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Thanks for the reply @drakheart! I’ll have to pick one up when it’s my store’s anniversary! Such a nice sculpt.


Well this week’s update is 3 Zoanthropes!


Compared to my Kroot these were very quick to paint. I used so few paints!


Here are the pics:


53834472371_3321fbfa05_c.jpgTyranid Zoanthropes 

53834721558_2892a8cf5b_c.jpgTyranid Zoanthropes 

53834472391_1f2229f5dc_c.jpgTyranid Zoanthropes

Next up will be 3 Crisis Suits (that is unless I get bored and want to do a Krootox Rider!)

"I, Mandragola, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint a Brood Brother Kill Team for 31 pts (I think) for the Glory of The Emperorand the Xenos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end."


I’ve assembled a Kill Team using the contents of Termination and a few guard bodies I had from ages ago, which allowed some fun kit bashes. I’m pretty happy with how they’ve come out - especially the standard and sniper, which I much prefer to the official ones. I’m planning a scheme using a lot of OSL, to try and roughly replicate the cover art of the book. 

Here’s what I’ve got. It’s 14 guardsmen, two psychic familiars (16 points), plus a Primus, Magos and Patriarch (15, which feels like a lot tbh). 





Edit: posted this in the wrong place, so moved it here. 

Edited by Mandragola

I've completed my first vow!


5 Striketeam Firewarriors, 5 Breacher Firewarriors, 4 drones, a Cadre Fireblade, and a Ghostkeel! I've put some closeups on the original vow post.




Now I need to settle on what my next vow will be! Need to crunch some numbers...


@Wormwoods- A perfect start to a Saturday morning! ,you’ve got that Camo pattern nailed down I see :thumbsup:

great work here bud!, looking forwards to your next vow .


congrats on finishing your first vow also :wink:


cheers, Mithril 

Edited by MithrilForge

Yeah that camo is fantastic @Wormwoods. Definitely fits the T’au well, whereas Inthink it’d be out of place in most 40k armies.


I have slowed down a bit, but do have 1 tomb blade done



Edit: Now looking at that pic I realized I didn’t do the front “headlights” so not quite 1 finished

Edited by sitnam

I, Wormwoods, heed the Call to Arms for a second time and pledge to paint 1 Enforcer Commander, 1 Piranha, 1 Devilfish, 5 Strike Team Fire Warriors, 5 Breacher Fire Warriors, and 9 Drones for 34pts for the Glory of Ky'Vash Recon Cadre of the T'au Empire and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.




Edited by Wormwoods
Updated to include vehicle drones

Okay, so I was hoping to get confirmation on if this will count as Vow 1 on not before I posted but Possible Vow one complete, otherwise just some necrons I did before joining the forum by a few days. I need towork on my photography.
Photo One, 20 block of warriors and their leaders, one plasmacer and one Royal Warden. Image two close up of the royal warden.
The Plasmancer's blue REALLY picked up the flash here, so may do a solo shot of him at some point.



I, Agnostic Doggo, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint;
A second set of 20 Warriors, 1 Plamancer and 1 Royal Warden. (20 points +5+5 = 30)
2 Canoptek Doom Stalkers, 2 Canoptek Reanimators and 6 Canoptek scrab swarms ( 5*2+5*2+6*2 = 32)
For a total of 62 points the Necron Tombworlds 
and the Xenos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.

In what is hopefully not an overly ambitious vow.

Included is the start point image after some spray painting of base coats earlier today.

4 hours ago, Wormwoods said:

@Grotsmasha, just for clarity, do I count the 4 gun drones that are sponsors for the two vehicles on this as 4 additional drones, or do they just get counted as part of the vehicles? Little funny that a piranha, which includes 2 drones, is worth as many points as 2 drones. 

Seperately, so if the 5 vowed drones doesn't include the 4 for the vehicles, lt me know and we'll adjust :thumbsup:


3 hours ago, Agnostic Doggo said:

Okay, so I was hoping to get confirmation on if this will count as Vow 1 on not before I posted but Possible Vow one complete, otherwise just some necrons I did before joining the forum by a few days. I need towork on my photography.

I will count it as an Out of Event Completion. What this means is, the model points won't count towards the Faction and Stronghold Total, and they won't count towards the Grand Marshal Badge, BUT they will count towards your personal total when determining your Rank Badge within the Stronghold.

Some progress to report. First few models are done. 


These guys have come out reasonably well I think. The effects are maybe slightly inconsistent, for example the knife fighter isn’t as bright as the others, but it’s pretty much what I was aiming for and that’s good. 


I probably should have waited with the banner but I went for it. It’s actually quite dramatic so I’m pleased. 



Oh and also this guy. 







Now a load of grunts to go. Also I have to figure out what colour to do other glowy stuff, like plasma and the leader’s power sword. Overall I think the effect works really well on these models though and I’m interested in trying it on other stuff. I’ve got an unpainted Phobos team that might be cool. 


Progress on Vow 2! The Piranha is actually the model on which I saw the scheme that I modified for this army, so it's nice to finally paint one! 4 points down, 30 to go.



Two Canoptek Reanimators, 10 points done, 22/62 points of vow done.
May revisit with a dry brush of gunmetal on the limbs as they're a little darker but going to wait to see if that impression lasts with me. And side by side like that the mono pose of the head is bugging me so going to have to figure something for that for the third one that'll go in the army at some point.
Also I blame Wormwords for making me want to try hazard stripes of the dead kastelan on the base, although i am happy with them.

After a week of bad weather I've finally been able to do some base coating! The vow continues! We have a devilfish, drone turret, and the bits for my next 10 fire warriors (heads, shoulders, backpacks).



Edited by Wormwoods

Most of a week of after work painting a full day spend with friends painting and chatting around a table 6-7 hours allows me to post.
A pair of Canoptek Doomstalker for 10 ponts, now 32/62. Pretty happy with how well call for arms is working for motivating my painting. =)





Call to Arms Xenos Stronghold Update #1



We're one month in, and officially 1/3rd of the way through the Event, and this how the Stronghold looks;


The Tau Empire has grabed an early lead, with 4 Participants pledging 218pts, they have also had one 23pt Completion with a follow-up Vow.

Coming in second are the Necrons, with 126pts from 2 Participants, also with a 25pt Completion, with a follow-up Vow. Chomping at the heels of the Necrons, are the Tyranids, with 2 Participants vowing 123pts, although no Completions from the Tyranids yet.


The three remaining Forums have a little catching up to do if they wish to challenge the top three current leaders.

Aeldari are currently in fourth position with 58pts and 2 Participants, followed by The Genestealer Cults at 44pts from 2 Participants, with 2 subsequent follow-up Vow. Bringing up the rear we have the Orks with one Participant vowing 30pts, and a Xenos Pledge from the Other Games Forum for 5pts.


At this early stage, the points disparity is not an insurmountable amount for any one of the Forums, a few more Participants, and a few completions and

subsequent re-vows could quickly see the gap diminish.



Edited by Grotsmasha

Here's my progress for the last 2 weeks - got both of the tidewall pieces, the cadres fireblade and breacher unit as well a s a recon drone done.




@Grotsmasha Quick question: do the drones for the drone port count as part of that or are they worth points seperatly?


Now up to 58 points worth done out of 120pts and a third of the way through the time, so pretty happy overall. Pathfinders next, then on to the Kroot.



Edited by drakheart
22 minutes ago, drakheart said:

@Grotsmasha Quick question: do the drones for the drone port count as part of that or are they worth points seperatly?

The Drones count seperately, so your vow is worth 4pts more :thumbsup:

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