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=] The Call to Arms: Xenos Stronghold [=

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I, bouargh, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 5 Incubis for 5 points for the Glory of any Drukhari Kabal ready to pay for their service and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end. 




It will be tricky. But I guess I can do it without jeopardizing my previous completed vows from the Imperium Stronghold, can I?

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These Incubis have been quite a easy paint job in the end. I managed to complete them in a record time, but it is also true that they are almost monochromatics, so...

I made an Incubi darkness base coat, shaded with a very diluted black (5 or 6 water to 1 black); plus a small russ grey dry brush. Everything else is detailings the blades, tabards and face plates. So a very narrow palet that favours speed paint.







So these are 5 pts (or 6pts, depending how is computed the statuary marker, @Grotsmasha?) for the Drukhari in the xeno forum. A quick qnd dirty first vow.


First vow I said? Does this implies a second one at 3 days from the closure date?


These are 3 WHOLE lazy days where I stand




Let's gambit!


I, bouargh, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint the Yncarne for 10 points for the Glory of the Reborns (Aeldarii/Ynnaris) and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.







I feel playfull.


Edited by Bouargh
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So good news, I finished just about everything last night. I will grab picts after work today. 


Bad news, I still can't find that last brain spore for the neurotyrant. If there is something I can do as a quick 24 hrs penitence I'm up for it cause I'd like to not fail the vow cause a piece went on walk about. 

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So good news, I finished just about everything last night. I will grab picts after work today. 


Bad news, I still can't find that last brain spore for the neurotyrant. If there is something I can do as a quick 24 hrs penitence I'm up for it cause I'd like to not fail the vow cause a piece went on walk about. 

I'll accept anything of comparable size, so like an ammo crate, or barrel, or alternative spore (Harpy, Biovore?)

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I, bouargh, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint the Yncarne for 10 points for the Glory of the Reborns (Aeldarii/Ynnaris) and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.







I feel playfull.



And it is DONE! One Yncarne for 10 pts and the glory of the Reborns!!!




"It has been a hell of a ride"...


I am done for 2024 (speaking of CTA).

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I’ve got everything done. But lost my Internet connection on my PC as I am trying to load images. I will keep trying but may need to attempt to do it via my phone if I can…


Excuse the bad images but done is done:




The fact that I pulled these off in around ten days just blows my mind.  This is the kind of productivity I was hoping to do from the get go. 


Now do I rest for a bit, or keep going while my productivity is high.


Also yay!  I think that means 100% complete for the Tyranids.


Edited by Brother Argent
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Congrats to all partucipants that completed their vows. And an encouragment message to the ones that have not been able to: time flies and it is most of time tricky to comply. Yet next challenge will be another opportunity!


Thanx to grotsmasha for organizing. And to other mods involved too. Now they have excel speadsheet work to do! The most exiting part of the job  surely :confused:.

Edited by Bouargh
Damned screen...
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I had a fantastic time with this, my first CtA here at the B&C. Managed to paint just shy of 1,000 points of Tau in a few months, which is a solid rate for me! 


It's been great following everyone's progress here! Looking forward to painting up more camo once I've had a break from Tau to paint Chaos ships for BFG

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