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=] The Call to Arms: Heresy Stronghold [=

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I, Lautrec the Embraced, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint:

- 10 MkVI Seekers

- 10 MkVI Terror Marines

- 3 Jetbikes

- 3 Predator Tanks, Nostramo Pattern

- 1 Champion Consul

My vow is completed!


This is a bit surprising, I'd expect the VIIIth to rather break oaths and turn coats, and not complete vows - but here we are:



Some more detailed pics - you may notice a distinct lack of actual lightning patterns on armour. Most of my newer stuff doesn't have lightnings as I am just not happy with how they turn out. Maybe I'll add them one day :/


- 10-man Hunter Claw, equipped with all manner of special boltguns, scopes, auspex etc, led by red-hooded Sergeant Orion: 



- 10-man Terror Claw, led by Executioner Sardonis:



- 3-man Sky-Slayers squadron, led by Sergeant Llywarch. How he obtained that Guardian Spear master-crafted power lance* remains unknown:



- Nostraman pattern Predator squadron, displaying a vast array of wargear:



- and finally a nameless Champion, clad in a rather peculiar armour:


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My vow is completed!

Great job, that’s a bunch of stuff. 

Vow 3 complete (but not vow 2 yet)!



I’ll run the white scars as a Sky-hunter phalanx along with four sabres from vow 2. Those are nearly done, but like a lot of my tanks they’re waiting for their exhaust stacks and transfers. 



The 10 contemptors will do whatever they like I guess. Since I’m doing termites I might do a subterranean assault formation and have them as support for it. Seems weird but that’s what the book shows. 



Vow 2 has 4 each of land raiders, Sicarans and termites to do, plus my assault squad. The vehicles all have their yellow base coats done and half the assault marines have the main black bits done. With two weeks to go I think I’m on track if I can keep the pace up. 

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Lots of awesome stuff here!


Last chance for the "for the warmaster" folks to cast their lot into the Psycheriest Psycher sub-event if they have a suitable unit.  Contact me before the close of Call to Arms next week to participate.  It would be great to get some 30K (and particularly "epic" sized) psychers in the event, if there are any. :smile:

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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I SgtSharp vow to complete the following on or before the 17th of september or bear the badge of failure for the rest of the year:


2 Solar Auxilia legate Marshals (10 pts)

1 twisted flesh militia force comander 5 pts

1 twisted flesh militia mounted force commander 5 pts

1 twisted flesh militia rogue psycher 5pts

1 dominion zephon (jump pack preator) 5 pts

1 survivors of the dark age militia force commander (the inquisitor) 5pts

1 militia force commander (ripper jackson) 65 pts

1 white scars preator 5pts

1 nightlords preator 5 pts

1 custodian shield captain 5pts

1 vindicare assassin 5pts

4 craters (12 pts 4 points each?) ((the painted crater is going to be resprayed so to get a more consistant finish)

1 large sector imperialis building 8 pts?

1 medium sector imperialis building, 4 pts?

1 imperial bunker , 6 pts?

10 white scars tactical marines 10 pts

10 white scars cataphractii terminators 10 points


for a total of 110 pts

if there is any disagreement with by guess of the valuer of the terrain then I will happily correct



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My vow is completed!


This is a bit surprising, I'd expect the VIIIth to rather break oaths and turn coats, and not complete vows - but here we are:



Some more detailed pics - you may notice a distinct lack of actual lightning patterns on armour. Most of my newer stuff doesn't have lightnings as I am just not happy with how they turn out. Maybe I'll add them one day :/


- 10-man Hunter Claw, equipped with all manner of special boltguns, scopes, auspex etc, led by red-hooded Sergeant Orion: 



- 10-man Terror Claw, led by Executioner Sardonis:



- 3-man Sky-Slayers squadron, led by Sergeant Llywarch. How he obtained that Guardian Spear master-crafted power lance* remains unknown:



- Nostraman pattern Predator squadron, displaying a vast array of wargear:



- and finally a nameless Champion, clad in a rather peculiar armour:


Great stuff.

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Ok time for another vow - my second for Heresy.


"I, Mandragola, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 10 Raven Guard assault marines for 30k and a bunch of Imperial Fist tanks for LI (7 Kratos, 6 Land Raiders, 6 assorted Sicarans (unbuilt), 8 [REDACTED] and 8 [REDACTED]) for 71 points for the Glory of The Emperor and the Heresy Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end."


I’m not able to discuss all the things I’ll be painting but they are models that I have now. I judge that the [REDACTED] things are worth 1 point each. 

