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=] Call to Arms: Chaos Stronghold [=

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The other two models weren't pledged, because I started them too early. They were just on my painting desk at the time. They've been on my blog and even Instagram. I probably should have pushed on and finished them today. I want to get them done, but I won't be pledging anymore. I just have a lifetime backlog. 

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This is 100% so I don't get called out in the next update lol







I should finish up my inner circle companions (and subsequently my Imperium vow) by Thursday, then it's full stream ahead on the rest of the csm vow. I'm hoping Rhino will be done by the weekend, the two Daemon engines by the 28th or so. Still need to build the CK... yeah...

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Spent this weekend working on the brass scorpion (mainly because the rattlecan crapped out on the very last Armor plate so i couldn't prime any cultists...I swear these things have the worst timing), so far I've got base colors mostly down, with the underside being a lot of Iron warriors, leadbelcher, and storm host drybrushed over black that honestly looks pretty good so of course I forgot to grab a picture of it :tongue:.




i was considering gold trim for the black armor plates too but honestly i like the silver, just needs cleanup and a wash.

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@Tallarn Commander, its a bit difficult to comment on the robe colours now, as they are the only part of the model currently painted.  Assuming you go your usual night lords dark blue, the red would be a nice counterpoint to that, though perhaps a bit darker - maybe khorne red or with a khorne red wash to bring out the folds?

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Turns out my camera that isn't working rather than the SD card (still, I got about 15 years out of it), so that delayed my providing photos.  Having now turned to phone's camera (where the photos are oddly desaturated - it may be it doesn't like the purple background), here are my 1st 4 completed traitor guardsmen and enforcer.





For those who want to see the 2 "freebies" I am accidentally painting with my vow, and all 7 with my defiler, you can see photos here.

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I, SwordMasterJ, pledge to paint the following for the glory of Nurgle, Chaos and the Chaos stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end. This pledge is for the youngbloods category.


10 poxwalkers (10 pts)

3 plague marines (3 pts)

3 Deathshroud terminators (3 pts)

Typhus, Herald of the plague God (5 pts)IMG_20240822_213340_795.thumb.jpg.7957bcae7a5227a5d193326fc8c65c88.jpg


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Great work everyone! Lots of gorgeous and inspiring pieces!


I knew Summer would'nt be the perfect time for painting. Lots of hard working, parties, music festivals, holidays, etc. Then it was too warm, then the girls were too beautiful outside.


Anyway, I managed to lay some colors on my minis, even if I hesitate a lot. So here is what my daemons are going to look like. i'm still not very happy about the horns, and I haven't decided yet wether I make the bubons orange or i f I use the Tesseract Glow...


There is still a lot of work, but I'm pretty confident about getting these guys done in time. Maybe in a poor standard for the nurglings as I found out I really don't enjoy painting them...




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Some amazing progress here guys.  @Bob Fossil Those daemons look amazing.  The colour transistions and soft tones just scream subtle corruption.  Keep the Tesseract Green for the pustles.  Nurgle shoudl never have huge contrasts I think.  Makes them look less gritty and more cartoony.  @Dr_Ruminahui Love that rich purple mate.  Purple is not a colour you see often enough.


As for myself, progress has been a lot slower then I have hoped.  I have been dealing with a lot of things and haven't really had the motivation.  That and my Chaos Scheme, as it is rather cold and cool, seems to not excite me.  It looks good when finished but the process of doing it just drags on me.  I am hoping to get some more finished guys up soon.  I am a day or so of finishing a few of them.


Then I need to get some Xenos done.  I was hoping to get 100 points of each faction done but at this rate I will struggle to get the 30 points...

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Time for an update (so that I don’t get called out hehe). It’s going rather slow my end, what with work and looking after my mum who has just had a double knee replacement. Managed to base some 950 on all of the non-skin elements… there are more of them than I thought! Metallics, leather and bone colours next. Hopefully I’ll be able to give you a better update next week!


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Little bit of progress here, I finished up my Dark Angels vow the other night and will get cranking.


Wardog built, Rampager sections mostly built, will be building a second (non vow) wardog tomorrow then priming them all.


Rhino will probably just get decals and weathering, kind of low effort intended tbh. Not getting my brass paint in until tomorrow, so I'll need to wait on some of the iconography until then.




