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=] Call to Arms: Chaos Stronghold [=

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Now for your regularly scheduled progress update 

Sorcerer is now done, thanks for y'alls advice I eventually realized I just didn't like all the robe just being one color and hit the bottom with a quick black Templar with dawnstone highlights.



Also finished the Helbrute with all weapon options. 20240810_010234.thumb.jpg.71bb5ccba9397cd14a9718ccff1b36bd.jpg


And the big boy finally assembled! Barring the blutacked plates that is :sweat:. I was originally planning to get it assembled over multiple days to not tire out my wrist with the pinning and what not but I got in the groove and I only slightly regret it.



now the last things to assemble are just the 20 havocs, and on the paint list are finishing the Lord and the two master of executions this weekend, over the next week hopefully do the chosen, than over the last month I can get the cultists, havocs, and GBS done hopefully. Lot to do still, but getting the superheavy assembled feels like a large hurdle cleared.


Edited by Cryptix
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Another week, and just over a month left - and more excellent models.


@Cryptix - Your sorcerer looks great, though personally I prefer the one-coloured robes.  I think your issue with them likely comes down to the red and top-purple being so similar tone wise, so not creating the contrast that the darker purple does.  The "helbrute" is also nice and I can't wait to see you get some paint on the big boy.


@Boc - Nice work on your sorcerer, though I agree not quite as good as some of your other stuff.  I think we all have some models like that - I think the older design of the model, with its big chunky details, just comes across as "muddier" with your paint style than do the finer detailed modern models.  That book is awesome, though.


@Tallarn Commander - Thanks for the closeup on the standard - it looks great!  Definitely worth the extra photos.


@Dr. Clock - Excellent work on the hatch options - can't wait to see the rest of the tank.  Interesting colour scheme on the crew - I take it that's your own custom warband?


@Bonehead - Your malcador is looking ace!  That red-yellow-grey pattern could have been custom designed for that model, it looks so good on it.


@Ezekyle_Abaddon - Love your master of executions, and the non-metalic metal on the axe head looks really nice.  Its a really nice kitbash too, the use of the chosen cape gives it such a wonderful sense of motion.


@Muskie - Really like your work on the Lord - your most recent picture gives a great look at the fantastic work you've done highlighting the black armour and hammer head.  Did you use florescent paint on the plasma coils?  They sure pop.



@TrawlingCleaner@Kharn13@Xin Ceithan@gaurdian31@Brother Argent@Norman Paperman@Bob Fossil@Scion @Iron Father Ferrum@Cpt.Danjou@legoman@Brother Nathan, and @Chainsword Cookie - just over a month to go, so lets see how you are all coming along with your vows.



Basically done (most) of the basic colours on all my models, with just touch ups left.  As such, I've broken them up into squad groupings so as to do the non-fatigue cloth sections in their squad colour and do the detail work in easier to work with batches of 6.  Here's the first squad that I've begun that process with:




I intend to hit the pink cloth portions with the same dark brown wash as the fatigues will be getting, so that should cut down the brightness some - I want these models to evoke some of the wild pinks and purples of my space marines but not to the same level of "pop".


In the process of working out the squads, I discovered that I'm painting 2 more models than I had vowed which are definitely not in the photo of my original vow.  Not sure where they came from.  Given that they likely had some paint on them prior, I won't be seeking to have my vow painted - instead, I guess we will all just be getting 2 "freebies".  It does further prove what has repeated been shown this Call to Arms, though - that Chaos can't count. :biggrin:


Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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This announcement is rather earlier than the similar announcement last year - rather that a week's warning, you get a month.  This is to give folks who want to participate but haven't painted a relevant model (or who wish to paint more such models) a chance/time to do so.


So what am I talking about?


From the people (you guys, and me) who brought you the officially unofficial Call to Arm 2023 Lordiest Lord sub-event, we bring you...


<drum roll>


The highly (un)anticipated sub-event to Call to Arms 2024 ...


<more drum roll>




With the assumed blessing of the powers that be (aka Grotsmasha - I didn't actually ask him this time) I'm holding an unofficial sub-competition within the Call to Arms 2024!


What is it?   The Psycheriest Psycher of Called to Arms in 2024!


No really, what is it?  I'll be holding a vote of all the chaos Psycher entries made as part of this year's Call to Arms.   May the psycheriest psycher win!


How do I enter?  You paint a psycher as part of a vow to the the Chaos Stronghold during Call to Arms 2024.  One such entry will be made per member, unless the member tells me they don't want to participate.  Where the member has painted more than one psycher, they can chose which participates or, if they don't, I will choose my favourite.  Only models vowed and completed prior to the end of Call to Arms 2024 will be considered - but can take part even if you do not complete the rest of your vow(s).


What is a chaos Psycher?  Basically any model with the CHAOS and PSYCHER keywords, from any of the Chaos codexes, indices and legends.  I will also be including models that had the PSYCHER keyword in previous editions but seem to have lost it in this one - many of the daemons characters fall into that category (though I may need your help pointing these out to me).  For squads where only one of the models is a psycher, it is that one model that is entered.  Where the whole squad are psychers, you can submit your favorite model, some of the squad, or the whole squad.


