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=] Call to Arms: Chaos Stronghold [=

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Nice to see all the last day completions, I will add mine to those as well :tongue:!

I pushed myself last night and got them finished nicely on time, and got into the painting spirit again.

I Scion declare my call to arms vow complete!



And the bloodcrushers alone



Old school hounds




Let's  see some more final hour reveals :rolleyes:


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Just in time my vow is complete! The edges of the bases aren't even dry yet, but I had to go back to work.

I miscalculated the deadline in my time zone, so I had to forget about making them more disgusting with blood and vomit. I'lle get back to that later.


Congratulations to everybody, I've seen really cool things here and had a lot of fun!








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And this is my last mass review!  Congratulations on everyone who participated and particularly those you fought on through and finished there vows in these last few days!  Your effort is much appreciated!


I must say I'm really impressed by all the excellent work you guys all put out over the last 13 weeks or so.  I'm also really glad that (at least some of you) had a lot of fun doing it.


@Antarius - Thanks!  I'm glad you like my "realms of chaos" models - when it turned out I was doing my guard rather than my raptors, it just made sense to make that my "home" forum for the event.  And a great last minute finish with the goliaths - be sure to provide close ups when you've got some.


@Cryptix - Really like your contemptor and your massive vow looks fantastic all together.  I know you didn't beat out some 30K madlad for most models painted, but you remain our crazy guy - and you should be proud of the absolutely insane number of diverse models you got done over the event.


@Celtic_cauldron - That was a bunch of very quick painting, so kuddos to you in finish your very late vow.  I like your bikers and night lords - you must have a very eclectic chaos army (or collection of armies).


@SwordMasterJ280 - Thanks for the better Typhus photo, I'm already using it for Psycheriest Psycher.  I really like the smoke and lightning on his base, and the white face both makes a nice tie in to the base and contrast to the model as a whole.  You should really provide some close ups of your other models as well, as the distance pics (likely) don't do them the justice they deserve.


@Bob Fossil - Good job on finishing your excellent forces of nurgle - I really like the diversity of colours and hues on them, which really adds visual interest and stops them from being a sea of green, as is too easy to get with nurgle.  I'll enter that picture of your herald for Psycheriest Psycher, unless you want to give me a different one to use.


 @Cpt.Danjou - I really glad you managed to finish your vow, even with so much else on your mind.  I'm even gladder your daughter is doing better.  Your models are great - the skin on your bad doggies remains excellent, and I really like the contrast on the oblits between their flesh and the black and metal of the armour.


@Xin Ceithan - Way to recover from your dropping mishap - your knight came out fantastic!  Indeed, I suspect the maskless face looks even better than the mask would have - it certainly is in keeping with the "run down" look of the rest of the model that you've gotten with your great corrosion effect.  The base colour is also perfect for the model - with the grey scuffs as a great touch.


@Kharn13 - Great job on your Angron - I love your use varying levels of brightness to simulate lighting effects - well done and very eye catching.


@Norman Paperman - Congrats on finishing your vow!  You've got some very eye catching models - the warp backed guy is still my favorite, though, as the colours just work so well on it.  Thanks for the close ups on the sorceror - I've used my favourite for Psycheriest Psycher.


@TrawlingCleaner - Awesome completion on your vow - your defiler is truly ridiculous (in a good way) and all your models look great, both individually and together.


@Brother Nathan - Way to go, getting 'er done at the last moment!  I love the green on your marines - its such a nice contrast.  And yes, please take and share better close ups, particularly of your psychers.


@Scion - Also a great job on bringing it home!  Your forces of khorne look great - the use of grey on the bloodletters and the doggos is really effect and adds visual contrast and interest to the red and brass, while also tieing them to their bases.  Also like the bone and orange as a spot colours - really effective.


@Ezekyle_Abaddon - And a fourth fantastic late day completion!  Given what we've seen of your characters and walkers, I'm sure all your models are fantastic though we <nudge, nudge> need closeups to confirm.  Am I safe in assuming your demon prince is khornate?  Better post closeups of him too to make sure. :biggrin:


It looks like that means we only have 2 participants who didn't finish their vows -hopefully that doesn't kick us out of completioniest.


