered by each Stronghold. The exceptions to this are Titans and models from the Other Games Forum (Aeronautica, Kill Team, Necromunda), these models / units may be pledged to any Stronghold.
  3. You may join in any of the Events at any time within the 3 Month time-frame of The Call to Arms
  4. For each Stronghold, you have a MAXIMUM of 3 Vows, you must finish your active vow before pledging to a second or third vow.
  5. In addition to the three Vows, any model in the 10pt Category or higher will fit into the "Job's a Big'un" Vow, and will run separate from the 3 Vow limit and have the entirety of the 3 months to be completed. 
  6. Once recorded, Vows may not be altered, however special considerations may be made upon request.
  7. There is no minimum pledge, you may vow 1 model, or your entire collection, but beware, failing your last active vow will invalidate any completed vows you may have already submitted.




How do I join in?


Each model has a point value based upon it's size, and the comparative amount of effort and time it takes to paint said model, listed below are are the points-per-model, more specific lists can be found in each Forums Rally Point thread, but I've added some generic examples below,


1pt   Infantry

2pts   Cavalry/Bikers/Heavy Weapons Teams

3pts   Walkers (Dreadnaughts, Sentinals)

4pts   Skimmers / Light Vehicles (Landspeeders, ATV, Armigers)

5pts   Small Tanks (Leman Russ, Rhino Variants)

6pts   Large Tanks (Rogal Dorn, Sicaran, Land Raider)

8pts   Superheavies (Baneblades etc) 

10pts  Imperial Knight etc


5pts   Leader and Unit Composition: 1 OR Epic Hero

10pts Primarchs

NOTE: Characters with Retinue, I.E. Saint Celestine. Celestine is the EPIC HERO, and is worth 5pts, her two Sister Superiors are Seraphim, which are worth 1pt each.


20pts Warhound Titan

30pts Reaver Titan

40pts  Warbringer Titan

50pts Warlord Titan



1pt    3 Munitorum Barrels, 4 Munitorum Crates, Zone Morialtis/Gallowdark Column, Octarius Ramshackle Bridges

2pts   Aegis Defence Line Section, Aegis Defence Platform, Galvanic Servo-haulers, Thermic Plasma Conduit Section, Imperialis Ruins Wall Section, Zone Morialtis/Gallowdark Wall, Octarius Scrap Heap/Barricade

3pts   Fronteris Vox Antenna, Fronteris Auspex Shrine, Thermo-exchanger Shrine, Octarius Oil Rig, Necromunda Fuel Tanks

4pts   Munitorum Container, Mechsnicus Transterrsnic Gantry, Galvanic Servo-crane, Big'ead Bossbunka, Skull Alter, Noctilith Crown, Octarius Ramshackle Walls

5pts   Tidewall Droneport, Tidewall Shieldline, Feculant Gnarlmaw, Miasmic Malignifier

6pts   Fronteris Landing Pad, Mechanicus Forgeshine, Mechanicus Galvanic Magnavent

8pts   Fronteris Hab Bunker, Manufactorum Administratus,

10pts Zone Morialtis Gang Stronghold


Legions Imperialis / Adeptus Titanicus Scale

1pt    Infantry Base, Dreadnaught Base, Rapier Base, Jetbike/Speeder Base, Sentinal Base, Rhino, Predator, Medusa, Leman Russ, Drop Pod

2pts   Sicaran, Land Raider, Spartan, Malcador, Armiger Knights, Questoris Knights, Ceratus KInights

3pts   Fellblade Chassis tanks, Kratos Battletank, Baneblade Chassis tanks, Arcastus Knights, LI/AI Aircraft*

4pts   Thunderhawk Gunship

5pts   Warhound Titan

6pts   Reaver Titan

7pts   Warbringer Titan

8pts   Warlord Titan

10pts Warmaster Titan


5pts   Leader and Unit Composition: Command Base


*I am super unfamiliar with the Aeronautica Craft, so please let me know if there need to be more points gradings for the different Aircraft*


Note: Custom/Scratchbuilt terrain- use this list as a guide as to how many points tour terrain is worth, but please make sure to mention your terrain is custom when Vowing.



