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=] Call to Arms: Chaos Stronghold [=

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Kind of lost track in your massive vow how much you have after that, but you should be close to done - so keep at it and put it across the finish line

They were the last unit to actually paint, and over this weekend I got the initial astrogranite layers and black rims done, so the last step is just getting the snow glued in...once I actually buy more basing glue because I forgot I ran out during the last Vow, and I didn't get a chance to hit up my FLGS this weekend because of work. I almost didn't have enough abaddon black to finish base rims either!


A little tease towards the final completion...20240909_135056.thumb.jpg.def94bc5e17dee731b88ae9b56f07c43.jpg

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Hi everyone!

First of all, thanks for the advices and comments, and sorry for not being as supportive in return as I would like to.

Anyway, here are a few pictures of my progress this far.

I still have a bit of work here and there, mainly details, rust, more pustles, very few highlights where needed, and of course, basing. I wanted to try and play with some UV resin I bought a while ago, but I found out it had cured in the bottle... I'll need another plan, I won't have the time to get some more. Maybe I'll just add some mud and come back to them later with resin.

And finally, if I have time left, I'll mess them up with some effects like blood and pus, trying not to overcharge them.


Good luck to you all for the final sprint!




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Big one incoming! Figured I might as well do it now before I lose a week traveling for a family reunion. Who knows, might be able to paint some of the basic bolter guys on the road.


I, Cryptix, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 40 bolter legionnaires, 10 special weapon legionnaires, 20 havocs, 10 chosen, 40 cultists, a chaos lord, 2 masters of execution, a sorcerer, and a helbrute for 143 points for the Glory of the Heretic Astartes forum and the Chaos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.







And the jobs a big un vow

I, Cryptix, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint a greater brass scorpion of khorne for 10 points for the Glory of the Heretic Astartes forum and the Chaos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.




If you couldn't tell, not everything's assembled so I can alternate between building and painting for my sanity :blush:.



And holy cow is it a lot. I don't think I've ever completed so many models in a three months span even back with my first army of Tyranids in 5th/6th - and that consisted of two paints, black and purple :blush:. I'm only slightly disappointed i couldnt make Grand Master, some folks in the heresy subforum beat me clean, but eh you can't win them all. Best of luck to all with the rest of their vows!


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Despite some serious RL attempts to the contrary, I’m still in the game.

There is still a lot of detail work and some assembly to do … as well as a base.



BTW if any of you have suggestion on colours for basing this beast, I’d appreciate the help! 

I’m a fan of contrasting colours so a magenta would be ace!

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>>> Excerpt Inloading… Excerpt Inloading… Excerpt Inloading…

> Location: [REDACTED]

> Present: [REDACTED]


> Extract Orientation Exload


<vocal patterns elevated throughout excerpt> Abnormality detected in the [REDACTED] region. 


<<12.8 second gap in vocalisations. Vox static. Background noise illegible chanting>> 


<vocalisation volume suggests extreme agitation> Please send aid. 


<<8 second gap in vocalisations. Vox static>> 


<background vox pickup detects chanting [REDACTED] for the [REDACTED]> The skies are red … it’s - it’s - blood?!


<<8 second gap in vocalisations. Vox pickup detects extreme weather disturbances>> 


<vocalisation volume suggests apathy> He’s here, the Red Angel - he’s here. Emperor save us. 



Vow complete!! See more images below, really happy with the results. Hopefully I stand a chance for Artificer! Good luck to everyone working hard this weekend to finish their vows, I’m off to play SM2!







Edited by Kharn13
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In the way that pleases the Dark Gods, I dropped some parts during what I thought would be final assembly …. Breaking the GS insignia thingy I made over the weekend… and the armor mask apparently found a rift to the. Warp beneath the table…:wallbash:


I think I have a workaround but it’s going to be some thrilling 24 hours…:facepalm:


Nevertheless, thanks @Kharn13 - I think using  magenta on the base is going to work great :thumbsup:

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In the way that pleases the Dark Gods, I dropped some parts during what I thought would be final assembly …. Breaking the GS insignia thingy I made over the weekend… and the armor mask apparently found a rift to the. Warp beneath the table…:wallbash:


That super sucks - hope you can work things out in the limited time you have.


That said, I don't think you need a work around for the mask - the maskless head also looks great.

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