Once again, fantastic job eveyone, and thanks to everyone for participating!

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Behold more photos!


I'm going to put the Daemon prince and the lord in a different post but here's everything new


Chosen - I painted the two of the ends 2 weeks before the others. I paint them quite similary to my charchers and they were taking way to long, about a day 1/2  for each, so I ended up batch painting the 3 all in a all nighter on Monday night. I skipped doing the edges and final details like eyes and SPX. I wanted to do decals but I, and this the first time ever, I ran out of black legion decals.



Rest of the Legionares - All the special weapons done in troop standard minus decals



Khorne Berezkers - Painted up in hounds of abaddon scheme becasue my actually WE scheme is the white and blue which is a pain the paint



Havocs - Troop standard. Extra chainchannon is a heavybolter + assulat cannon barrel + the mini cannon from the redemptor dread


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I actually got them done WAAY before everything else, but I waited to post them because I wanted them to be last because they were my master of the forge entry. In retrospect, I should have posted them when I finished the job because I def felt a lack of motivation.


They're painted up in my WE scheme (so yes they will not qualify for @Dr_Ruminahui sorcerer event) and the lore is that he was a biker champion of khorne who wanted to go really really fast, and he had a daemon possessed bike and when Khorne grant him ascension he combined the two into one centaur daemon prince. There's a brain in the head and a brain in the rear!


Axe and face plate are from Lord of Skulls if anybody was wondering








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More photos of the lord. I magnetized the arms for gaming so he has his thunder hammer and plasma pistol loadout










I was going to make a separate post to go over my thoughts about the event, but I feel like 4 posts is a late, so I'll squeeze it in this one.


Overall, I had a super fun time painting for this event. I got way more stuff done than I thought I was going to this summer. Things I would do differently next time. I shouldn't vow to complete a really large number of models up front. I miscalculated how much time everything would take, especially since I was painting lots of things very differently from each other. Motivation really started to wain at the end because I was just so done painting so things I and really just wanted to move on. Next time I'm going to do 3 smaller vows instead of one big one, then I can switch what I want to paint instead of being stuck with models I have lost enthusiasm for. I also have to be realistic on how long some models take. I spent like 3 weeks just painting the 2 dreads, and they were a slog to get through. I feel similarly about the chosen, so next time I'm going to plan out what I what to be painted really well, and what I will paint to tabletop standard. Lastly, I should post way more progress pics. I only posted models once they were complete and I think that definitely killed my motivation and enthusiasm. So next time I'll post biweekly updates, even if that means I'm posting to say I haven't gotten anything done, because then I'm at least holding myself accountable instead of letting it slide for weeks on end then pulling an all-nighter to get stuff done in time.


Anywho, I love competing in this and I will be sure to vow next year.



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Those are fantastic, Ezekiel - particularly like your demon prince kit bash, its incredibly well done.


I guess I lied (kind of) when I said last week was my last mass review post as this probably qualifies as that.


Anyway, while we are waiting for Grotsmasha to wrap this up, I thought I would hand out some officially unofficial (un)awards to all of you to show my appreciation and call back to your excellent work.


So, the following (un)awards go to <drum roll>:


@Antarius (& Queen of the Blackened Moon):   Too many eyes are bad at math + Best painting tag team awards (see here for both).

@Bob Fossil Best pustules and intestines + Nurgliest awards (see here for both).

@Boc: Bloodiest skulls (all his bases) + Traitor 3 ways (painted units from 3 different chaos forums) awards.

@Bonehead: Best recovery + Most World War I awards.

@Brother Argent:  Most redeemed (failed chaos vow last year, made it this year) + 3 Times a traitor (completed vows in 3 strongholds) awards.

@Brother Nathan: Not Imperial fists affiliated (despite the yellow) + Needs to give me better pictures so I can give him a better award awards. :tongue:

@Celtic_cauldronBest lightning + Most ulcer inducing late vow awards.