You may vow ANY MODEL that is covered by THIS STRONGHOLD, but you must allocate your points to either The Emperor OR The Warmaster.


Please make your vows in this thread in the following format;


"I, {insert username}, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint {insert units/models} for {xxx pts} for the Glory of {insert Emperor/Warmaster} and the Heresy Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end."



I, Grotsmasha, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 20 Legionaires, 3 Outriders, 1 Consul, and 1 Contemptor Dreadnought for 34pts for the Glory of the Emperor and the Heresy Stronghold on or before September 17th, or bear the badge of failure until year's end."


The post that contains your Vow must include starting pictures that contain all the models from the Vow.

Starting models may be in any of the following conditions;

  • In the box
  • On the Sprue
  • Assembled
  • Single Colour Primed
  • For Tanks / Titans, Sub-assemblies primed in different colours will be acceptable, I.E. chassis in Leadbelcher, with armour plates in secondary colour.

Additionally, you may pledge models you have not yet received I.E. Warhammer: Imperium Subscription, just make sure a image is edited in to your Vow post once you've received the models, and make a post indicating that you have done so.


Your Vow is considered complete when you declare it so, and post completed pictures of all models contained within the Vow. Although "Complete" is to your own standard, we would like you to aim for GW's "Battle Ready", with the miniatures based. If basing is something you don't do, or won't be doing within the Event's timeline, please return the bases to flat black or brown as this will greatly enhance the Completed presentation.


Required Completion Pictures: Please include 1 image with a complete shot of the entire Vow, I also encourage everyone to include additional images for each squad/unit in the vow, please post these within Spoiler / Hidden tags. 


Once you have made your vow, pop this badge of Participation into your Signature,







Will there be any awards?


Yes!!  There will be similar Badges and Achievements available from all 4 Strongholds,

Event Failed: Servitor 

10 points:  Legionaire
25 points  Sergeant 
45 points:  Consul
75 points:  Praetor
100+ points:  Master of the Legion 

Artificer - Top 1, 2, and 3 best painted models from each Forum, chosen by the Moderators. 
Princeps - Awarded to all completed Titans 
Heresy Champion - Awarded to the Frater who individually paints the most points worth of models in the Heresy Stronghold

Champions of the Horde - The Faction with the highest overall points worth of models

Champion of the Call - The Faction that has the Highest Participation vs. Completion Percentage.



As to the overall competition between the Strongholds, there will also be Badges awarded for the following;


Masters of the Horde - The Stronghold that completes the highest overall points worth of models.

Masters of the Call - The Stronghold that has the Highest Participation vs. Completion Percentage.

Master Artificer - Voted best painted Model, chosen from the 4 Stronghold Artificers.


In addition to the Badges and Achievements above, there will be additional Awards for the following 4 categories. At this stage there are no physical prizes like last year, but that *MAY* change by the end of the Event.

Favourite Young Blood - This category is for Participants who have been building and/or painting models for less than 12 months. Anyone wishing to participate as A Young Blood will need to specifically declare that are are doing so within their Vows. At the conclusion of the Event all Young Blood Entries will be placed into a Poll for the B&C at large to vote on and pick a Favourite. The voting criteria for this category is not about picking the best painted model, but the model that inexplicably pulls a smile on your face, one that makes you think, damn that's cool.. 

Master of the Forge - Best Conversion or Kit-bash. Anyone wishing to participate for the Master of the Forge Badge and Prize will need to specifically declare that they are doing so within their Vows.


Stronghold Artificer - Awarded to four Participants, one from each Stronghold for the Best Painted Model in from the Stronghold, chosen by the Frater via Poll.


Grand Marshal - Individual with the Most Points of Models Painted across all Strongholds



That's it, you've done it, you've made it to the end!!!



If you have any questions or queries, just @Grotsmasha and I'll be more than happy to help you out, now, go on, get, don't you have models to be painting?





Q- If I have models with different coloured heads or shoulder pads, can they be primed different colours IE. Black templars or Eldar Guardians?

A- Yes, this is acceptable.


Q- I want to paint Traitor Guard, is there a way to pledge them to Chaos?