Here are some pictures of grey plastic items. 

The assault marines for my RGs. 



Kratos tanks. I made on with a flag from the infantry sprue - my first (incredibly basic) LI conversion!



Land Raiders. 



These two Sicarans aren’t part of the vow as they’re too far along already. They show you the kind of thing I’m aiming for. I do intend to finish them in the time period so that I can run 8. I’ve magnetised the turrets. 


I love building these little kits. Let’s hope painting them is as much fun. 

I haven’t included any infantry by the way, as they’re already in a WIP state. I do intend to get them painted one day!

Just finished these things. 



Four more termites, to which I’ve added some markings so different detachments can be identified - if you can see them under the muck. Also my last two land raiders. 

So I can finally say, Vow 2 complete.



That was a lot of work - the profanity filter prevents me from truly expressing how much. I’m very glad I got it all done as I’ve now got enough tanks for major battles of LI. I don’t know if I was mad to paint this much stuff or if I perfectly judged how much I could get done in the time, with the threat of public shame if I failed. 

Better do a lot more infantry and dreads now I guess, especially as those are actually good in the game. 


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30 grenadiers complete, hope to have the artillery done by the weekend:


Are those old Chaos Warrior cloaks? I don't really keep up. When I say something is new, people point out it came out like two editions ago, but it is new to me. I never get around to painting all the models I buy, don't think I have any unpainted chaos warriors though, some Marauders for sure.

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Are those old Chaos Warrior cloaks? I don't really keep up. When I say something is new, people point out it came out like two editions ago, but it is new to me. I never get around to painting all the models I buy, don't think I have any unpainted chaos warriors though, some Marauders for sure.

Close, but no.

They are the bodies from the age of sigmar chaos warriors, capes included, with necromunda ash waste nomads heads and cut-down skitarii arc rifles with las muzzles.

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I, GodEmperorOfMankind, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint all of the below for 93 pts for the Glory of, umm, myself, and the Heresy Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.

X10 tactical legionnaires
X10 tactical support legionnaires 
X10 breachers
X10 siege tyrants
X10 heavy support legionnaires 
X10 iron havoc

X5 recon legionnaires 
X5 apothecaries
X2 master of signals
X1 land raider proteus
X1 land raider spartan 
X1 kharibdys assault claw
X1 iron circle automata




Obviously the kharibdys on the left, and I'll tell you know, it's gonna be a World eaters claw


OK and here is the end result! 20240916_135017.thumb.jpg.07df95d3a6b8e5687d08324ca7d2b919.jpg


Check out all the WiP in my call to arms thread if you like. I'd started with the grey bases but the more I look at it the more I'm not sure I like it, so I've left them as is till I decide what I like.


I'm so proud I've actually painted over 3k of minis for this event, so thank you everyone for all the hard work in organising this event as it actually got me to paint!

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I SgtSharp vow to complete the following on or before the 17th of september or bear the badge of failure for the rest of the year:


2 Solar Auxilia legate Marshals (10 pts)

1 twisted flesh militia force comander 5 pts

1 twisted flesh militia mounted force commander 5 pts

1 twisted flesh militia rogue psycher 5pts

1 dominion zephon (jump pack preator) 5 pts

1 survivors of the dark age militia force commander (the inquisitor) 5pts

1 militia force commander (ripper jackson) 65 pts

1 white scars preator 5pts

1 nightlords preator 5 pts

1 custodian shield captain 5pts

1 vindicare assassin 5pts

4 craters (12 pts 4 points each?) ((the painted crater is going to be resprayed so to get a more consistant finish)

1 large sector imperialis building 8 pts?

1 medium sector imperialis building, 4 pts?

1 imperial bunker , 6 pts?

10 white scars tactical marines 10 pts

10 white scars cataphractii terminators 10 points



Vow complete, for the Emperor:



I would add close ups, but i'm not sure how to put it in a spoiler.

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I, firestorm40k, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint the following for 14 points, for the Glory of Lord Dorn and The Emperor, and the Heresy Stronghold, on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.


2 x 5 Cataphractii 

Contemptor Dreadnought 

Castellan (Imperial Fists Centurion) 




(I think I've got the points right - the character doesn't have a retinue, so is only worth 1 point? :huh:


I'm taking part in a Heresy event on 15th September, so the timing of this will certainly motivate me to be ready for it :laugh:

Vow complete! :smile: (Munitorum stuff isn't part of the vow, just to make for a prettier picture :sweat:)



Thanks to @Grotsmasha for running this again! :thumbsup:

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