When is it being held?  Immediately after Call to Arms is over - so, I'm hoping to get the poll up before the end of September.  I set a poll up for the first time last year, and don't necessarily remember how I did it.


Where is it being held?  Given this one involves psychers from all chaos factions, putting it in the Heretic Astartes forum like last time doesn't seem to be appropriate.  Either the WIP forum or the Hall of Honour would seem to make the most sense, but would open voting up to more than just chaos players and wouldn't drive traffic to the chaos forums.  Anyway, I'll think on it and am open to your opinions and suggestions.


What can I win?  The winner earns the officially unofficial title of Psycheriest Psycher of Called to Arms in 2024 and the esteem of their peers (esteem not guaranteed).  It may (or may not) also get your Psycher leadership of his/her own warband.


Don't I get a banner at least?  Not from me, no - I have no skills in the creation of such things.  You can make your own or coerce someone in doing it for you, though.


What happens if there is a tie?  I'll be the tie breaker, but I won't vote for my own entry.


How have things changed from last year?  Psycher rather than Lord, more warning, only one entry per member, not just heretic astartes entries, and uncertain voting location.  Oh, and in breach of the tradition set last year, @Boc is permitted to participate (as he has an actually relevant entry this time). :tongue:


EDIT:  I've also invited the Chaos painters in the heresy stronghold, though will be reliant on them to identify their psychers to me, as I don't play and am not familiar with the units in those rulesets.



Here is a list of the people who have relevant entries, along with a link the photo I intend to use.  If you want a different model submitted, please let me know and provide me with a photo (either in this thread or by message).  If I don't have a photo, please provide me with one.  If you have a different photo you want used, ditto.  Or, if you don't want to participate, let me know, and I'll take you off the list.


Also note, if a member paints something I like better, I will let them know that I intend to change their entry.  Likewise, if a member paints something they like better and let me know, I will switch their entry to that.  So these aren't set in stone.


@Antarius -Herald of Tzeench on disk, thanks for the better photo.

@Bob Fossil - Herald of Nurgle

@Boc - Terminator Sorcerer

@Brother Argent - Malignant Plaguecaster

@Brother Nathan - One of your rogue psychers, need better photos

@Dr_Ruminahui - Rogue Psycher.

@Ezekyle_Abaddon - Demon prince, if not khornate.

@Norman Paperman - Exalted sorcerer on disk, thanks for the extra photos

@TrawlingCleaner - Chaos Sorcerer.

@SwordMasterJ280 - Typhus, thanks for the better photo.



Anyway, happy painting, and may your psychers be psychery!


Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
Edited for final vow completions
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Some great looking models in here, well done everyone!


About halfway through base-coating my Forgefiend I got a bit burnt out, too much blue after doing the Mutalith! That and AoS causing my hobby interest to wander a bit, I barely touched a brush for most of the last month. But I've picked it back up to paint a model or two from other said interest, so I'll be getting back to the vow soon. Sometimes a little palette cleanser is all it takes to come back strong:laugh:


Here is an utterly uninteresting picture of the state of the fiend, as he's been for a few weeks now. I won't make a real decision on the flesh colouring until I've got gold on the trim. Oi that's a lot of trim! 





Edited by Norman Paperman
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Yes, it is a flouresent orange paint I bought, from the latest vallejo range. I think it blows away all my highlights and shading. I'm thinking of throwing a wash over it, but yeah it is bright. I used fluorescent yellow ink on the hammer, I'm going to have to give that another coat, the plasma coils I put two probably thick coats on of the orange paint. I think I have a fluorescent green or two now. I've bought a lot of paint recent, all kinds of different brands. I had hoped to paint more today, but I wasn't feeling well. If there is only a month left I'm unlikely to pledge more. I am doing three models but only one counts, none is a psycher though. 


Hopefully I feel better on the weekend, that is the only time I get much painting done. 

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Everyone's Chaos is looking great. You have inspired me to make a second Call To Arms plege.


"I, Tallarn Commander, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint "Lady Esmerelda Hoth," a House Nightfall Warpsmith for 1 point for the Glory of Chaaaoooossss (CSM)!!!! and the Chaos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end."



Here are some photos...



Lady Esmerelda from the front






From the right




Seen from the rear





And seen from the left







House Nightfall, "Remember Curze!"

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Gorgeous stuff! I especially like that gold, do you have a recipe? I might need to steal it whenever I start that Emperor's children successor after my current army is "done"


Thanks! The gold is dead easy:

Retruibutor Gold Spray

Guilliman Flesh all over the gold

Drybrush all over with Canoptek Alloy



Reikland Fleshshade would also work instead of Guilliman flesh as I think they're very close colours :happy:

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What was I thinking? :drool:




I, Boc, heed the Call to Arms and make my second pledge to paint 2x Venomcrawlers (6) 1 Terminator Sorcerer (5), 2 maulerfiends (10), 1 Rhino (5), 1x Rampager (10), and 1x War Dog (4) for the Glory of the Heretic Astartes Forum and the Chaos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.