A- Yes, for the purposes of Traitor Guard, the Astra Militarum units may be pledged to Chaos. The Realm of Chaos is the most appropriate forum.


Q- Are 3D prints allowed?

A- Yes, as long as they are board appropriate, 3D prints can be pledged to the Call to Arms. Use the points associated with the unit they represent.


Edited by Grotsmasha



The Emperor - Pledged: 886pts / Complete:  764pts / Secured: 764pts /  86.3% Completion

Participants: 8


firestorm40k  -  Vow 1: 18pts  -  Completed  |


Castellan (5) 

10 Cataphractii (10)

Contemptor Dreadnought (3)


GodEmperorOfMankind  -  Vow 1: 121pts  -  Completed  |


10 Tactical Legionnaires (10)
10 Tactical Support Legionnaires (10) 
10 Breachers (10)
10 Siege Tyrants (10)
10 Heavy Support Legionnaires (10)
10 Iron Havocs (10)

5 Recon Legionnaires (5) 
5 Apothecaries (25)
2 Master of Signals (10)
1 Landraider Proteus (6)
1 Landraider Spartan (6)
1 Kharibdys Assault Claw (6) 
1 Iron Circle Automata (3)


LokkoRex  -  Vow 1: 54pts  -  Completed  |


30 Imperialis Militia Grenadiers (30)

6 Imperialis Militia Field Ordnance Guns (24)


Mandragola  -  Vow 1: 12pts  -  Completed  |  Vow 2: 71pts  -  Completed  |  Vow 3: 24pts  - Completed  |


2 Veletarii (2)

5 Hermes Veletarii (10)


10 Raven Guard Assault Legionaires (10)

8 [REDACTED] (8)

8 [REDACTED] (8) 


Imperial Fist tanks for LI:

7 Kratos (21)

6 Land Raiders (12)

6 assorted Sicarans (12)


10 Imperial Fist Contemptors (10)
6 White Scar Scimitar Jetbike bases (6)
4 Javelins (4)
4 Landspeeders (4)


TheArtilleryman  -  Vow 1: 19pts  -  Completed  |  Vow 2: 36pts  -  Completed  |


9 Tactical Legionaires, (9)
5 Veteran Legionaires, (5)

5 Heavy Bolter Legionaires (Out of Competition) (5)
Master of the Forge - Company Champion (5)


1 Cataphractii Praetor (5)
10 tactical marines, (10)
10 Support Legionaires w/Volkite Calivers, (10)
5 Heavy Legionaires w/Lascannons, (5)
1 Landraider Proteus (6)


time_of_flight  -  Vow 1: 12pts  -  Completed  |  Vow 2: 11pts  -  Completed  |


3 Jetbikes (6)

1 Land raider (6)


5 Crimson Paladins (5)

1 Sicaran Battle (6)


Sgt.Sharp  -  Vow 1: 214pts  -  Completed  |  Vow 2: 2pts  -  Completed  |  Vow 3: 170pts  -  Completed  |


AoD: 148pts

1 Legate marshal (5 pts)

Tactical Command section (5 pts)

60 Lasrifles (60 pts)

30 Veletari (30 Pts)

3 Aetheon Heavy sentinels (9 pts)

3 Leman Russ Strike tanks (15 pts)

3 Dracosans (18 pts)

1 Malcador (6 Pts)

Legions Imperialis: 66pts

12 Russes  (12 pts)

6 Malcadors (12 Pts)

2 Malcador Infurni (4 pts)

2 Valdors (4pts)

12 Basalisks (12 Pts)

4 Madusae (4 pts)

2 Hellhammers (6 Pts)

2 Reavers (12 pts)


1Cyclops Support Tank (2)


2 Solar Auxilia legate Marshals (10 pts)
1 twisted flesh militia force comander (5)
1 twisted flesh militia mounted force commander (5)
1 twisted flesh militia rogue psycher (5)
1 dominion zephon (jump pack preator) (5)
1 survivors of the dark age militia force commander (the inquisitor) 5pts
1 militia force commander (ripper jackson) (65)
1 white scars preator (5)
1 nightlords preator (5)
1 custodian shield captain (5)
1 vindicare assassin (5)
4 craters (12)
1 large sector imperialis building (8)
1 medium sector imperialis building, (4)
1 imperial bunker , (6)
10 white scars tactical marines (10)
10 white scars cataphractii terminators (10)