Plan on painting the Venomcrawler and Maulerfiend together, just about done with silver trim on the VC and should finish both silvers and golds tomorrow. Not sure at this point what color to do their flesh in, so it might just be random combos of "eh this is fine"


I think I'll finish all 3 up this week as long as nothing crazy happens IRL that'll keep me from staying up late to paint lol



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Just 3 more of these left for me, so we are coming down to the wire.  Nice to see people's progress, including those posted merely to avoid a call out. :tongue:


@Dr. Clock - just missed getting you on my last update (you posted yours while I was typing mine) but I'll get you this time.  Your Doom Weasel rhinos are looking great - I particularly like the freehand khornate symbols and hand prints.  Looking forward to you getting those last few details done. 


@Tallarn Commander - Nice to see some paint on the warpsmith, the blue cloak is looking good though may need some trim in another colour (white or red would work) to avoid the finished model being too blue.  That guy on her back pole is a big fella!


@Boc - Nice to see you get some paint on your demon engines - the dragon head really works on the maulerfiend, whose stock head is a bit... lackluster.  Can't wait to see if you do anything to differentiate this crawler from your last one.


@Cryptix - Congrats on getting your giant scorpion done!  Surprised you went with black for the central plates rather than the more traditional red, but it looks good.


@SwordMasterJ280 - A very late addition to the ring!  Welcome to you and your forces of nurgle!  I'll add your Typhus to the Psycheriest Psycher side event.


@Bob Fossil - Great to hear from you!  Your nurgle guys look great, but I'm sorry the nurglings are a trial.  As for the various boils, while I personally prefer the orange, I think the green look good as well.  One suggestion is to do half one way and half the other, and use the different colours as unit markings/squad differentiation should you field them as different squads (or expand their numbers to do so in the future - that's what I did with my own demonette squads, where it was originally one squad with pink or purple hair that was expanded into a pink squad and a purple squad).


@Brother Argent - Thanks for checking in, and sorry to hear your colour scheme isn't inspiring you to paint.  Keep at it though, as I'm sure the final product will be excellent.  Good call on doing them before your xenos stuff - otherwise we might need to send in a strike force to disuade you from any potential treachery. :tongue:  Oh, and thanks for the compliment on my purple.


@Kharn13 - Good to see your progress on your angriest boy, he's looking good (love the red you've gotten on him).  Sorry about your mom's troubles, but hopefully they don't derail you too much - maybe you could do detail work with her while she watches tv?  Anyway, I'm sure you know what works best for you and keep at it as I for one am looking forward to seeing it completed, given the scarbrand you showed us.


@Muskie - Awesome work on the lord - he's fantastic.  You've really knocked it out of the park with your new florescent paints.


@gaurdian31 - Thanks for checking in, and I'm sorry your life has been busy.  Looking forward to seeing your last 3 guys done.



@Norman Paperman@TrawlingCleaner@Bonehead@Ezekyle_Abaddon@Xin Ceithan,  @Scion @Iron Father Ferrum@Cpt.Danjou@legoman@Brother Nathan, and @Chainsword Cookie - as noted, 3 weeks left, so come let us see and complement your work!




Been fiddling with my phone camera, and have had some success combating the desaturation problem, though am still struggling with that.  Still, I completed the next 7 models of my vow and am on course to finish the last 7 over the next week or so.  Here they are:




If you want to see closer up photos, I've posted them in my renegade guard thread here.


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Just finished a 2.5 hour painting session, am finally into the really fun bits on the Forgefiend. Still adding details and have barely touched colour depth, and one of his legs is a different colour than the rest, but I'm out of the "oh goodness what have I done?" stage and am starting to like him! Oh, and I realized I completely missed his pauldrons and knee guards in the manual. They're still on the sprue :laugh:



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After a busy couple of IRL weeks, I've gotten most of the BL contingent done with the Forgefiend basically done as of yesterday (photo was taken a few days ago)

Basic Barry's Rhino:



















I just need to finish up the Fiend and then get the Defiler done! :biggrin:

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I've updated the Psycheriest Psycher side event post to include the recent entry and completion, and have begun to pester folks where required as to entries and photos thereof.  Whether or not I've contacted you, please feel free to message me about not participating or using a different photo.

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