@Cpt.Danjou:  Triumph under stress and best obliterators (here for both).

@Cryptix:  Most variety (he's got small, he's got very big, he's got GW and non-GW, etc) + Are you sure you brought enough guys? awards.

@Dr. Clock:  The other good doctor + Coolest faction name (Doom Weasels) awards.

@Dr_Ruminahui:  Cheerleadingest + Forum flipper (Heretic Astartes to Realms of Chaos) awards.

@Ezekyle_AbaddonBest NMM (non metalic metal) + Best use of a horse awards.

@gaurdian31:  Lovingest (most love reactions given by user in stronghold) + Best continuation (from 2023 vows) awards.

@Kharn13Best use of lighting + Highest ranked model (it's a primarch) awards.

@MuskieBest use of fluorescents + Most lovingly painted model (longest time from vow to completion for a single model) awards.

@Norman PapermanViolentest trim + Slowest draw (longest time [3 months] from vow to completion) awards.

@Scion:  Angriest beef + Khoniest (both here) awards.

@SwordMasterJ280:  Best stage effect (for Typhus' base)+ best terminators (both here) awards.

@Tallarn Commander: Fastest draw (shortest time [10 days] from vow to completion) + Worst ex awards

@TrawlingCleaner:  Weirdest model (his defiler)+ Most legions per vow [3] (both here) awards.

@Xin Ceithan:  Best corrosion + Most fortuitous accident [loss of face plate] (both here) awards. 


A call out to @crimsondave and @sitnam for most missed from CtA 2023 - they both went traitor (no, the other traitor) this year and competed in other forums.


A big thanks to everyone who looked at, commented on and reacted to everyone's posts - all a big help in motivating everyone to their finishes.


Thanks to those who participated but weren't able to make their vows - as we all know, sometimes life can get in the way.

Finally, a huge thank you to @Grotsmasha for his setting this up, running it and especially his fair, prompt and kind judgment calls regarding vow changes, point costs and other such procedural sundries.  For those giving me credit for the event, that's really not warranted as I have nothing to do with it other than being a self-appointed cheer leader - all the kudos in that regard deservingly belong to Grotsmasha.


Everyone, be sure to vote for your favorites once the polls go up!  I'll let you know, in the winnowing process to get it down to 3 final contestants per stronghold, Chaos is very well represented - so many excellent entries from all you guys this year.


Voting on Psycheriest psycher will proceed shortly, as soon as I can get some better pics of Brother Nathan's psychers.


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Congratulations eveeryone: there were fantastic units which make the Chaos Gods, Primarchs and Lords of the Legions proud!


Thank you Grotsmasha for organizing the event. It was tremendous, as last time and I cannot wait for next year.


A huge thank you also to the good Doctor Ruminahui: your leadership was really motivational. Sorry for arriving late to the party with my big vow but I knew I was about to enjoy some days off so it was easier to appreciate the real complexity of it. Hope your ulcer will evolve nicely... ^^


Thanks also for your award on my lightnings: definitively not my finest touch but I am glad you liked them. And, to answer your question: yes, I do have a very eclectic army with 8 CSM forces, 1 CK hunting pack and some extra chaotic projects in the making. Nothing miraculous when you've been collecting Chaos for the last thirty years and on a permanent Call-to-Arms project for the last ten years.


Finally: a huge thanks to all my Brothers in Chaos. As during the blessed times of ETLs and when some Fraters honoured me when participating to the Gilgamesh Campaign (it is still active, join the War Host!!), the Chaos Stronghold has been a true source for inspiration with all these excellent minis and the very supportive community that you all are. So, kuddos to you, my Brothers. I hope we'll fight again alongside each others next year!



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@gaurdian31:  Lovingest (most love reactions given by user in stronghold) + Best continuation (from 2023 vows) awards.



What can I say, there is some great inspiration in this thread and love to see everyone's posts!


Edit: I will try to get a picture of the whole group from last year to this year tonight. Caught Covid and it has been draining all my energy.

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