 WAR  -  Vow 1: 122pts  -  Not Completed  |


1 Cataphractii Praetor (5)                          

10 Deliverers (15)                     

10 Cataphractii Terminators (10)  

1 Contemptor Dreadnought (3)                

2 Sabres (10) 

2 Vindicators (10)   

1 Cerebus (6)                       

5 Predators (25)                               

3 Sicaran (18)                            

1 Spartan (6)                                

1 Kratos (6)                                                                

1 Storm Eagle (8)     


The Warmaster - Pledged: 487pts / Complete:  435pts / Secured: 308pts /  89.3% Completion

Participants: 6


Dwango  -  Vow 1: 79pts  -  Completed  |  Vow 2: 208pts  -  Completed  |  Vow 3: 21pts  -  Completed  |


Counts-as Khârn (5)

1 Centurion (5)

20 Despoilers (20)

5 Red Butchers (5)

5 Terminators (5)

5 Plasma Support Squad (5)

3 Rapier Batteries (9)

2 Contemptors (6)

1 Dreadnought (3)

2 Rhinos (10)

1 Spartan (6)


1 Landraider (6pts)

3 Thallax (3pts)

10 Rampagers (10pts)

10 Tacticals (10pts)

1 Apothecary (1pts)

2 Servo Cranes (8pts)

4 Servo Haulers (8pts)

20 Pipe sections (40pts)

29 Columns (29pts)

16 Walls (32pts)
75 Railings (25pts)

Ladders and Handrails (4pts)

8 Escape Drop pods (8pts)

2 Drop pod Banks (4pts)

2 Medicae Equipment (2pts)

6 Mini Generators (8pts)

5 Bins (5pts)

1 Generatorium Hub (5pts)


1 Praevian Consul (5)
2 Apothecaries (10)
6 thallax (6)



LameBeard  -  Vow 1: 10pts  -  Completed  |


3 LI Land Raiders (6)

4 LI Rhinos (4)


Lautrec  -  Vow 1: 46pts  -  Completed  |


- 1 Champion Consul (5)

- 10 MkVI Seekers (10)

- 10 MkVI Terror Marines (10) 

- 3 Jetbikes (6)

- 3 Predator Tanks (15)


Lord Marshal  -  Vow 1: 52pts  -  Not Completed  |


10 Tactical Legionaries (28mm) (10)

16 Astartes Infantry Bases (Legions Imperialis) (16)

2 Astartes Command Bases (Legions Imperialis) (10)

4 Dreadnought Bases (Legions Imperialis) (4)

4 Kratos Heavy Tanks (Legions Imperialis) (12)


Malice Jr.  -  Vow 1: 45pts  -  Completed  |


1 Warbringer Titan, (7)

1 Reaver Titan, (6)
3 Armiger Moirax Knights, (6)

18 Astartes Infantry bases, (18)

4 Contemptor Dreadnoughts, (4)

2 Sicaran Battle Tanks (4)


Richmarine  -  Vow 1: 26pts  - Completed  |


10 Sons of Horus Veterans (10)

5 Sons of Horus Recon Marines (5)

1 Sons of Horus Legion Deredeo Dreadnought (3)
1 Custom Isstvan III scenery (4x Aegis Defence Sections) (8)


Edited by Grotsmasha
  • 2 weeks later...

I, WAR, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint:


Contemptor Dreadnought                

Sabres x2                           

Predators x5    (3 need to be purchased)                 

Vindicators x2                    

Sicaran x3                            




Storm Eagle                       

Cataphract Praetor                                  

Deliverers x15                     

Cataphractii Term x10    


 for 118pts for the Glory of Emperor and the Heresy Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.





