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=] The Call to Arms: Xenos Stronghold [=

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@drakheart - That Drone Port looked great when I first saw it in your Vow (So great in fact that I went out the other day and Bought one from My FLGS :laugh:)  I'll be adding that to my third Vow !! and thanks for getting clarification on the points total of it !


as stated by others battle damage is awesomely done :thumbsup:+:cool: 


Cheers, Mithril

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Vow Complete! With some of the batch painting done last week end but now finished in a few after work after noons. I present 20 warriors and one plasmancer and one royal warden for the last 30 points of 62 points. As I've 4 photos for this, first 2 are the last of the vow and the second 2 images are all the necrons I've painted thanks to call of arms. (Including those I painted while trying to get on the forum (delay there was my fault).
Total Vow, 20 warriors (20 points), one Plasmancer (5 points), one Royal warden (5 points), two Reanimators(10 points), 2 Doomstalkers (10 points) and 6 Scarb bases (12 points).









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On 7/5/2024 at 8:51 PM, Mandragola said:

"I, Mandragola, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint a Brood Brother Kill Team for 31 pts (I think) for the Glory of The Emperorand the Xenos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end."


I’ve assembled a Kill Team using the contents of Termination and a few guard bodies I had from ages ago, which allowed some fun kit bashes. I’m pretty happy with how they’ve come out - especially the standard and sniper, which I much prefer to the official ones. I’m planning a scheme using a lot of OSL, to try and roughly replicate the cover art of the book. 

Here’s what I’ve got. It’s 14 guardsmen, two psychic familiars (16 points), plus a Primus, Magos and Patriarch (15, which feels like a lot tbh). 





Edit: posted this in the wrong place, so moved it here. 

Vow complete!




Painting these has been a really interesting experience and I’m very happy with how they’ve come out. I think they do look quite a lot like they’re doing something in the dark, illuminated by some kind of weak (moon?) light and the glow from fires. The poses are all fun and it was satisfying to clear out a few ancient sprues from the bits box. 

I think the Patriarch looks like something from a 1980s band t-shirt, which is awesome. The banner was also good fun. 






I’m not totally happy with the Primus and Magus. They don’t quite fit with the aesthetic of the rest of the kill team and I find their poses a bit two-dimensional. I’m considering replacing them with other stuff though I’m not totally sure what that would be. I’ve actually got an unpainted plastic sanctioned psyker who could easily sub in for the Magus and maybe I could get a Commissar or Cadian officer to be the Primus. 



I'm really happy with the familiars though. Check this guy out!


There are one or two other things I might return to. I don’t know if I should add glow to the plasma gun and power sword, for example. That might mess up the look of those models though as it would add an extra light source. For now I don’t think it’s needed. This is a kill team I can play a few games with and maybe add some extra touches if I like them. 

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I, Antarius, heed the Call to Arms and vow to paint:
20 Ork Boys

22 Gretchin (not assembled yet)
2 Runtherders (not assembled yet)

2 Ork characters, the weirdboy guy and the unassembled GorkaMorka Nob-guy.
1 Battle Wagon

4 Tank traps

For at total of, I guess, 64 points (assuming that the tank traps are 1 pt. each).


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"I, Agnostic Doggo, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 20 Necron Warriors, 10 Death Marks, 1 Royal Warden, 1 Deathstalker, 1 Reanimator, 2 Spyders, 6 Scarab Swarms, Illuminator Szeras and 1 Kitbash Plasmancer General for 78pnts  (20+10+5+5+5+6+12+10+5) pts for the Glory of the Necron Tomb Worlds and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end. And completely fill out my 2k Cryptech force. Am I over reaching? Lets find out!"
Master of the Forge entry, 1 Plasmancer. He's to be my general and take the infiltration enhancement. He's made of a technomancer main body, plasmancer staff and some royal warden arm decorations. I've some plans for once he's painted but that's the start.
Sprayed base coat necrons!



Close ups of Kit bash start point



And For comparison
The base model


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So, things are moving along nicely. I finished the assembly a couple of days ago and now I've got the desert bases and the first couple of skin steps done on everyone at this point, some browns on the tank traps that will serve as a base for the rust and weathering, as well as a couple of different reds on the battle wagon (I still need to find a hatch for it though, but I can't seem to find one in any of the usual places - oh well, it'll turn up somewhere)



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I have completed my second vow





I also have some better shots in my HoH thread



And I am now ready for my final challenge:



I, sitnam, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint a Doom Scythe and 10 Necrons Warriors for 15 points and  Glory to the Necron Empire, the Nihilakh Dynasty  and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.



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Latest progress update - now up to 111pts out of 126 (added a few extra drones to the original pledge), only 15 more Kroot Carnovores to go, should easily finish with time to spare, so I've gone and ordered an additional Broadside to hopefully add as well!


These can be seen in more detail on my blog should you be so inclined. Here



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Second Vow Complete!


Enforcer Commander, 5 Strike Fire Warriors, 5 Breacher Fire Warriors, a Piranha, a Devilfish, and 9 Drones (4 of them within vehicles).




Closeups and detail shots:

Fire Warriors





Enforcer Captain




Now I just need to decide on my third vow. I have some plans... Such, such plans...


And hey, maybe this time I won't complete it immediately after Grotsmasha updates the record.

Edited by Wormwoods
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