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Thanks! The gold is dead easy:

Retruibutor Gold Spray

Guilliman Flesh all over the gold

Drybrush all over with Canoptek Alloy



Reikland Fleshshade would also work instead of Guilliman flesh as I think they're very close colours :happy:

Thanks! I need to pick up some guilliman Flesh and other flesh tone contrast anyway since, as the bare heads in the post will show, my process for skin is basically mixing colors that sort of look right until I say "eh close enough" and then I'm never able to replicate it again :tongue:.


Chosen and characters got done earlier this week.




i had fun doing the lights and dials on the Servo skulls and the backs on these cogitator backpacks, nice way to get to play with more colours then usual.




Lastly, spent the rest of the week building the havocs/ legionnaire heavy weapons (nor helped by the fact that I had to go into the office and stay late 4 days this week, which is a 2 hour commute before traffic...ah the joys of game dev)


That means all the necessary models are built and it's only painting from here on! Going to give myself a break from the silver and red and start painting the cultists and the greater brass scorpion's armor plates.


Edit: Doh! Of course right as I post it I realize I forgot to do the red bolter casing on the chosen pistols :blush:

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Got some painting done! Still just base coating, but the yellow helps tie it all together. Was initially thinking I'd do gold over top, but I don't know why I'd bother when the yellow looks so good. Working up from black makes the yellow look rather faded and weathered, which I rather like on a daemonic war machine. Thinking gold for the piping and a few other accents. Pictured in the background: skulls for a skull pile on the base! 



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Well I was going to quit at dinner time, but I did the eyes and teeth as I don't think it is one of my best skin tones and faces, and I thought it might help. I think I might redo one eye. I also did the banner, I went perhaps too bright but before the last two paints or three paints the faces didn't stand out enough. I also did the bones, the purple flames which you can't see and touched up the plasma and the chaos star, basically I put another thicker coat of florescent ink into the star. It isn't my best work, but I think with another solid paint session I can finish him. I mainly have two severed heads to paint and touch ups. The other two models are also equally close to being done. But no need to push myself tonight, time for Doctor Who brews.



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Call to Arms Chaos Stronghold Update #2



Two Months down, one to go. It is time for everyone to start wrapping up their Vows, and securing your points, especially those on subsequent vows.


The Heretic Astartes maintain their lead within the Stronhold, increasing their pledged models to 456pts and a 126pts of completions. With significantly less pledged points, 185pts, the Chaos Daemons are chomping at the Astartes heels with 105pts of models completed. The Realms of Chaos have pledged 40pts, and have a 6pt completion.

This leaves Chaos Knights to round out the Stronghold with 10pts pledged, and no completions as of yet.


Although very close on Completed points, the Astartes have a much greater pool of participants to generate completions from than the Daemons Forum,

leaving a significant amount of work for Daemons if they wish to challenge the top spot.


As the Event's conclusion draws near, can Chaos button up all those completions, and once again secure the 100% Completion Award for the Stronghold?

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As Grotsmasha noted, one month left - so if you aren't working on finishing your vows, you should be!  Great to see so many posts by folks we didn't hear from last week.


@Norman Paperman - Your forgefiend is really coming along and is very colourful.  Look forward to seeing the completed model!


@gaurdian31 - Your possessed's look great!  As you've noted, only 3 guys left for your vow.


@TrawlingCleaner - Love your black legionaries - the gold and green, in particular, are very eye catching.  You really are building yourself a beautiful army.  Be sure to post (in addition to pictures of the other models) a close up of the sorcerer on his own when you are done.


@Tallarn Commander - As I've commented elsewhere, that warpsmith is bonkers!  Can't wait to see her all done.


@Boc - Keep at it!  You had an even crazier late-day vow last year (so... many... accursed... cultists), so I'm sure you can pull it off!


@Cryptix - Your chosen are looking good - hope you managed to go back at do those pistol casings you missed.  Looking forward to seeing all those heavy weapons marines completed.


@Muskie - Your lord is fantastic, particularly that banner!  You are knocking him out of the park and doing magnificent work.  Hopefully you can show off your other 2 models soon as well.


@Dr. Clock@Bonehead@Ezekyle_Abaddon@Kharn13@Xin Ceithan,  @Brother Argent,  @Bob Fossil@Scion @Iron Father Ferrum@Cpt.Danjou@legoman@Brother Nathan, and @Chainsword Cookie - we are getting close to the wire so hopefully you all are plugging away at your vows.  Come share them, and let us help encourage you over the finish line!


As for the Psycheriest Psycher I will start contacting people next week about which psycher they want to submit and for better photos, if such are needed.  If you don't want to participate, let me know and I won't bother you - or you can pre-emptively provide me that info. :smile:


Normally, I would finish my post of my own work... but I can't.  Not because I don't have any - I do, I've painted up 5 of my vowed models - by my memory card on my phone died, so I need to pick one up on the way home from work.  So hopefully such a photo (or photos) will be coming tonight

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Well I'm just buckling down and painting these at the same time... Guessing 2 weeks, or ~14 more hours to go? Been like 2 hours' work on top of primer so far.


Yes, they're getting blue and white split pattern primarily, but going to apply khornate symbols on the top hatches and generally weather them as well.






The Good Doctor.

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