Edited by WAR
Updated photos

I, Dwango, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint  20 despoilers, 5 red butchers, 5 terminators, 5 plasma support squad, 3 rapier batteries, 2 contemptors, 1 boxnought, 2 rhinos, 1 Spartan, 1 centurion & a Khan proxy for 79pts for the Glory of the Warmaster and the Heresy Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.


I'll post pics tomorrow at some point. 


Edited by Dwango
Pic added

I, firestorm40k, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint the following for 14 points, for the Glory of Lord Dorn and The Emperor, and the Heresy Stronghold, on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.


2 x 5 Cataphractii 

Contemptor Dreadnought 

Castellan (Imperial Fists Centurion) 




(I think I've got the points right - the character doesn't have a retinue, so is only worth 1 point? :huh:


I'm taking part in a Heresy event on 15th September, so the timing of this will certainly motivate me to be ready for it :laugh:

I, LokkoRex, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 30 Imperialis Militia Grenadiers and 6 Imperialis Militia Field Ordnance Guns for 30x1+6x3=48 points for the Glory of The Emperor and the Heresy Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.



I, Lautrec the Embraced, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint:

- 10 MkVI Seekers

- 10 MkVI Terror Marines

- 3 Jetbikes

- 3 Predator Tanks, Nostramo Pattern (read - old recycled Baals with whatever weapons I managed to find)

- 1 Champion Consul (he'll get some nicer base too)


for 46 pts for the Glory of  Night Haunter uhm, I mean our beloved Warmaster of course and the Heresy Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.




I, time_of_flight, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 3 Jetbikes and 1 Land raider for 18 pts for the Glory of the Emperor and the Heresy Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.


Edited by time_of_flight

I, Mandragola, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 5 Hermes Veletarii and two converted Veletarii (a command box and vexilla) for 12pts for the Glory of the Emperor and the Heresy Stronghold on or before September 17th, or bear the badge of failure until year's end.


Here they are, along with one Hermes that I’ve done already for the goonhammer review. I’m counting the Hermes as 2 point cavalry because they’re quite little and that’s their unit type. 





I actually need to get this stuff ready for the coming weekend for the goonhammer open, so hopefully I’ll manage it! And after that maybe I’ll do some other stuff. 


(pictures will be added this evening)


I Sgt.Sharp heed the call to arms and pledge to paint the following for the glory of The Emperor and the memory of burnt Prospero on or before September 17th, or bear the badge of failure until year's end.


The List:



60 Lasrifles (60 pts)

30 veletari (30 Pts)

5 man Tactical Command section ( 5 pts)

1 Legate marshal (5 pts, or 1, not sure how we are counting independant characters)

3 Aetheon Heavy sentinels (9 pts)

3 Leman Russ Strike tanks (5 each for 15 pts)

3 Dracosans (6 each for 18 pts)

1 Malcador (6 Pts)




for 144 ot 148 pts, depending on the worth of the Legate Marshal.


If I can add real quick, because I forgot to add:




12 Russes  (12 pts)

6 Malcadors: (12 Pts)

2 malcador infurni (4 pts)

2 Valdors (4)

12 Basalisks (12 Pts)

4 Madusae ( 4 pts)

2 Hellhammers ( 6 Pts)

2 Reavers (12 pts)


for 66 points


for a total if allowed of either 210 or 214 points, depending on a ruling on the legate marshal

Edited by SgtSharp
Its a good job my job doesn't require basic maths... oh wait

I, GodEmperorOfMankind, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint all of the below for 93 pts for the Glory of, umm, myself, and the Heresy Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.

X10 tactical legionnaires
X10 tactical support legionnaires 
X10 breachers
X10 siege tyrants
X10 heavy support legionnaires 
X10 iron havoc

X5 recon legionnaires 
X5 apothecaries
X2 master of signals
X1 land raider proteus
X1 land raider spartan 
X1 kharibdys assault claw
X1 iron circle automata




Obviously the kharibdys on the left, and I'll tell you know, it's gonna be a World eaters claw

Edited by GodEmperorOfMankind
Hadn't finished

@Grotsmasha, I believe there is a slight discrepancy regarding Jetbikes. I thought they are in 2 pts cavalry/bike category but in my pledge they are treated as 4 pts skimmer instead:

On 6/2/2024 at 3:32 PM, Grotsmasha said:

3 Jetbikes (12)


Meanwhile, for @time_of_flight they are indeed counted as 2 pts cavalry:

On 6/2/2024 at 3:32 PM, Grotsmasha said:

3 Jetbikes (6)


Could they be actually worth "d3+1" points?

52 minutes ago, Lautrec the Embraced said:

@Grotsmasha, I believe there is a slight discrepancy regarding Jetbikes. I thought they are in 2 pts cavalry/bike category but in my pledge they are treated as 4 pts skimmer instead:


Meanwhile, for @time_of_flight they are indeed counted as 2 pts cavalry:


Could they be actually worth "d3+1" points?


Not sure where the 12 even came from.... But you are correct they are 2pts each :thumbsup:

On 6/19/2024 at 7:54 PM, SgtSharp said:


as promised, the picture proof of my stuffs, ready for me to start painting tomorrow, all out on parade, plus the malcador on my desk, because I forgot to take it downstairs for the picture






sterling camera work on the infantry pictures as alway...., I do apologies, I'll make sure all my WIP abd the project finished pics are slightly less potato cam.

Edited by SgtSharp
self depreciation


"I, Richmarine, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint the below models for {20pts} for the Glory of Warmaster and the Heresy Strongholdon or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end."

10 Veteran marines of the sons of Horus legion

5 recon marines of the sons of Horus Legion

1 Deredeo Dreadnought of the sons of Horus Legion. 
1 lot of custom isstvan III scenery. (Aegis defence line size)



Edited by richmarine
Pic of my corpse pile.

IMG_4133.thumb.jpeg.be9b073470ebf5c87137720801d6a48f.jpegI, LameBeard, answer the Call to Arms and pledge 3 Land Raiders and 4 Rhinos for the glory of the Warmaster and the Heresy Stronghold, to be completed by 17 September or bear the badge of failure until year’s end. 

They are Epic Scale, so that’s 10 points.


Yes I know the photo shows 5 rhinos, but I’m only pledging 4 of them.

Edited by LameBeard

I, Malice Jr., heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 1 Reaver Titan, 1 Warbringer Titan, 2 Sicarans, 3 Armiger Moirax Knights, 4 Contemptor Dreadnoughts, and 18 bases of Astartes infantry for 45pts for the Glory of the Warmaster and the Heresy Stronghold on or before September 17th, or bear the badge of failure until year's end.



2 hours ago, Malice Jr. said:

I, Malice Jr., heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 1 Reaver Titan, 1 Warbringer Titan, 2 Sicarans, 3 Armiger Moirax Knights, 4 Contemptor Dreadnoughts, and 18 bases of Astartes infantry for 45pts for the Glory of the Warmaster and the Heresy Stronghold on or before September 17th, or bear the badge of failure until year's end.



There was me looking at this picture thinking “but where’s the Warbringer?”

On 6/19/2024 at 12:40 PM, Mandragola said:

I, Mandragola, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 5 Hermes Veletarii and two converted Veletarii (a command box and vexilla) for 12pts for the Glory of the Emperor and the Heresy Stronghold on or before September 17th, or bear the badge of failure until year's end.


Here they are, along with one Hermes that I’ve done already for the goonhammer review. I’m counting the Hermes as 2 point cavalry because they’re quite little and that’s their unit type. 





I actually need to get this stuff ready for the coming weekend for the goonhammer open, so hopefully I’ll manage it! And after that maybe I’ll do some other stuff. 


Vow complete, check it out!




I managed to get all these ready for the GHO last weekend. They performed pretty well, providing a Line unit that had reasonable firepower and durability for their cost. The radio guy and vexilla kind of existed too. 

My Raven Guard and Auxilia combo worked well and I won all four games. It was a really fun weekend and I got to play against a ruinstorm list and ZM for the first time too.


Not sure if I’ll do another vow. I’m about to paint a kill team or four. Might do some sort of vows around those I suppose. 

Edit: all six of the aerials broke off the damn things over the course of the weekend. I’ll have to replace them with bristles or something. They’re cast too thin and snap all the time. 

Edited by Mandragola

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